《Zach's Secret Babies》Chapter Twenty-One


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" What do we do now? " Sam asked looking around the silent lawn, it was after all 2 am. Zach and Sam had successfully escaped from the group of men who invaded the house and their problem is to escape from the area.

" I've prepared a car, just in case. " Zach suddenly looking around then pushed something on his hand and then moments later the neighbor's garage suddenly opened revealing three cars, two blacks, and one white. Zach walked to one of the black cars which Sam followed surprised, he didn't realize Zach was such a meticulous person, he always thought of things ahead of time.

" Is this your car? " Sam asked again swaying his son on his arm.

" Yeah, I rented out this place the moment Dave said he has an emergency escape route leading this way. " Zach answered and rushed to settle Allen on his bucket seat then Alex. Seeing that his sons had settled down, Sam also ride the car with Zach. They waited a few minutes after Zach finally decided to drive away.

Sam had finally started breathing relief when their car was blocked by a bunch of cars as they were just able to get out of the residence.

" Zach! what do we do now? " Sam asked in panic seeing military men surrounded their car, Zach didn't reply and just held Sam's hand. It wasn't until a familiar figure came out of a tinted car that Zach kinda felt relieved.

" Wait here. " Zach instructed, kissing Sam's forehead and later on walked out of the car. Zach faced the man in a suit with all his confidence. He knows the man he's facing would never make something that would lose him another son.

" I wanted to meet them at least. " Garry Welton said watching his son who he thought he would lose forever. He already had an eldest son forget about them on his memories, he wouldn't want his youngest doing that as well.

" That's what I suggested but you forced me to marry Sofia again. "

" I know what I did let's... let's not talk here. I'm sure your partner is terrified about this whole situation. " Garry Welton sigh then turned back to his car.

" I won't be coming with you. I won't leave my family. "

" I am your family. " Garry Welton halted, Zach just shakes his head disagreeing.


" If you were my family, you should've understood me. You should've have been happy with my decision. You should've accepted the person I want in my life, my children. " Zach said, his voice was hurt knowing that his own parents would want to try and break his newfound family apart.

" And that is why I'm here. I came to settle this problem. This should've not involved you. " Garry Welton said and Zach was surprised to hear it. He stood there unmoved and watch his father get on his car and seconds later started driving away.

Zach also walked to his car and decided to give his father a chance. " He wants to meet you. If you don't want to, I can try and lose them. " Zach suggested, although he does want to give his father a chance, he wants to know Sam's decision as well. He wants to know if Sam would be willing to meet his family.

" . . . " Sam was silent, he glances at his sleeping sons' before looking back to his lover.

" I'm scared. I don't want them to separate us... " Sam replied. Zach sighs and nodded with understanding. He was about to start the engine when Sam held his arm tightly "B-But... I want to try to give Allen and Alex a life away from this mess we are currently in right now. I-I'm scared Zach, but I'm willing to meet them, for Allen and Alex's sake. And for us. " Sam finished his words, he softly held Zach's cheeks and lean forward to give his lover his most passionate kiss. He wants to let Zach know that he will be willing to do anything for their family to work, away from the chaos that originated two generations back.

Feeling the familiar soft kiss, Zach held Sam's chin and deepened it. He wants to let him know as well that he will be beside him every step of the way. Panting, both had closed their eyes, their forehead on each other.

" I love you. I love you so much, Zach. " Sam whispered shifting his head to give his lover a final peck.

" And I to you, always. " Zach responded and claimed those lips again. It wasn't till a couple of seconds later that the Zach started following the cars who purposely stayed behind to make sure they would follow.

Holding hands with Zach, Sam peek at Allen and Alex once in a while making sure they're still sound asleep as Zach drove further to a new location, a little far distance from the city.


When they finally arrived, it was 4 am in the morning but both Sam and Zach didn't feel the exhaustion of the night they have just gone through. As they got off of the car with each of them carrying Allen and Alex, Sam toughen himself and followed Zach to the mansion.

Walking inside the building, the couple silently followed a maid who led them to where Garry Welton is.

" I thought you'd try and escape. " the man said the moment he knew Zach was in the room.

Holding Allen a little tighter, Zach watched his father as he poured himself yet another glass of wine. " Sam and I decided to give you a chance, would you rather want me to escape? " Zach taunted, his eyebrow tilting up.

" Hmmn, you know I don't like playing cat and mouse. Is this your new-found family? " Garry Welton mentioned when his eyes landed on Sam and the kids. He walked a little closer to see a clearer view which made Sam a little alarm and hid behind Zach. When he was a teenager, he had seen the man multiple times from far away. The man always had a mysterious presence around him and Sam was always curious about it. His father had constantly reminded him that the man was his enemy and never get near him or anyone that was associated with him.

" Don't be afraid kid, I'm not going to harm you. " Garry cooed, " So you're Greg's son, " he added which Sam replied with a little nod.

" Kid, I must say I'm a little happy that you're causing stress to your father right now. I've always wanted to break that iron face of his, I mean not literally but you know ju---"

" Dad please, stop that and just tell us what you want. "

" hmmn, before that, it's late---" Shifting back his attention to his son, Garry then attempted to suggest the couple to rest since it's late. They will just talk about all the serious matters after they all have rest.

" No, We won't be leaving here unless you tell us what you want. " Zach said intently as he noticed his father was delaying things.

" *sighs* Why do you have to be in a hurry all the time? Loosen up Zach, as I've told earlier. I came to reconcile. You shouldn't have been involved, you and Samuel. " Garry mentioned walking to his table taking his glass of wine and sip from it.

" Yeah, but now we're here. " Zach replied upset. They were the only one with grudges, why do they have to be involved in it?

" And that's why you need to rest. Take your partner and kids and let them rest. Tomorrow we'll talk about everything. " Garry Welton suggested, he looked at the kids sleeping on their parent's arms and he just couldn't help but feel sorry for them. They after all his grandsons.

Zach watched his father in an attempt to read him but the man was inscrutable, it's always difficult to guess what he was thinking. Last week, Zach was so sure the man was determined to marry him off to someone without consent and now it seems he was actually trying to make things work.

Giving up, Zach moved to look at Sam who indeed looked exhausted. Sam had just recovered from his condition and Zach doesn't want to stress his lover. After considering things, Zach finally took the invitation and urge Sam to follow him. Since he had already been to the mansion before he already knew where his room was.

Acknowledging also what Zach's father had spoken, Sam looked at Allen and Alex and decided to finally let them rest properly. He was already noticing the kids' discomfort as they kept on moving on their sleep.

" Oh, and when you wake up, your mother and brother will be here. " Garry further said when Sam and Zach climbing the stairs to the rooms which Zach just ignored.

" Don't worry, Dad may seem like that but once he said something then he would not back out from his words unless it was necessary. I think, for now, he won't be a problem for us. Tomorrow let's try and talk to him again. " Zach gently assured holding Sam's hand after they laid Allen and Alex to their room.

" Hmmn, I understand. " Sam replied nodding, he glances at the twins one more time before they also walked to their own room which was just the next door.

After having a quick shower together, the couple also headed to their own slumber. They wished that when they wake up, all was okay and they'll finally get that peaceful life they wanted and dreamed about.

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