《Zach's Secret Babies》Chapter Eight
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I woke up in the middle of the night with my phone ringing. When I saw who was calling I immediately jump off the bed so I won't disturb the twins while sleeping.
" Hello? " I answered as I went to the balcony crossing my other feeling the cold night breeze against my skin.
" How was the celebration? " Zach asked after I picked up and said hello.
" hmm it was okay I guess. The twins isn't used to gatherings so Alex cried a lot when mom took him. We ended up turning in early, and also the kids sleeping time is 8pm. Oh and they were so happy seeing their baby cousin, well technically their Aunt and my baby cousin. " I reported. Zach chuckled hearing my enthusiastic reply to him about the twins. I bit my lower lip and calm down, I got so excited when Zach called. I didn't expected him to actually call me.
" hmmn H-How was your trip? It's very late you should sleep. You don't have to call me actually. " I said with a low voice. I had to calm myself down.
" It's okay. I'm calling because you might forget about me. " he said with a teasing voice.
" As if I'd really be able to forget you. I tried but it didn't work. " I said
" hey don't even try forgetting me. "
" I won't. I can't. " I said with a helpless voice.
" hmmn good cause if you did. I'll do everything to make you remember me. "
" Hahaha really I won't. Have you arrived at your hotel yet? "
" yeah, I just arrived and I want you to know and that I miss you already. " Zach said sweetly causing me to blush.
" we were together 6 hours ago. "
" hmm but I wanted to stay longer with you and the twins. If this trip could be delayed I would have cancelled it for you. "
" Oh no Zach. I wouldn't want that. I know your busy and I understand. You don't have to do so much for us. It's enough that we can get to see you. " I told him so he wouldn't feel bad. I wasn't really expecting a full attention from Zach and I'll also try to make Allen and Alex understand. I'm already happy we can see him and that he accepted us.
" It's not okay Sam. I am busy but I don't want you to feel that I'm not giving you and the kids attention. I told you I'll make it up for all those years. "
" Hmmm okay. Thank you Zach. I'm really happy that you're saying that. " I said smiling. True or not, this really made me happy.
" You really should learn how to be selfish sometimes. " he sigh. I bit my lips, I am already very selfish.
" . . . Y-you should get some rest now. You have full day tomorrow. We have 3 hours time difference right? What time is in there? "
" You don't have to worry Sam I don't have to work in the morning and I want to talk to you. " Zach said with tenderness and affection on his voice. I blushed even redder hearing that he wanted to talk to me. Honestly up until now I still can't believe I'm finally in a relationship with Zach. Although we already had Allen and Alex, I still feel like we were back from the time when we were college. Me still being so shy and insecure and always afraid that I'm not good enough for Zach.
" Sam? " Zach suddenly called causing me to almost immediately replied I didn't know I was already spacing out and he was calling my name.
" Y-yes sorry. I'm still here. " I said clearing my voice.
" Where was your mind drifted off again? " Zach chuckled as he asked.
" Uhmmm. Nothing. "
" Really? You can tell me. We never did this before so I want to do this and make you feel how normal relationship can be. "
" Do you even know how to be normal?? Just learning your identity is already abnormal. " I said pouting. I bet Zach never got to experience how to have a normal relationship with someone before.
" Heyy, look who's talking you're abnormal as I am. You are Samuel Abiñon the only soul heir of the Abiñon Corporation. Does that even sound normal to you?? " I rolled my eyes again. This really feels like we were back to being teenagers. Arguing with stuffs that doesn't matter.
" But not as abnormal as you are. *giggles* I bet you don't even know how to be normal. " I said laughing.
" Well, when I'm with you I feel like I'm normal. Not worrying about anything. Just a normal man with the person he loves. " Zach replied sweetly causing me to not utter a single word. I chewed on my lips preventing myself from smiling.
" Are you blushing right now? " Zach asked when I didn't answered.
" No! " I lied hiding my face with my palm as if he could see me from the other line.
" Yes you are. I know you. I always loved your blushing face. I love all your expressions. "
" Okay Stop it. If you don't want me to hang up stop making me blush. " I warned still hiding my face.
" Okay I won't so tell me what were you thinking. " zach asked again.
" I-it's about Allen and Alex. " I said grabbing the opportunity to ask Zach About the twins request.
" Why? What about them? Did something happened? " Zach asked worried.
" No No, they're fine. They just asked me if they could go to the zoo with you but of course I said that you're busy and not to expect about it so if you're really busy you do__ "
" Sam I will go. "
" W-what? B-but you're busy Zach. You don't have to do so much for us. "
" Sam, didn't I told you that I will make it up to you?? You didn't believed me? "
" I believed you but also I know that you're busy. "
" When it comes to family I'm not busy. Besides for what purpose do I have employees? " Zach assured making me so happy.
" Really? Allen and Alex will be so happy about this for sure. " I said excitedly.
" hmm don't tell them yet. I want to surprise them. I'll arrange all the necessary arrangements for this family date day. I'll contact you as soon as I get back. " Zach said.
" Okay okay, thank you Zach. "
" This is what I owe you and the kids Sam. But I don't mind you saying thank you while you're beneath me. "
" Honestly since back then all you think about is sex. "
" I didn't say anything about sex though. " Zach teased.
" Liar. You clearly meant sex. "
" I meant when I hug you. "
" how can I be underneath you if it's only a hug? "
" Can't I hug you while you're underneath me!? "
" argg. Whatever. "
" are you angry? "
" No, anyway I need to go Alex is having bad dreams. " I look at Alex who's mumbling on his sleep like he had someone he's arguing with, he's always like that when he previously cried a lot before sleeping. I know later on he will be looking for me so I excused myself from Zach.
" Hmmm okay, take care of the children. I love you. " Zach said sweetly. It took me a couple of seconds before mumbling my reply and hung up blushing.
* * *
In the morning.
I carried Allen in my arms as the I walk down the stairs to eat breakfast with Alex. Uncle Mike and Geremy was already there waiting for us along with mom and dad and Nicole.
" You're spoiling these two too much. Look what had happened last night. " mom greeted me with her displeasure from last night.
" Mom it's too early in the morning. Can we stop talking about this here? " I said hinting that this isn't her house. This is uncle Geremy and Mike's house.
" Sis I think Sam is right. It's too early for this and look at Allen and Alex, they'll still babies so whatever happened last night is forgivable. " Uncle Mike said urging me to sit after talking to mom. I helped Alex sit on his chair while Allen sat on my lap still sleeping in my arms. I gently stroke his hair after placing food on Alex plate and mine.
" Baby wake up. It's breakfast time. " I rubbed his chubby cheeks to wake him up. Allen is really bad in the morning and it's really difficult to wake him up.
Slowly his long curly lashes lifted up and his icy grey eyes stared at me. I smiled at him before kissing his cheeks.
" Here drink your milk to wake you up. In a few days your going to start going to school. You have to practice waking up early like Alex. " I said giving him his milk. He rubbed his eyes before accepting the mug and not saying anything.
" Is he always like that in the morning? " uncle Mike ask amazed.
" Yeah he won't be back to his normal self until his morning bath. " I said stroking Allen's hair.
" It always amazed me how you took care of these two alone without someone helping you and still had managed to bring back a company from a slump. "
" It wasn't easy but I didn't have to go to the company myself. I can do my work at home and just have my secretary send documents via fax machine or have him come at the house. " I said joining them in eating. Since I came back only Jenny and Uncle Mike had asked me how I managed to do it all alone. I side glanced at mom and dad who kept silent and focus on their plate.
I know both were still mad and dissapointed with me for the past 5 years but honestly I never felt them becoming a parent to me. Dad is always busy at work and mom, I just don't understand if she really wanted me or not.
I don't have a loving family at all so I want to give Allen and Alex all my love so they wouldn't experience what I had experienced with my own parent.
" So now that you're here what are you going to do? Are you going back to college? "
" Dad had opened a position for me at the company but I'll have study business first before I could start. "
" Hmmn true even though you already have experience it's always good to have educational background to show. Some clients are just too specific and always looked for qualifications. It's also a way for them to feel secured. "
" Yeah that's what dad had said. "
" Oh Geremy is friends with the owner of A University. We can ask him to enroll you right away. "
" Okay, sorry for the trouble Uncle Geremy. " I said uncle Geremy simply replied no problem smiling at me. I don't really know how uncle Mike and Geremy lasted this long when both are very opposite to each other. Uncle Mike is very talkative and uncle Geremy rarely speaks. Uncle Mike had told me how they've meet and it was a really cliche story but its really cute. I guess the saying opposite attracts really is true.
Being gay before wasn't accepted so uncle Mike was quite a rebel and then he suddenly met mister nice guy uncle Geremy who always follow by the rules and obeyed his parents all the time until he met uncle Mike. Uncle Mike was a really bad influence and Uncle Geremy's parents are against their relationship and even forced Uncle Geremy to marry someone else but for the first time he disobeyed and run away. He was willing to give up all his inheritance but because he was the only capable among the three siblings he still inherited the main company.
* * *
Breakfast had ended and Mom and Dad had left because Dad still had work to do and mom is busy socializing with her friends. I was left behind with Allen and Alex. Uncle Mike insisted that I should stay so after bathing Allen and Alex and Uncle Mike bathing, feeding and letting Samantha sleep again he had called me to have a few chats with him while I left the twins with Nicole.
" Don't even think you can escape from me after Alex revealed you had met with their father. " He said after I gave him a questioning look after calling me to see him.
" Uncle Mike, Alex is just confused we didn't met with him. "
" Don't try to lie with me Samuel. I was basically the one who raised you and I know when you're lying or not. " Uncle Mike warned. I chewed on my lips. I heaved an heavy sigh and sat across him.
" All right okay but it's all just a coincidence. I met him the day before yesterday when I was shopping with the kids. We had a very huge misunderstanding about all that happened and we settled all of it. " I said in defeat.
" Did you get back with him? " He asked raising his brows.
" No. " I lied again but Unlce Mike glared at me so I slowly nodded yes.
" That man left you alone to raise Allen and Alex and now he just suddenly appeared and you immediately went back together with him? Are you stupid? " Uncle Mike slightly shouted at me causing me to lower down my head.
" N-No uncle. It's actually all my fault. . . " I immediately explained to uncle everything that happened but I didn't revealed Zach's Identity so when I finished talking Uncle Mike leaned into his chair while massaging his temples.
" If sister knew this she would drag that man into prison. How can he secretly give you that drug without you knowing? "
" I love him uncle and he said he love me too. " I said almost a whisper.
" I want to meet this man. " Uncle Mike said in final leaving no space with argument.
" I-I think it's not a good idea to reveal his identy. " I said awkwardly.
" And why is that?? Who's this man actually? "
" We might have to go out of this room if don't want to wake Samantha up if you hear his name. " I said.
" Nonsense. Tell me now. "
I stared at Uncle a couple of seconds before mumbling Zach's name.
" What? I didn't hear you. "
" It's Zacheus Welton, Please don't shout. " I said and immediately covered uncle's mouth when he was about to shout. I smile awkwardly at him with his eyes glaring.
" You brat. You know both your family is not in really good terms and you actually made a child with the man. That's a really messy situation you've got yourself into Sam. " Uncle Mike said after I let go of his mouth.
" I know but what can I do? I love him and Allen and Alex is already here. And besides what's in it to us? It's only dad and mom that hates the Welton's. And I don't think the Welton's despise us as much as dad and mom. "
" Well because you don't know the story. Garry Welton is the adoptive son of the Abiñon. Your grandfather, he married Garry Weston's mother after the death of your Dad's mother and took in Garry. Your grandfather hated Garry's father but he treated him like his own son that's why your father absolutely despise him and even more when your grandfather ended up leaving half half of his assets. Garry wasn't an Abiñon and even his surname wasn't changed but even so he ended up inheriting half of the Abiñon's assets. The reason your dad hates him is because all the things that's supposed to be his went to Garry and even now he had to compete all the time for the number one title. " I was shocked when I heard the story. Of course it's all about money for Dad and Mom. Clearly grandfather loved both of them but Dad wasn't satisfied with it and doesn't like to share.
" As I've said, it's only them who had grudge with each other and not Zach and I. " I said stubbornly. I don't need that a lot of money in my life. It's enough that I could live comfortably, pay my bills and eat three times a day.
" *sigh* suit yourself. But I suggest you not to ever even think of telling this to your parents if you don't want world war 3 to happen. "
" hmmm I'm don't even plan of telling them. "
" If Zacheus Welton truely loves you he wouldn't let you stay hiding in the dark so you better prepare yourself for the worst. In the future if you need help you can always count on me, I won't tell a soul to sister. " Uncle Mike swore making me smile and hugged him. When I was a baby uncle Mike was the one who mostly took care of me until I was high school. When he got married to uncle Geremy he moved out of the house so I couldn't see him as often as before. We are very close, even closer than I with mom and dad. Maybe this is also the reason why I turned out gay?
" Thank you uncle. "
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[A/N Note:]
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