《Zach's Secret Babies》Chapter Four


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After Allen run off into the pool area, Jean followed him leaving me and Alex in the living room. The place looks so much better in person than in pictures. If I were to pay Jean for the design, the fee would reach hundreds and thousands dollar just for talent fee and her brand. It's not that I can't pay but it's a huge cost. I'm not that rich like my parents. I only get enough salary to live a good life with the kids. Other than that I also sell my artworks and glad that I am slowly making my name in the art industry. Even though I'm not that famous and don't make a lot, the money I get from painting really helps since I'm only doing art in my free time which I'm currently lack right at the moment.

I look around again and couldn't believe my eyes. I fell inlove with the pictures Jean sent me and I'm falling inlove again with the place now that I'm seeing it in person. She got everything I wanted in the right places. We only talked and discussed the details in the phone so I didn't expected she would be able to design the exact things I want. The color, the texture, lightings, the ambiance, everything. She is also really good in choosing the right furnitures. I specially love the couch and the dining table. I love that I could see the whole area wherever I am on the first floor because I want to know what the kids are doing whenever I'm cooking or doing laundry.

" Jean, Oh My God! This place is amazing. Thank you so much. " I gushed with teary eyes. Both Jean and Allen went inside discussing about the game and theater room in the second floor. She glance at me with a wide smile.

" This is my thanks Samuel. You've always helped me in college and you were my only friend and even when you left, you still supported me. It's the least I could do and besides I could finally see the twins. " she laughed walking towards me and gave me another hug. Aside from my mom and dad, and my doctor. Jean also knew I was pregnant with the twins. I never told her who's the father but I think she had someone on her mind. Back in college I only have one guy I happen to talk that day, Jean saw me in an awkward position with that guy and besides if you really look and observe the twins, you'll definitely see the resemblance. After all 80% of the twins appearance lies solely to that guy.

" Still thank you very much for this. Its lovely. You're very talented. "

" hahaha of course I am. " she heartily laugh causing Alex to wake up sitting up from laying on the sofa. He was really tired from walking at the mall and trying everything I see.

" Awhhh. The other one woke up. I'm sorry baby. " Jean rush to Alex who's rubbing his eyes before calling me mama. He was slightly surprised by Jean and got scared.

" I'm sorry. As I told you, he's more like me. This one is easily scared. " I apologize. I carried Alex again in my arms who's now hiding his face against my neck.

" Alex, Alex, Auntie Jean is nice. She made us a swimming pool and a Game room and Theater room. Let's go check it out. " Allen excitedly called his twin which immediately twitch at the good news. He peek at his smiling brother before finally deciding to get down and follow Allen.


" Its okay Sam. They look the same but actually very different. They're really smart, I don't see a lot of Four years old speaking properly like Allen. Good genes, both of you. " Jean said winking at me. I just blushed not responding. I already had a feeling that she knew the father of these kids but now it's confirmed. Maybe later I have to clarify it if what she is thinking is really that guy.

" Come on. Let's go check the rooms. I bet you'll love it specially the walk in closet. I had my team make it a little bigger enough for the three of you. Oh and the bed I'm sure the kids will love it. " She said excitedly. The kids were already climbing the stairs so we followed the two excited figures.

When we're finally at the room. The twins eyes twinkled like a star.

" Some of these are my gift to the twins. " Jean said as we walked deeper inside. We are like in a game station. Everything is made smaller than normal. Allen and Alex immediately run towards the air hockey table and started playing.

" Jean this is too much. And besides I don't want them to get addicted to these kind of things. " I said in disbelief. The whole room is painted black mimicking the galaxy which glows in the dark. Jean took a remote control and press a key, seconds later a 32 inches curve flat screen TV popped out from the wall above the fire place, Game consoles, DVD player and Speaker came out along with the TV. There was a huge maroon colored couch in front of where it popped out enough for a family of 4 to occupy.

" If you want to watch a movie in a bigger screen just put this back and press this, this is automatic so you don't have to set the projector. You only have to connect your laptop here. If you need any help just call me. " Jean explain. I nodded even though I didn't quite understand some of it. As a kid, I don't play this kind of things. All I do is crossword, puzzles, watch cartoons or just read books. My teenage self is not that great either, I was a hopeless romantic reading pocket books and dream about the perfect guy. Slowly this made me more reserve and I became introverted. Even when I go to parties with my parents, I only stand at the side eating or drinking juice.

" Okay I understand. " I chewed on my lips nodding at Jean.

" Let's leave the kids here to play. I want to chat with you after I show you all the rooms and the library. "

" Okay. "

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" So? How are you going to hide it? " Jean ask throwing a couple of berries into her mouth. We finished touring the house and I love everything she showed me. This house is perfect for the three of us. I watched Allen and Alex enjoying the pool through the glass wall separating this side of the first floor to the pool area before turning to her and answered with a question.

" What do you mean? " I asked pretending not to know what she meant.

" Oh please Sam. I know Zacheus is the father of your twins. I saw you two making out a couple of times at school. " Jean rolled her eyes. I looked at her surprise at her revelation. I didn't know she saw us many times, just how much is this many times she's talking about? I blushed deep red struggling to find the right words to answer.


" Did he reject you so you left? " she asked again. I shake my head.

" No. Zach doesn't know. I left on my own. He wouldn't want me and our children anyway. W-we're not even in a relationship and everyone knows he has a fiance. " I said resuming to my cooking.

" What?? He doesn't know? How are you going to hide this from a powerful man?? Sam, he already broke off his engagement with his fiance a year after you left. He went to see me looking for you a lot of times. If I knew where you were I would have told him. " Jean said slightly hysteric. I was yet again shocked by the information but it was already in the past we're okay now.

" Whatever happened in the past. We don't have anything to with each other now. We agreed to have no strings attached. The twins are my responsibility and has nothing to do with Zacheus. Plus I know he wouldn't like it anyway. I'm also not planning to hide it from him anymore, when the right time comes I'll be the one to tell him. " I said calmly. Zacheus have his own life and I have mine. Even though it's a mistake, Allen and Alex are the most wonderful thing that have ever happened in my entire life. As for my feelings for the man is not important. I may or may not love him anymore but it's has no importance now. Five years have already passed and both of us are okay. No need to make things complicated again.

" *sigh* Nerds are supposed to be smart but you are far from that at the moment. "

" I really don't want to make things complicated again. Everything is okay now. If he goes into the picture everything I've work hard for will crumble. The man himself is the problem. " I reasoned. If he wasn't from the Welton's maybe it would make things a little bit less complicated but cupid just hated me and made me fall inlove with the wrong person.

" Okay okay. As long as you are happy. " Jean said giving up. She sat on the high chair on the islands facing me while I cook our dinner.

" How about you? When are you going to have a family? " I ask changing the topic. She just shake her head and pouted.

" I would love to have one if guys weren't too scared to approach me. " She rolled her eyes turning away from me. I giggled turning the electric stove off and set our dinner at the side.

" Will you please help me set the table? I'll just get the twins ready for dinner. " After Jean nodded I went to the pool area and called the twins who's enjoying the pool very much. They were both wearing a cute swimming trunks, light blue for Allen and dark blue for Alex. Both faces went bright after seeing me went out of the glass door and walked towards the kids pool area. Alex immediately run off to me soaking my shirt wet when I catch him and lifted him up in my arms.

" Mama let's swim. " Alex invited.

" Sorry baby, Mama doesn't know how to swim. " I pouted and sadly declined. I never had the chance to learn swimming. In highschool at PE class, I drowned once, after that I aways avoided swimming class. In college I simply avoided swimming class because Zach had the habit of biting me at weird places when we do it thus enables me to expose my body.

" Alex and Allen are going to teach mama then. " Alex said enthusiastically. Allen got off of the pool and also run towards me and agreed with Alex. I giggled at the two because they have just turned 4 and wanted to teach me, an adult, how to swim?

" Okay but not tonight. It's getting late so you two will have to teach me some other time okay? " I put Allen down and both nodded. I took the towel and slightly dry their body before we get inside the house and into our room. I washed both their bodies and apply their baby night rituals before making them wear pajamas. I also had to join them in the shower and wore a comfortable house attire.

" Hey cuties! Dinner is ready. " Jean called the moment she saw us climbing down the stairs. The twins runned smiling towards her saying thank you not just for the dinner, but also for the wonderful house. Allen and Alex are now warming up to her and likes her very much. Both hugged Jean making her teary eyed hugging the little ones back.

" ahww both of you are so cute and fluffy. I want to gobble you two up. " the twins giggle at Jean and I also laugh. I knew exactly what she feels. Whenever I see these two I just want to reach the stars for them. I just don't have the immunity against their adorableness, cuteness and fluffiness.

We ate our dinner with lot of laughs. When we were finished I let the two kids watched TV while Jean and I wash the dishes.

" Why don't you stay for tonight? " I suggested to Jean when we were about to finish cleaning up.

" Oh I'd love to Sam but I have to travel first thing in the morning for my new project and I still have to get ready. " she sadly declined.

" Oh okay, maybe next time then. I won't take a no for answer. " I grumbled pouting and she just laughs.

" Okay! Okay! I'll just inform you when I'm finally available. I'm quite a busy woman now. " She said acting arrogant. I just rolled my eyes at her.

" Whatever Jean. Go get yourself a boyfriend then let's talk about how busy you are. "

" tsk. I'll definitely make you jealous when I get one. "

" I have my twins. I don't need a boyfriend. " I chuckled at her. She is now pouting.

" Tsk. Whatever. " She walked away and went to the twins still pouting her lips.

I walked towards them. We had a few chats until the kids were finally sleepy so I ask them to climb up and get some sleep while I sent Jean out.

" Bye and have a safe trip. I'll send you the invitation card for the homecoming party soon. " Jean nodded and left driving her car. I went back inside the house. The twins are already sleeping in the room. Soon after I climbed up and also get my sleep.

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