《Because Of You》Chapter 4


Grace POV:

Trees blurred past me as I tried to dodge anything that came in my path. The wind pushed against my face as my hair flew in every direction. My feet began to ache due to how fast I was running, but I didn't care. I would do anything to get back on the path I was on before.

I would do anything to get away from him. Mate or not, he was a killer and I despised him.

I could hear his loud footsteps getting closer to me. Although I had Alpha blood, he was more than likely trained unlike me.

My wolf has been whining ever since I ran from him, she just doesn't realize what he's done. All that matters to her is that she's found her mate. Too bad that's not what matters to me.

"Stop running" his loud voice boomed. His voice was so deep and commanding that it caused shivers to run down my spine.

He was getting closer and soon he would catch me.

Instead of picking up speed I shifted into my light grey wolf, my clothes ripping while in air.

I landed on my feet and began running, faster this time since I was in wolf form and had more strength.

Behind me, I heard a crack of bones.


He too had shifted. Why couldn't he just leave me alone? Can't he take the hint? It's pretty clear to me that I don't want him.

I will never want him.

Why does the moon goddess hate me? He can't be my mate. He's the killer of my family. The killer of my pack. I hate him, despise his very existence.

We would never lead normal lives of mates.

There's just too much baggage.

Lost in my own thoughts I hadn't realized I was slowing down. This gave my lovely mate the opportunity to tackle me to the floor.


His wolf laid on top of mine as I kept resisting from under. I quickly bit his leg hard which caused him to let out a growl and whimper.

Taking his distraction as my chance to escape, I began running again. It was not long before I was tackled again. Except this time he bit my leg hard to disable me from running.

I let out a loud whimper as blood started flowing out.

I was left there on the floor in wolf form as he went behind the tree.

I heard his bones crack and him shuffle around before he came out with only shorts on, a shirt in his hand.

I took this moment to admire his great chest. He had an eight pack and a well defined chest. You could clearly see he trained a lot and spent plenty of hours at the gym.

As I heard his throat clearing, I looked away.

"Shift and put this shirt on" he said as he tossed the shirt my way.

Limping, I went towards the same tree he came out from and shifted.

In human form, I could see the wound better and feel the pain more. Blood was flowing down my leg to my foot. The sight of blood made me sick so I quickly put the shirt on and went back out.

The shirt ended mid thigh and his scent engulfed me.

He smelled so good.

Snap out of it Grace! You hate him.

Shut up Catalina.

Snapping out of it I looked up.

When I say looked up I mean looked up.

There he stood, my mate. He was at least 6'4 and looked like a Greek god. He had the perfect face. He was every girls dream guy.

He was tan with defined cheek bones. His green eyes complimented his face even better. His nose looked like it had been broken a few times but it still looked good. He was tall, lean, with great muscles and abs. His brown hair was fluffed on his head in the messy but styled way.


I looked towards him and caught him checking me out as well.

I turned red.

I was barely clothed and so was he. Yet here we both were, checking each other out in the middle of the woods.

Suddenly a throat cleared behind us. It snapped both of us out of the trance we were in.

I turned to where the sound came from and found the same betas that brought me into this problem.

He cleared his throat and began talking. "Arsen, what do you want to do with her?"


The name always brought shivers down my back but today, it brought shivers down my back in a good way.

What was happening to me?

"She's coming back with us, she is my mate." He replied in a gruff voice as he glanced towards me.

Upon hearing these words I turned to him so fast.

I will not go anywhere with him.

Turning to him, I told him. No sugar coat.

"I don't know who you think you are but I will not go anywhere with you." I said obnoxiously.

Amusement filled his eyes. "That's where you're wrong sweetheart. You're my mate and you will come with me." He said as if daring me to defy him again.

I scoffed. "You can't tell me what to do"

"Oh, but I can" was the last thing he said before my world became upside down.


Arsen had picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Matthew, bring her stuff, but before that I want you to wrap a cloth around her leg." He ordered the other beta.

Aw how sweet.

God what I am I doing? I can't warm up to him. Because if I warm up to him that means I will fall for him. And I will never fall for him.

Looking up now, I realized that we had begun walking and that there was a white cloth around my leg that went down to my ankle.

Crap. He was taking me. I started pounding on his back yelling like a mad women to put me down.

His arm only tightened around me as he chuckled.

Only one thought marred my mind.

My life officially sucks.


Hey guys! A new update for you all!

Hope you guys enjoy this update.

They've finally met yay!

Anyways, enjoy this update and keep and eye out for the next one!

Till next time!

P.s I suck at describing people's looks so bear with me.

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