《》Chapter 17: Gone


Genesis sat beside Bella with Jessica and the rest of her 'friends'. The Cullen's didn't show up today, they haven't been showing up for a few days now. Carlisle hasn't contacted Genesis and Edward hasn't contacted Bella. Genesis tried Rose and Alice, but no response.

Where had they gone? It wasn't sunny outside. Genesis started to think. They must be scared after what happened at the party. Genesis was scared, terrified even. She didn't want to lose Carlisle or the Cullen's. She could bring herself to live without him, sure. It would hurt her relentlessly, but she'd live on. She's an independent woman. She doesn't need a man to make her feel important.

A tear slipped down Genesis's face. Who was she kidding? Carlisle was the first man to ever show her so much kindness and treat her differently. He showed her compassion. He showed her that there was more than just one meaning to love. Genesis paused. She figured it out. He showed her. A wide smile came to her face. Years ago, she would have never believed it.

Genesis Swan has found love.

Genesis was sitting in her room finishing up some homework when Charlie burst through her door. "Where's Bella?" He asked. Genesis's pencil snapped as she ran out of the house behind Charlie. Charlie came to a stop beside Billie while Genesis sprinted into the woods. "Genesis!" Charlie yelled after her. She didn't listen, she just kept running.

She couldn't believe herself. She saw Bella go off into the woods, but she didn't follow her. Why was she so stupid? She should have know Bella was going to be in danger the moment she started walking in there. Genesis wondered where she could have gone. She was on some sort of path, but it wasn't that open. Genesis stopped and looked around. She saw where a twig was snapped and opted on going that way.

She ran and jumped over fallen trees. While running, she managed to trip and fall on the forest floor. Genesis groaned and a peeked up, shocked to see Bella laying right in front of her. Genesis silently thanked God for making her trip up and find Bella. Genesis stood and picked up Bella, putting her on her back. Genesis turned when she heard a twig snap, coming face to face with Sam.


"Sam," Genesis sighed in relief. "Gen, thank God you're alright. Charlie said you ran in here after Bella on your own and I thought I was going to have to bring the pack in for a search party." Sam chuckled a bit. Genesis laughed a bit and started walking with Sam back to her house with Bella still on her back. "Emily would have killed me if I got myself killed." Genesis giggled.

Sam laughed, "Bet your ass she would have." Sam looked at the sleeping girl on Genesis's back. "You want me to hold her?" He asked. Genesis shook her head, "I've let her down once today. I'm not doing it again." She said. Sam huffed in annoyance, "why do you do that?" He asked. Genesis rose an eyebrow, "Do what?" She asked.

"That. You beat yourself up over things you can't control. Give yourself a break." Sam said. Genesis nodded her head to try to give him a peace of mind, but she knew it wasn't in her nature to not care for others. Many people have thought that would be the death of her, and she was always fine with that. If she died saving someone, that'd be a mission complete in her book.

Genesis and Sam finally made it out of the woods. Jake Spotted them first. "Charlie," Jake breathed. Charlie turned towards the woods and ran over to his daughters. "I've got her, I've got her." Charlie assured Genesis as he took Bella off her back. Genesis watched as Charlie took Bella into the house. Once they were gone, Genesis looked to Jacob and ran up and hugged him.

Jacob gripped the girl tight, holding her as she shook out of fear. Jacob would be lying if he said he didn't feel anything for the girl. His eyes were more set on Bella before, but once she got with Edward, Jacob seemed to notice how beautiful the older Swan sister is. And in this moment, he more attracted to her. Guess it's a 'damsel in distress' type of deal, but he couldn't help it. Why were the Swan siblings so beautiful?


Genesis let go of him and looked up at him with a small smile. She turned to Sam and then back to Jacob. "I'll see you guys later." She said and made her way into the house. Upon entering, she heard Bella screaming and ran to her room. There she saw Charlie trying to wake her up. Charlie looked to Genesis and nodded his head and left Genesis to help Bella.

Genesis sat on the bed and grabbed Bella, pulling her into her arms. She rocked back and forth as the girl's screams died down. Genesis planned on asking what happened, but Bella answered the unasked question before Genesis could utter a word.

"They're gone."

Genesis sat on the door between hers and Bella's room. She was currently sitting on Bella's side of the room, not daring to leave unless it was only for the bathroom. Bella sat in her desk chair overlooking the front yard and street. She sat there motionless. Like a hollowed out version of the girl she once was. The two girls looked like hell.

Bella was in hell because Edward left and broke her heart before doing so. Genesis was in hell because Carlisle didn't even bother to tell her they were leaving. She had to go out and find her broken sister and hear from her that they were leaving. Was all of this just a show to them? Was it a game? Were they always planning on doing this to them?


Genesis refused to believe that. She knew it was either because it was all just a game, or because they wanted to protect the human girls. The second one made more sense. She trusted her own judgement. She could read people like the back of her hand, vampires were no exception. She saw the way Edward looked at Bella. With love and admiration. And he also looked at Genesis like a dear friend, almost like family.

Genesis remembered how she acted with Edward and Jasper. She saw the looks in their eyes. They looked like a child looking at their mother. She had begun to change after being around them. She became more mature, and her natural protective nature became more of a motherly one.

And Carlisle, he taught her love. A romantic love that she never thought she would be able to feel because of her past. And he was the first one to crack her open about her past, and in return he showed her his secrets too. They were open with each other. They knew each other in and out. She even knew about his rocky past with the Volturi. He was apart of something most of his kind would see as a horrible dictatorship.

He was her everything, and she knew she was his. Then it clicked. Tears started streaming down her face once again. He didn't say goodbye because he didn't want to. He wanted to come back to her one day. He wasn't going to say goodbye because this wasn't goodbye. That didn't exactly make her feel better, though. She missed him more than anything. She missed his family.

She missed her family.

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