《His Luh' Baby (Urban)》10•


Chapter 10

Senia Marie Milano

Today was the day that my nana was officially going back. Tae and I were at the airport with Nana and Rah was with Pop an 'nem while I had the car.

"Nana are you coming back?" Tae asked looking up at her.

"Of course I will I gotta see y'all." She laughed as her flight got called. I let out a heavy breath before standing up.

"I'll call you as soon as I land and be careful and keep your head on straight." She said as I nodded forcing myself not to cry as she kissed Tae and I's foreheads.

"I love you Nana." I spoke.

"I love y'all too baby." She smiled as I let go her hug and she walked towards her runway to board.

"Does she have to leave though?" Tae asked and I nodded.

"Yea. Sometimes people gotta do what's best for them."

"Whatever that means..." he dragged and I chuckled.

"Let's go." I said grabbing his hand.

I didn't have much to do today. However I did use this opportunity to take Tae school shopping. School was in the next two weeks and the only thing he had were some pencils and notebooks. I had gotten him a few clothes the other day and it was just some things that I knew he'd like. Nana and I had him enrolled somewhere closer so that was a plus for me at least.

After Rah and I's argument the other night. I've really been thinking bout sitting down and talking about it. I asked about it yesterday and it didn't go well at all he kept his answers short and then completely shut it down.

That's how I knew it wasn't only in my mind. I really felt like this was needed though. I hated the lack of trust and the always having to look over me. However he did apologize for the way he "downplayed" me in my dress knowing it was his typical jealous self.

It was crazy how I was pinpointed the one with insecurities as if he felt so secure within himself, but I guess to avoid anything you point fingers at anyone but yourself.

Since I was out of Newburgh now a new job was offered to me by Rah's mom. She was real nice about it and I was honestly grateful too. We were still at Rah's apartment for the time being due to the fact that papers were still in processing. I grew more comfortable to the situation I guess. We talked about it and he was heavy on the 'us' thing when it came to me living with him.


I knew it wasn't an issue for him but it kinda did something to me for the fact that I've seen this play out in so many ways where the guys gets fed up and put the girl out when he's done or when a nigga gets a female pregnant and that's all she'll ever be, a baby mama to him, knowing of Pop and Gina's situation it just was a lot that played with me in this time.

After doing all sorts of shopping I saw that it was almost 5 and Rah had told me to come for him by then. I had stopped to get some groceries to whip up something considering Tae only had corn dog and I hadn't eaten and I also wasn't sure if Rah had eaten as well.


I hopped over into the passenger seat as I waited patiently on him.

"You're too big to do that Nia." Tae spoke as I rolled my eyes. I watch as Rah came from out the apartment complex and made his way to the car.

"Hey." I spoke to him getting in.

"Wassup." He said leaning over the arm rest a bit and I pecked his lips.

"Nothing much." I mumbled.

"Ew!" I heard Tae exclaimed in the backseat as Rah head shot towards him not knowing he was in the car.

"Man that's love right there." Rah tried to explain simply as he reversed out and I laughed a bit.

"I need me some grub right now." He sighed looking in the rear view.

"I got some lamb chops with pasta and greens." I mumbled scrolling on the gram.

"That could work." I heard him say, not long later we pulled up to his condo as I got out and went to the trunk.

I grabbed some groceries as Tae followed behind grabbing what he could hold. Soon after Rah came taking the bags from me and carrying everything making it a one time trip.

Ok hulk.

I locked the door behind us and walked over to the counter.

"Man you know that nigga a real piece a work." I heard him say before going over to the counter and getting started cause I was hella hungry.

"Who?" I asked figuring he was meaning his dad.


"Garret." He said calling his dad by his name taking off his jacket staying in his wife beater.

"What happened?" I asked taking the chops out packet and pre heating the baker.

"I just don't know what them niggas be seein' in him bro." He said shaking his head.

"One minute all is fine. He the big boss these niggas looking up at. Next minute they noticing his pussy ass ways." He said as Tae's head shot from the tv and back to him.

"My bad lil man." He mumbled as I eyed him.

"I mean that's on them right, as long as you don't have anything dealing with them it's fine." I said and he shook his head as I went over to the cabinets to get some seasonings.

"That's just it niggas questioning me about what he got goin' on and I'm not for it." He spoke.

"Well just let Loke and Pop them know that when you come around your dad and they business has nothing to do with you. That's the string they wanted to pull, don't be involving you." I shrugged.

"You know stupid? Retarded? Hard headed? That's them niggas fuh you. Never listen."

I kinda knew what he meant after telling them not to deal with his dad but I guess they didn't wanna hear that. His dad was messy and a greedy ass busyness man, but he also did a lot of under hand dirty work.

"So you think you listen?" I smirked oiling the pan.

"I listen well enough." He smirked back at me as he went into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

I watched as he leaned against the counter and began to slide off his VaporMax.

"No, no. I'm not doing that today...." I said as he looked up at me and smiled.

"Looka you takin over my shit..."

"I'm serious Rah. Take them in the room, I'm not playin'." I heard him smack his lips as he picked up his shoes walking out of the front area and down the hall.

I rolled my eyes placing the herbs over the meat and sliding it inside of the oven.

I was definitely not playing with him

1 week later

"So how's things coming along since y'all are officially together together." Rah's mom asked.

"It's honestly the same." I shrugged. Nothing was different between us. I felt the same other than when he made his slick remarks about me 'taking over' or finally being his 'wife'.

It felt normal.

"What are your plans from now on though. You know I stand with you on your womanhood and I know how these Ford men could get." She asked making preparation for the four o'clock bride.

"I really don't know. Like don't get me wrong. I know what I want but now since things has shifted I have to go about what I'm doing differently especially since....." I trailed off.

"Rahmik has a say." She finished and I sighed.

"I told you I know how them Ford men can get." She chuckled.

"I mean I appreciate him a lot. He does what he does for me unconditionally but like I wanna do things for me too. You know?" I asked her as she raised her brow at me.

"If I know? Baby I been where you at, always thinking they need to hover over you or that your business is theirs." She said fluffing the pillow shaking her head.

If it was anyone who would understand me it would definitely be her considering the fact that her and Mr.Ford shared an eight year gap and was together for twenty-five.

"Yea I just don't want him to feel like I'm on something weird cause then there he go assuming." I said as we both laughed.

"I know but talk to him, he has to respect your every say he may get upset but I know he will." She said and I was ok with that.

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