《Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days [協議攪基30天]》031; "sleeping together for one night, then--shou shou......I'm hard!"



"sleeping together for one night, then——shou shou......I'm hard!"

day twenty five|sleep together for one night

"En. This way, both our wishes will be fulfilled." Raising an eyebrow nonchalantly, Wang Guangning smiled and let go of Zhang Lingyi.

"Wang Guangning, you really are......" Zhang Lingyi's expression darkened. He felt as if he should be angry, but his anger would contain a hidden sliver of worry that Zhang Lingyi was not willing to reveal. Maybe, for Wang Guangning, this was only just a crazy game. If Zhang Lingyi took this seriously, then it would simply become a joke.

Zhang Lingyi recalled how he had done something similar last time when they were shaving. However, that had been an accident. Yet, upon thinking about it, maybe that was why Wang Guangning had done such an action. After all, it wouldn't the first time.

So then, what right did he have to be angry?

Zhang Lingyi stared at Wang Guangning, his face completely black. In the end, he did erupt in anger. He also did not gather his courage and ask for the meaning behind Wang Guangning's kiss.

Because maybe, that kiss had no meaning at all.

Wang Guangning found that Zhang Lingyi's current complexion did not seem to be very good. At the same time, he was also not exploding in fury or asking any questions. Wang Guangning's heart momentarily sank, but his expression was still placid. He said, "Next, let's go to the beach."

The pair's plan for their last night in Xiamen was to sit on the sandy shores for the entire night and wait for the sunrise to appear.

Zhong Shan Road was a distance away from the beach next to Xiamen University. It would take around thirty minutes to walk there, but they both had time so they did not take the bus. Instead, the two slowly strolled in the direction of the beach.

However, this time, they did not hold hands and the cacophony of the city during the day was also absent.

Pretending as if nothing had happened, Wang Guangning picked a few perfunctory topics to talk about.

Zhang Lingyi absently replied to him, his attention was not wholly focused on their conversation.

Despite the fact that the words spoken from their mouths were entirely irrelevant to their situation, Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi still managed to somehow continue talking.

Xiamen University was known as the most beautiful university in China. The campus was indeed very picturesque, even the student dormitories were like garden houses. For the two G City university students, seeing them incited envy. The thing that defied the natural order the most was that the campus was constructed on the waterfront. By going out the back gates of the university and passing through a tunnel, one would reach a long stretch of soft sand that was a distance away from the highway.

Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi bought some snacks and beer, then sat on the beach. They watched the now darkened surface of the sea and the surging of the undercurrents. In the sky, the moon shined bright. A light breeze from the ocean brushed past them, carrying an underlying taste of salt.

The two ate handfuls of peanuts and drank a few cans of beer. Occasionally, they would exchange a couple of words. The feeling of not having to think too deeply or ponder about anything worrisome caused Wang Guangning to become a bit drowsy.

"Zhang Lingyi, are you sure that we really need to stay here for an entire night while waiting for the sunrise?" Wang Guangning squinted at Zhang Lingyi.


Zhang Lingyi shivered at that exact moment, feeling a bit cold. He immediately said, "How about we go back to the hotel for now? We could play cards and watch TV together, then come back out to see the sunrise when it's about time."

Their views were both the same¹ regarding this, so they promptly gathered everything then returned to the hotel.

[1] 一拍即合: lit. to be together from the first beat; to hit it off; to click together; to chime in easily.

After pulling on loose and comfortable clothes, Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi climbed onto their soft bed. Laying down, they both sighed in relief.

The room that they had booked was had a King-sized Size bed, so it was perfect for the two of them to sleep in.

A large-screen TV was placed directly opposite the bed. Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi were bored so they turned it on.

A popular drama was currently being broadcast, so they decided to watch it.

A while later, an advertisement started playing and Wang Guangning ran to the bathroom. Zhang Lingyi lazily changed the channel, then used the remote control to go through all the channels at least once. He discovered that most channels were either showing commercials with scantily clad girls, or various kinds of extremely exaggerated shopping infomercials. Zhang Lingyi yawned. He was so bored. How was he supposed endure an entire night of this?!

Just as Zhang Lingyi was feeling depressed, the scene on the TV changed and the sounds of 'en~en~ah, ah~' could be heard.

Unexpectedly, there were adult channels!

Zhang Lingyi watched in stupefaction as the big-breasted young woman on the screen moved energetically over the lower half of a sturdy man, a charming and enticing expression across her face.

What the fuck was this?

How could such a channel appear on the televisions of a heavily censored country like China?

At first, Zhang Lingyi was astonished. Then he felt......slightly excited.

After all, he was a normal man whose functions and capabilities were completely intact. He was no stranger to such films. As a result, Zhang Lingyi couldn't help but feel aroused upon seeing this scene on a dark and moonless night like today.

Just as he was staring at the screen with great interest, Wang Guangning walked out from the bathroom. The first thing that he noticed was that the sounds coming from the TV didn't seem quite right; then he realised that Zhang Lingyi's expression was also a bit odd. Finally, he turned around in the direction of the television.


"How could this kind of program exists?" The expression on Wang Guangning's face was very close to cracking.

When Zhang Lingyi heard Wang Guangning suddenly speak, he didn't seem to be embarrassed or awkward in the least. Instead, he excitedly said, "Shou shou, let's watch it together."

Wang Guangning was unable to stop the corner of his lips from momentarily twisting. Although he had seen such films before and even watched them with his friends on occasion, he was still a xiao cao with class. Therefore, for the majority of the time, Wang Guangning would only secretly watch them alone!

Faced with Zhang Lingyi's warm expression of invitation, Wang Guangning silently went and lifted the blanket on the bed before sliding in.

The film playing was a typical Japanese one. Overall, it was quite dry and lacking. However, for hot-blooded youths, the impact of the scenes on the television was still very strong.

Hence, it was not long after when Zhang Lingyi (who had thought that his skin was quite thick) shot an embarrassed glance at Wang Guangning. "Shou shou, I'm......hard."


Fuck. Did Zhang Lingyi have to speak so bluntly?!

Wang Guangning felt as if he was going to go crazy. Originally, he had also become agitated upon watching the film. A certain part of his body was just about to raise its head. As soon as Zhang Lingyi spoke, that heat was pressed down in a flash and Wang Guangning only felt incomparably 囧.

"I'll go and relieve myself in the bathroom!" Zhang Lingyi moved in preparation to get up.

Wang Guangning's hand (which had been previously hidden under the blanket) suddenly reached out and covered Zhang Lingyi's arousal. With great effort, Wang Guangning maintained the calm expression on his face as he offered, "Or, I could help you?"

Zhang Lingyi stiffened then shifted uncomfortably. He laughed, "That wouldn't really be proper..."

However, Wang Guangning's hand was already lightly rubbing him over the loose pants he wore. This was Wang Guangning's first time touching another person there, so it was a bit awkward. His face was slightly red.

Zhang Lingyi was currently unable to study Wang Guangning's expression though. The lower half of his body was being eroded by a pleasurable sensation, causing him to immediately draw in a sharp breath. Zhang Lingyi gripped Wang Guangning's wrist, "Guangning......"

This time, Zhang Lingyi had called him by his name.

Wang Guangning tried hard to prevent his inner uneasiness from leaking through. Attempting to play it down, he said, "I'm also a bit hard, so how about we......help each other."

Zhang Lingyi was dumbfounded.

Wang Guangning glanced over at the darkness outside the window. "The scenery is beautiful, as is the night. Why not try it?"

Zhang Lingyi faintly felt as if there was something not quite right about this, as if control had been lost and was rushing towards an unpredictable direction.

He should reject it. He should stop it here. But somehow, he was unable to say anything.

It was like sinking into a swamp—the harder one tried to escape, the deeper they would fall.

Yes, with such beautiful scenery and it being such a wonderful night spent with an equally great person, why not try doing something a bit more special?

Zhang Lingyi hesitantly stretched out his hand and spread his fingers over a certain part of Wang Guangning. Before, he had only been partially hard. Yet, upon being touched by Zhang Lingyi, Wang Guangning could feel himself hardening rapidly.

Zhang Lingyi felt stimulated as the outline of Wang Guangning's length swiftly stiffened under his palm. Wang Guangning blushed in response to his own quick reaction.

"Shou shou, are you particularly unable to endure your hunger and thirst²?" Zhang Lingyi deliberately infuriated the other in order to lighten the tense atmosphere.

[2] 饑渴難耐: to be unable to endure any longer.

As expected, Wang Guangning was incited and his eyes burned with rage. The pressure of his hand on Zhang Lingyi's arousal also increased significantly. "You're the one who's incapable of lasting for long! Laozi has great endurance!"

"Really?" Zhang Lingyi glanced down. Even though he was unable to see the real thing since it was covered by the blanket, he was still able to feel it. They were both extremely clear on what the other possessed. "Then let's see who will last the longest."

"Fine!" In a moment of ferocity, Wang Guangning clenched his hand tighter.

"Shou shou, don't mess around. That will still need to be used in the future......" Zhang Lingyi paled.

Wang Guangning felt his heart sink and momentarily lost the mood for jokes.

When Zhang Lingyi said 'in the future', he meant his future with other people.

After tonight, they would never again have such an opportunity to be this intimate......

The movement of his hand slowed. Neither of them were unfamiliar with the current proceedings. It was just that in the past, they were getting themselves off. Now, the target was different and everything seemed to have become almost...miraculous.

As he thought about the fact that the one grasping his hardened length right now was him, a kind of ineffable commotion arose in his heart.

Whatever words wanted to spill out of his mouth, he could only desperately try to restrain them.

It was as if Zhang Lingyi's palm carried electric pulses—everything he touched, intense shudders would be elicited.

Waves of indescribable pleasure crashed over their minds and then the room was flooded with the sounds of the two gasping for breath. It was like a turbulent tide had surged up and engulfed their bodies whole.

The two had both reached their climax at the same time; their hands still wet and sticky with each other's come. Laying on their backs, they stared up at the ceiling absently, their minds a total blank.

A good while later, Zhang Lingyi initiated hesitantly, "Shou shou......" Following which, his voice trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

But it seemed that he needed to call out the other's name in order to feel slightly calmer.

The chaos and restlessness in Wang Guangning's heart was just a bit messier than Zhang Lingyi's. He knew that some of his feelings were already completely out of his control.

He had fallen in love with this man.

The realisation was terrifying, yet Wang Guangning had nowhere to escape from it.

That night, neither were able to sleep. The pair did not talk again; instead, they tossed and turned in the bed until it was nearly light, both caught up in their own disordered state of minds.

"Zhang Lingyi, do you want to go and watch the sunrise now?" After an entire night of not having slept, Wang Guangning appeared quite haggard. His voice was also slightly hoarse.

Zhang Lingyi glanced outside the window, his mood quite complicated. "Since we're already awake, then let's go!"

The beach was extremely cold in the early morning, but the sand was exquisite. The sky was still pitch-black and the glow casted down from the streetlights on one side of the beach was soft.

The number of people who had come out to see the sunrise was not small and they were all speaking in low voices or whispering in another's ear.

Only the two of them were silent as they sat down on the fine sand and gazed at where the sky merged with the vast sea.

The horizon gradually began to flush. One half of a fiery sphere slowly climbed up past the line where the heavens and ocean intersected, growing larger and larger.

Finally, the sun departed from the surface of the sea. Streaks of blinding light reflected across the entire blue stretch of the heavens and ocean, painting them all red.

Dawn had arrived.


I'm a terrible person for having you all wait a week for this chapter, but hopefully the good news following this will make up for it. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ


Chocolate and Dirty Minds

, , 

Hope you're feeling better today (*^ - ^*)/

In which Wang Guangning is apparently a delicacy, Zhang Lingyi is hungry, and the commenters in ABG30D's have very active imaginations. (Also, Kiai likes chocolate, so why not.)

"Or, I could help you?"

(Hanging precariously on a rope strung through the bars of the balcony on the floor above, jichangwoo77 hovers just outside the window of Zhang Lingyi and Wang Guangning's room. They slowly pull the window open, taking care to not make any noise. Clenching the open bottle of melted chocolate in their hand, jichangwoo77 pulls their arm back and gathers all their strength before throwing it inside. The bottle hits Wang Guangning's cheek directly, the force causing all the melted chocolate inside to explode out and drench the entirety of Wang Guangning's upper half.)

There is silence.

Zhang Lingyi stops whatever half-hearted protest that he was saying and just stares.

Wang Guangning stiffens, and his hand which is still covering Zhang Lingyi's arousal twitches. Zhang Lingyi feels himself respond quickly—embarrassingly so—and hurriedly coughs in an effort to hide his obvious...interest.

This seems to spur Wang Guangning into action and he reflexively snatches his hand away to touch his face.

For a moment, Zhang Lingyi mourns the loss of the warmth before a yell breaks his thoughts.

"What the fuck?!"

(As soon as Wang Guangning has shouted, jichangwoo77 hurriedly withdraws and escapes from the scene. (Of course, they does this only after they have exchanged a discreet wink with Zhang Lingyi, who appears quite proud.))

(Hidden in some other part of the room, ReadingbooksRocks101, McInYourNightmare and 206719ll230257 laugh silently, their eyes tearing up at the look of abject horror on Wang Guangning's face and the clear amusement on Zhang Lingyi's.)

Wang Guangning whips his head around in the direction where the bottle came from—the window. The now open window.

Suspicion colours his brows.


Zhang Lingyi abruptly tugs at Wang Guangning's wrist, distracting the other from his speculation. He flicks a glance over to the side of the bed, a faint smirk appearing on his lips before it fades like smoke.

(KillTheCheaters, who is hidden inside a closet on the left of the bed, smothers a chuckle and continues aiming their camera at Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi through the slit of the slightly ajar doors.)

A curl of restrained laughter finds its way across Zhang Lingyi's lips. Wang Guangning shoots him a glare and huffs, having decided to give up on the mystery of the bottle. After all, it is completely dark outside, so the possibility of catching whoever was responsible is extremely slim.

Hence, he returns his attention back to his chocolate soaked body. Swiping one hand down his shirt, Wang Guangning grimaces in distaste at the sticky feeling he encounters. He frowns at the dark substance coating his fingers and lifts it to his mouth, tongue flicking out to taste it.

Zhang Lingyi feels his throat dry at the action. He lifts an eyebrow and asks, "What is it?"

"Chocolate." The reply is a low mumble, nearly incomprehensible and saturated with bewilderment.

Leaning closer, Zhang Lingyi stretches out his hand and grasps Wang Guangning's wrist. Pulling it towards him, he glances up and shoots a mischievous grin at Wang Guangning before sucking the other's index finger into his mouth. His tongue curls itself around the soft pad of the digit and Zhang Lingyi nods to himself when he tastes the distinct sweetness.

Staring straight at Wang Guangning, the light in Zhang Lingyi's turns positively wicked and he bites down softly, smiling as the other man jumps and flushes. Knowing when to stop before he is once again introduced to Wang Guangning's fist, Zhang Lingyi reluctantly let go of the other's hand.

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