《Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days [協議攪基30天]》003; "we'll toss a coin to determine who the gong and shou will be"


Today, an inconceivable scene appeared in the cafe near F University's library. The two xiao cao who were often rumoured to be in disagreement and fighting over the sole position of king, Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi, were unexpectedly sitting together discussing questions harmoniously, even though just two days prior they had both serenaded Yu Haining with songs at the evening party.

It must be because 2012 was quickly approaching...

The part-time waitress working there pretended to play on her phone and secretly uploaded a picture of them with their heads leaning against each other onto Weibo and tagged F university's official poster of the university's forum.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah~~~ I just saw Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi together! They seem so close, are they together? Was Yu Haining just cannon fodder? [starry eyes] "

The waitress' post on Weibo was rapidly forwarded by F University's official poster from the forums F Xing Ren to show everyone —

Ah, am I going blind? Someone quickly tell me this was photoshopped~

Actually I already knew since ages ago that Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi were a pair. Yu Haining was only used to shamelessly pull the wool over everyone's eyes about the matter of being gay.

To think that Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi are gay, does the world even want peace?

Was I wrong in the way I opened this? It doesn't make sense ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Tired, don't think I'll love again~

I knew since early on that they were JQ¹ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! And were together!


Within a few short hours, the post was madly forwarded everywhere on Weibo and various versions of the story also emerged.

Including, version one: Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi were actually childhood sweethearts who were deeply in love however it was allowed as their feelings were considered secular. They had to patiently and bitterly endure in silence and took the entrance exams to the same university. In order not to let their affections be known, they pretended to be enemies and both chased after Yu Haining to fool people.

Version two: When Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi first entered the university, they fell in love at first sight and felt a strong passion for each other. However, Wang Guangning later fell in love with Yu Haining and the two became enemies. Furious, Zhang Lingyi decided to snatch Yu Haining away but after they finished singing their songs for her on stage that day, the two realised that they were still deeply in love with each other. Once again, they became engulfed in passion for each other and were unable to let go.

Version three: Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi were always in disagreement with each other so they often fought both openly and secretly until even the woman they chased was the same. However during the process of their competitions with each other, they gradually became attracted to the other and realised the truth that they were both gay.

Version four: ......

Version five: ......

Even though there were countless versions, the final version acknowledged unanimously was that there would definitely be another struggle. This must merely be the calm before the storm!


The supporters of these rumours were namely two kinds- one was males, and the other was females who were secretly in love with Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi. The guys believed that men fighting for a woman was common, and the two also had obvious bruises on their faces. However, the girls were simply unable to accept the fact that the two men they loved the most were actually in love with each other!

Life was already so difficult. Good men having boyfriends, this kind of thing shouldn't be played out in real life!

As a result of the enormous numbers of both populations, this version became the final mainstream version. During the period this was uploaded on Weibo like wildfire, Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi who were the two involved parties were completely ignorant of the matter. Instead, they were both seriously studying something in the coffee shop.

How to be gay?

"Have you been gay before?" Wang Guangning touched his chin and asked earnestly.

The corner of Zhang Lingyi's lips curled up, "No, I haven't even done any prostitutes²."

雞 for female, and 鴨 for male sex workers/prostitutes.

"We're finished. I haven't been gay before either, what are we going to do?" Wang Guangning's eyebrows exuded a touch of distress.

"He he he, you don't need to worry. I've already completely prepared for this." Zhang Lingyi smiled smugly and brought out two A4 sized sheets of paper which had words scribbled on it everywhere.

"What's this?" Wang Guangning accepted one of the sheets of paper passed to him from Zhang Lingyi and was immediately blinded by the title.

《 30 Things Couples Must Do Together》

Wear matching clothes for couples and walk together on the streets. Run, exercise and play sports together. Compliment each other in front of others. Take a picture together in a photo booth and set each other's face as the wallpaper for your phones......

"Awesome, right?" Zhang Lingyi's face had proud written all over it. "Although I haven't been gay before, gay couples should be about the same as male and female friendships. Anyway, it's all about dating so as long as we do everything on the list once, it should be fine."

Wang Guangning was speechless and had black lines over his head, "Where did you find this list?"

"I saw it on Weibo, the reposts were very high," said Zhang Lingyi. "Many girls commented that it was very romantic. I guess that by going through it once, we'll definitely infuriate heaps of girls."

"Fine." Although Wang Guangning had a feeling as if his balls were going to shatter, he couldn't think of a better idea. Looking at Zhang Lingyi's appearance as if he had many cards up his sleeves, Wang Guangning thought that since the other possessed an IQ that had received a scholarship, he would believe him for the time being. "Then we'll follow this list. When do we start?"

"Choosing an auspicious day is not as good as any ordinary day, let's start tomorrow." Zhang Lingyi rubbed his hand together, his voice had traces of excitement and eagerness, "I've thought about it. If we do one thing every day, then we can pretend to be gay for exactly thirty days."


Wang Guangning though it over, then nodded, "That works as well. Then we'll do it for thirty days, I also don't want to be a gay couple with you for too long."

Zhang Lingyi rolled his eyes, "Don't act out an appearance of being wronged, ben shaoye³ is also very respected and important, alright?"

means 'this young master', which is used in a quite arrogant manner by Zhang Lingyi here.

Seeing that the tomorrow would be the start of their cooperation for thirty days, Wang Guangning decided not to bother with him. "Then this'll be all for today. We'll meet here tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, then...eh, then start from the first thing listed!"

Wearing matching couple clothing, it should not be too difficult!

Wang Guangning thought about Zhang Lingyi and him walking down the street wearing matching couple clothing.

Although the other man's face was quite hateful, compared to other matters between couples, this wasn't that hard to accept. Even though they had decided to be gay, it must steadily progress step-by-step.

"Wait." As Wang Guangning stood up to leave, Zhang Lingyi hastily stopped him.

"Is there anything else?" Wang Guangning was impatient.

"We haven't decided who will be gong⁴ and who will be shou⁵ yet!" Zhang Lingyi's words shocked him.

gong, meaning the attacker or the seme in Japanese terms.

shou, meaning the receiver or the uke in Japanese terms.

"Fuck, what who will be gong or shou!" Wang Guangning was unable to understand Zhang Lingyi's train of thoughts. Although he wasn't really gay, he was somewhat familiar with such terms due to the modern culture on Weibo. "We're just acting, there's no need to be so serious!"

"That won't do." Zhang Lingyi's face was solemn and earnest. "Just acting still needs to be acted out properly. Otherwise, how can you fully immerse yourself in the play? How will you make the play seem more realistic?"

Wang Guangning didn't want to argue with him on such a childish matter and impatiently waved his hand. "Fine, fine. Then we'll say that I'm the gong and you're the shou."

"Why?" Zhang Lingyi immediately counterattacked, "Ben shaoye is so manly, of course it would be me that's the gong!"

"Che. I have a four pack, don't you know?" Wang Guangning raised his chin, wanting to borrow an imposing manner to secure his victory.

"I have a six-pack." Zhang Lingyi scanned the surroundings, then seeing that the coffee shop had barely any people, quickly lifted his shirt and exposed the legendary six pack in a flash, "See, by deciding from the amount of abdominal muscles to determine who will be the gong or shou, you lose."

Wang Guangning denied it, "Men rely on strength!"

"Then I'll still definitely overwhelm you." Zhang Lingyi raised his head high and thrust out his chest in a valiant manner.

The two youths weren't willing to compromise, and it seemed that they were reaching an impasse.

Suddenly, Wang Guangning's eyes flashed. "Since it's like this, why don't we toss a coin to decide it?"

Zhang Lingyi was shocked at Wang Guangning's suggestion, then immediately seconded the motion, "Alright, we'll settle it like that."

Hence, in the afternoon at a corner of the coffee shop, the two youths stood serenely and with a dignified air. The sun's rays shone on them obliquely as they both took out a coin.

"We're agreeing that whoever tosses a 1⁶ will be the gong, and whoever tosses the chrysanthemum will be the shou." Wang Guangning warned once again.

the coin they are using is worth one yuan, so it has the number one on a side, then the picture of a chrysanthemum on the other.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Okay, listen. 1...2...3..."

The two silver coins were thrown into the air following the command and the warm rays of the winter sun reflected a dazzling light. The tinkling sound of metal could also be heard echoing.

Afterwards, they each respectively dropped onto a large, slender hand then was covered with a palm.

Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi glanced at each other involuntarily, both faintly feeling a trace of tension. Throughout their three years of rivalry, the two had been unable to distinguish who was stronger. The confrontation this time about the matter of gong and shou could be said to be their first step to attaining victory.

Real men, must be the gong!

That was what they both thought.

In an unspoken tactic understanding, the two imagined the scene of overwhelming the other in their minds.

It really made one fascinated!

"Open it!" Zhang Lingyi's serious voice carried a hint of excitement.

Wang Guangning nodded, and they slowly withdrew the hand that was covering the coin in their palms.

"Ahahaha!" Zhang Lingyi laughed, "Ben shaoye is the gong!"

Zhang Lingyi's coin that was in his hand had a vertical and straight '1' on it.

On the other hand, Wang Guangning's coin clearly had a chrysanthemum that was in full bloom.

"Xiao⁷ shou, don't feel hurt. Big brother will carefully dote on you!" Having achieved victory from the competition with Wang Guangning, Zhang Lingyi felt extremely proud and laughed loudly.

means little. In Chinese, using that to refer to someone is a show of affection, however here Zhang Lingyi uses it to tease Wang Guangning.

Wang Guangning's face was as black as a dirty rag. In previous competitions with Zhang Lingyi, he was able to maintain being evenly matched with the other. He didn't expect to surprisingly stumble when allocating who would be the gong and who would be the shou. Looking at Zhang Lingyi's smug face, he felt that this was really hard to swallow.

But the idea was mentioned by him, and real men must keep their promises!

Wang Guangning tried to endure, yet in the end was unable to tolerate it. Throwing the coin in his hand heavily onto the table, he strode away in a rage.

Behind him, Zhang Lingyi continued to add salt to the wound. "Shou shou, don't forget to arrive on time tomorrow!"


Most of you guessed it right, Wang Guangning is the shou >///

translator: k i a i

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