《A Writer and A Serial Killer》The Serial Killer


he walks outside

in the greyblue early dawn

he can't stop yawning

every star is out

and the smog of the city has lifted

a dark star studded world

as soon as he is out of sight of the house he runs

he runs untill he's to tired to think

to tired to breath

and for the first time in days he lets the facade slip

the monster is back

he twists his new claws


its time to go hunting

before she wakes up and notices

he'll be back

and he'll keep feeding her those


tiny moments of off vulnerability

untill she thinks she knows him

because that's the only way to keep her from seeing the monster

if she saw the extent if the damage

red cracked darkness mind splitting and fresh

she would run

and he's starting to realize

he needs her

to keep his second life alive

if she goes

the beast will be all that's left

he's starting to see the truth

he's given his heart away without realizing it

and that

terrifies him

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