《A Writer and A Serial Killer》The Writer


she's catching a cold

and she's tired all the time

but she's still happy

something has to go wrong

and then it does

it's all crumbling

the killer is moving faster

she's afraid now

every kill is closer to her neighborhood

closer to her

closer to him

i'm afraid

she whispers in his hair

he tenses

don't be afraid of him

he wont touch you

not you

not ever

and she wants to believe that he will protector from this

faceless monster

but when the world breaks

she's still afraid

it's early monday when she heads to work

the alleyways seem menacing

and dark

she hears a voice

2 blocks from her building



she looks cautiously

and jess is splayed on the pavement

her chest cavity open to the smog

a boy is standing over her

his eyes white with fer

help me

he begs

but all she can do

is scream

you can't protect me

not from this

not from


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