《《BFF》|| taekook ✔️》Chapter 81
"What did you want to show me so badly?"
"Just something that I found kinda cute, thought you might like it." A raven-haired boy pressed a kiss onto his lover's forehead, who he was currently carrying bridal style. Said lover had his eyes covered with both his hands since his boyfriend had just ordered him to.
Jungkook carried him to his living room quietly, a little smile playing on his lips. As soon as they stood inside it, he set Taehyung onto the ground swiftly, careful not to accidentally drop him.
"You know, I still don't understand why you had to carry me. It doesn't hurt that much, you know?"
The younger boy let out a little laugh. "Yeah, yeah. You can open your eyes now."
Feeling his heart pound against his ribcage out of excitement and curiosity, Taehyung first peeked through his fingers, blinking for his eyes to adjust to the bright lighting of the Jeons' living room.
And as he completely removed his hands from his face, right in front of him, he saw...
A baby basket.
With a baby inside!
"Oh my god, Koo! Is that-- is that a newborn?," he whispered, trying extremely hard not to squeal and covering his mouth with his hands in order to not let out a sound and disturb the sleeping baby. Feeling his heart swell as he saw how excited the older was, Jungkook nodded.
"Yeah. Remember what I told you about my aunt? She actually gave birth. This is her second daughter, she herself almost died in the process. But she's recovering."
"I'm so glad it went well then, they need their mommy. Look at her, she's so tiny!" Bending over to get a better look at the baby's face, he cooed, feeling his heart clench at the sight of her little face resting peacefully. Well, for now.
Taehyung kneeled onto the floor, booping the newborn's nose as softly as possible.
And suddenly, she opened her big, round eyes.
"Oh, she's awake! Hi, pumpkin! What's your name?," he asked carefully, the little girl blinking her huge eyes at him curiously. "Awwh," he couldn't help but squeal at the sight, he just loved babies too much. Jungkook kneeled next to him, smiling and kissing the blonde's nape before looking at her aswell.
"Her name is Umji. Look at her thumbs, they're so small," he whispered into his ear.
"Such an adorable name. Hi Umji! I'm Taehyung," he whispered excitedly, grabbing her tiny hand gently and trying to intertwine her fingers with his own, much, much bigger ones. It did not work well. So he just decided to massage her tiny hands with a pout, to which she reacted with a tiny squeal.
"Aww, she likes it! Do you think we can hold her, Jungkookie?" The ravenette nodded, looking at the two of them fondly.
"Mom told us to babysit her. We should feed her too, maybe change the diapers aswell. But we'll see about that one later."
As he saw his boyfriend grab Umji's middle and carefully lift her tiny body into the air, he could've sworn he teared up.
Taehyung held the newborn against his chest, wrapping her in fluffy blankets to keep her warm and swaying her around slowly. Hearing her gurgle softly in satisfaction, he looked over to Jungkook who was already staring at him with round, loving, and a bit glassy eyes. "Kook? I love her so much, I don't think I can ever let her go! Hey, what happened to you? You look like you're about to cry!"
"I-I don't know," the ravenette stuttered. "This just looks too... domestic? This could be us with our own daughter in a few years, Tae. I just think that's beautiful." He scooted closer, ruffling the blonde's hair and then caressing his cheek, also caressing Umji's cheek after. Taehyung smiled softly, leaning closer towards him. "Yes, it is. I can't wait to spend an eternity with you. I love you so much, Jeon Jungkook."
"And I love you, Kim Taehyung." Jungkook positioned himself right behind the older so that he could lean on his chest, the baby still resting in his arms as the ravenette snuggled against his neck. "She's fidgeting, I think she's hungry. Do you have any milk?" The ravenette nodded, handing him a pink baby bottle filled with breast milk.
"Here you go, pumpkin," the blonde whispered, placing the teat on her little mouth and motioning her to drink. He laughed softly as she made grabby hands towards the bottle while sucking the milk out of the bottle, however, she was not strong enough to hold it on her own.
"Pumpkin?," Jungkook asked, slightly amused.
"Can you blame me? Look at her face, it looks like a cute, little pumpkin!" The ravenette chuckled, silently agreeing.
"You're right, it kind of does. Hey, by the way. Maybe I should call you pumpkin, too. It's kind of a cute nickname." He now booped Taehyung's nose, the latter shaking his head profusely.
"Noo, I like the little prince one better," he said cheekily, now patting Umji's back while holding her over his shoulder so that she could digest the milk properly.
"As you wish," the younger answered, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist from behind, him smiling at that.
"Do you wanna hold her too?," he asked, handing the thick bundle of blankets over to Jungkook who took it hesitantly, not knowing how to deal with a real-life baby.
He flinched as a sudden, high-pitched wail filled the room. Why the hell was the baby crying now?
Because he was literally holding her upside down...
"Oh my god, Kook! You're not supposed to hold her upside down!," Taehyung scolded, quickly taking her back into his own arms and calming her down by 'shh'-ing her, swaying her around and cooing at her. And all of a sudden, the crying had stopped.
"Babies need to be assured that they're safe. When we get our baby, I'm never letting you hold it without me being there."
"I can already see, you're gonna be a hell of a passionate mother," the ravenette stated, slightly embarrassed.
"More like father, but yeah. My baby will come first, no matter what." He winked and made kissy faces at Umji, who was now sleeping soundly again.
"Let's take her to bed, she's asleep," he whispered, standing up to walk to the bedroom but wincing harshly as he felt pain shoot up his spine as he did just that. Jungkook, who noticed, immediately rushed to his aid.
"Oh my god, baby, are you okay? Should I carry you again?" Taehyung shook his head, blushing furiously.
"No, it's okay. I just stood up too abruptly." The younger boy pouted slightly. "But it's my fault you're in pain." And Taehyung blushed even harder.
"No, it's okay, really. I... I kinda asked for it, remember? Now stop talking about this or I'm gonna explode of embarrassment!" Laughing, Jungkook softly patted his butt before standing up himself, the blonde now removing one hand around the baby's body to hide his face in embarrassment.
And as the ravenette guided him to the bedroom by holding him by his lower back with the cutest nose scrunch ever, the couple felt like they were family, for the first time.
"Can't believe we have to do this again." The couple was standing at the train station's grey platfrorm again, arms around each other and foreheads pressed up against each other.
"Promise me we won't fight again, alright? I don't either of us to be sad," Taehyung spoke, Jungkook nodding wildly at that.
"Definetely. I swear, those three days were hell. I kept thinking of you but the hospital had so shitty WiFi, there wasn't any point trying to text you. And god, the night we fought, I cried so much. I thought my eyes were gonna explode. And Eunwoo- he was so worried about me."
Taehyung stroked his shoulders softly. "Oh no, Koo. Well, did you tell him eventually? That you're dating a guy?" To his huge surprise, the ravenette nodded.
"Yeah, it just slipped out eventually. It was such a relief, actually. He's pretty supportive but you can obviously see he's uncomfortable. He waits until I'm asleep to take a shower, pretty dumb, actually. As if I would watch anyone shower except for you." Taehyung felt his cheeks heat up and slapped the younger's shoulder.
"Too bad because I'm not letting you," he said confidently, flipping his imaginary hair and giggling cutely. Jungkook was clearly sulking. "Damn it," he whispered in defeat, also laughing softly and booping his nose softly with his own.
"Boys! I bought you some coffee, so you can be fit for your first day back at college!," Mrs. Jeon interrupted the two of them, handing both of them a paper cup with some steaming hot coffee inside, the boys taking them with a small 'thank you', opening the lids and slurping the drink with little gulps.
"Oh, Mrs. Jeon," Taehyung spoke as soon as he had swallowed, suddenly remembering something. "Can I ask you something?" The woman nodded encouragingly, motioning him to ask away.
"So...," he began carefully. "Did you completely give up on finding Haena? I know it's been like a decade, but if there's a chance of her still living her life, wouldn't you want to see her? I don't mean to be nosy or anything, by the way. It's just... sad. Losing a friend like that."
"Actually, neither me nor my friends have given up," she said, sighing. "We might actually be onto something. You see, Haena cut all ties with her horrible, horrible family and left the country, probably changed her name aswell. But Narae left the country too, so they may or may not still be together. I got in touch with Narae's parents and they want to see her again, too. They've been trying to contact her and she actually responded! I think she might fly to Korea soon to catch up with them and maybe, if we're lucky, Haena will be there, too. You see, when their daughter came out to them, Narae's parents weren't happy with her but they didn't neglect her and I think they might be coming around."
"So I'm positive this story will get its happy ending," she wrapped up her talk, smiling at the attentively listening boys still drinking up their coffee.
"Wow, Mrs. Jeon. That's amazing news! I'm sure you and your friends will get her back soon. You know what I like to say? Love will always find its way. I mean, it happened with me and your son, Chae and Lisa and basically everyone else. You just need to believe in it. And knowing what the two of them went through, I think they'll find their way back to each other."
She beamed at the blonde boy. "Oh, Jungkook, your boyfriend is so cute! If you don't marry him one day, I'm kicking you out of the house!" Jungkook slightly blushed, intertwining his hand with Taehyung's, who was also blushing, swiftly. "No need to worry, mom. I wouldn't dream of marrying anyone else." He pecked the older's forehead.
"Perfect. And oh, before I forget." She rummaged inside her purse and handed Taehyung a big packet of jelly beans. "So you can cheer up and start your second semester with motivation. Never let the homophobes get to you, baby. Don't look so sad now, Jungkook. I'll buy you some, too." The boy took the packet with a little bow, grinning happily.
"Thank you so much, Mrs. Jeon! I'm actually doing well, my roommate is really supportive and his best friend Jinyoung is actually just like me, he has a boyfriend too. His other best friend Soojin likes anyone regardless of their gender so we're all part of the same community and I'm super comfortable," he told her excitedly, her smiling fondly.
"I'm glad to hear that. Things weren't quite the same for my Jungkookie, he struggled a lot... But he promised to talk to either or us if he's having a tough time so I guess you both are gonna make it through just fine. By the way, the train leaves in five minutes. I'll let you have your goodbyes. Goodbye, Taehyung." Ruffling their hair, she gave Taehyung a little goodbye hug and departed, waving.
"I actually have something for you too, baby," Jungkook then whispered, grabbing the blonde's shoulders and turning him around so they were now facing each other.
"Oh, you know you don't have to give me anything!" The ravenette shrugged.
"I know, but I wanted to. It's actually nothing special, just something mom found while she was cleaning." He pulled something fluffy out of his pocket and Taehyung's breath hitched at the sight.
"O-Oh my god, is that--"
"Yes. The teddy bear you were hugging the first time we met. When you found your mom, you dropped it and my mom picked it up and completely forgot about it afterwards." The memory faint but still present, Jungkook gazed into his lover's surprised eyes with a smile, tears welling up inside them at the sight of the ancient-looking but cute, brown teddy bear.
"T-The first time we met. That was, like, fifteen years ago. I can't believe you still remember that, w-we were toddlers!," he sobbed into the other's chest, all sorts of emotions coming up inside him. Feeling tears come up his eyes at the memories aswell, Jungkook hugged him tightly.
"I don't think I could ever forget. I remember every single moment I've ever spent with you, Taehyung. We were always meant to be together, right from the start. We started as BFF's, we turned into lovers..."
"...A-And someday, we'll be husbands. And dads. And granddads. G-God, what would I be without you? I think I'd be like a butterfly without wings, like a body without a soul, like an ocean without water... Just, thank you for being my everything, my companion for life. I love you more than anything else and I will forever love you!" He wiped his own tears and then Jungkook's tears that threatened to spill. His head was still leaning against the younger's chest, the steady heartbeat soothing him like a lullaby would soothe a little child.
"I'll love you forever too, you're the light of my life. Everything we ever went through made our bond even stronger. Don't you ever dare let me go, it would kill me." Taehyung was just about to protest when all of a sudden, the train arrived and interrupted them with a loud whistle, the couple holding each other tighter and connecting their lips one last time.
The blonde grabbed his very old teddy bear, more tears leaking as he didn't want to leave. Jungkook, as much as it hurt him, lifted him up and carried him towards the train with a heavy heart. "Go now, my little prince. Or you'll regret it," he ordered, motioning towards the big, black train and smiling his adorable bunny smile as he saw the other reluctantly stepping inside. An adorable rectangular smile made its way on his face as he saw the ravenette smiling, both boys were waving at each other and blowing kisses like crazy.
And in that moment they knew, this time, they would not fight.
What they also knew? Love would always find its way. And it did.
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