《Into the Shadows》Chapter 23: The Train


I wish our goodbye could have been longer. I wish I had ensured I made the time to be with Danny for a bit before we had to run off to the station. For now, a tight hug and a kept rosary would have to be enough. After Rome, maybe I would get to see him again. I didn't realize how much I missed having his friendship in my life, even though he will probably always treat me like a little kid.

Arriving to St Pancras International Station was hectic. We jumped out of the car, dragging our suitcases behind us and waited patiently to pass through security and finally an hour later we were in the terminal waiting to board the train.

I stood on the platform with Corey and Sam, since Jake and Colby had run off to buy snacks, and as soon as they returned, I felt my stomach growl loudly. I was offered chips and candy, but I knew that would just make me feel sick later, so I took a turn to break away from the group.

I got a coffee and a croissant, but then I found a small book store and decided to check that out. I found an interesting magazine and then I heard my name.

"Lia!" It was Colby, running up towards the stalls from the platform, "Lia, we gotta go!"

"Crap!" I gave the woman behind the counter 20 pounds, over paying by about 100% percent, but I needed to go.

We tore off together towards the platform, loudly exclaiming, "Excuse me!" "Pardon me!" and "I'm late, move please!" It was incredibly American of us, but it seemed to get the job done. It also seemed to earn us a bunch of disgruntled stares and some whispering behind our backs, but whatever, I guess.


We met back up with the rest of the guys, boarding the train and cramming ourselves along with our suitcases into a pretty small compartment, but despite the tight squeeze, the place almost felt cozy.

I didn't even realize I was still tired until I opened my eyes to the boys 'oo'-ing and 'ah'-ing at something outside the train window. I wrote it off as typical monkey brained behavior.

I rolled my head over, closing my eyes once again and readjusting my earbuds in my ears. I turned the volume of the song on a little louder and returned to my nap. We still had a long way to go to Paris and after that, a long way to go to Rome.

The platform in Paris that we exited onto was bustling and full of all sorts of people, some in fancy dress, others in a distinctly chic but comfortable style. It was coming up on 7 pm and Uncle Leo's secretary hadn't sent me the tickets for the next train from Paris to Rome so I spent about fifteen minutes waiting around awkwardly.

The groups of people started to clear up and there was a man in a suit and stereotypical chauffeur's hat with a sign near the exit.

"Amelia Cauldwell" it read, and in small print under that "and friends." Maybe the train to Rome left from a different station than Gare du Nord?

I approached the man and introduced myself.

"Bonjour, monsieur. Je m'appelle Amelia Cauldwell."

"Bon soir, Mademoiselle," a distinctly American voice replied from beneath the hat in badly pronounced French, "Parlez-vous anglais?"

"Yes," I raised an eyebrow.

"Good, I thought you were going to make me play this ridiculous little game forever!" a hand reached up to pull off the hat, "Welcome to Paris, Lia."


Hiding beneath that stupid cap was none other than Thomas Andrews and his sister Laura popped up beside him.

"How's it going, Li?" she smiled and I hugged her tight.

"Lia, who's this?" the boys were confused.

"This is Laura and Thomas Andrews. Their father was a demonologist just like mine, but now he works as a close aid of the American Ambassador to France." I smiled, looking to Laura and Thomas, "And these guys are Sam, Colby, Corey, and Jake. They are paranormal investigator Youtubers that I have been working with for a bit now."

"WOW!" Laura's eyes lit up, "You'll have to tell me all about it on the way!"

"Wait where are we going?" I was confused, "We have another train to catch. We're going to see Uncle Leo in Rome."

"Not tonight, you're having dinner here and spending the night and leaving tomorrow. You know Uncle Leo, traveling quickly always takes a back seat to comfort and fun." Thomas laughed.

"Yeah..." I giggled, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Let's go!"

I grabbed my suitcase and led the charge towards the door. Tonight would get interesting for sure.

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