《Safe with You - Jurassic World Fan-Fiction》Chapter 1


I had just finished college, and my life was about to begin. I was twenty nine years old. I had graduated from college with an Arts & Sciences degree. I was very excited for my life to begin.

I was sitting at home, in my apartment. It was a Sunday afternoon, and I was off from work. I worked as a tour guide at the history museum. Then, my phone began to ring. I picked up the phone, and answered it.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey Carly, sweetie" A voice said.

It was my dad. His name is Alan Grant. He is the famous paleontologist, went to preview the one and only Jurassic Park, before it was due to open. The park was located on Isla Nublar, on the Pacific Coast, near Costa Rica. My dad, his friend Ellie, and a few other people went to the park with John Hammond. He was the owner and founder of the park.

When a storm hit, while everyone was there, all of the dinosaurs broke out, and the park never opened up.

"Hey dad. What's up?" I asked.

"InGen called me. It's about an opportunity for you to take" My dad said.

"Okay, let me call them. I'll call you back" I said.

I hung up the phone, and called InGen. I wondered what they wanted.

"Hi, this is Carly Grant. I heard that you have an opportunity for me" I said.

"Hello. Yes, we do have something for you. It's an internship at our new park" A voice said.

It was a lady on the phone. I wanted to know about the internship.

"What is the job?" I asked.

"We have a new dinosaur park that has opened up. We need you to come here, get a preview of the park, and work with the staff" The lady said.


"What is the name of the park?" I asked.

"Jurassic World. It's owned by the Masrani Global Corporation" The lady said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wanted to see this park.

"Okay, and how long is this for?" I asked.

"Eight weeks" The lady said.

"Alright. I want the job" I said.

"Great! We will be paying for your flight to Costa Rica. Once you arrive, you are to board a boat that will take you to the island. Then, a train will take you into the park." The lady explained.

"Alright. When I will be leaving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning" The lady said.

"Thank you" I said.

"Sure thing" The lady said.

I hung up the phone, and called my dad. Then, I began to get ready for my trip.

NOTE: What do you all think? More chapters to come!

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