《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 37


Matteo's pov

"You know she drank whiskey while you where in the coma", Enzo said from across the room as I looked down at the girl in my arms, looking up at him I furrowed my eyebrows.

"But she hates that shit.", 

"Yay, I know man....but she drank it and broke down", 

"She also killed John, put a bullet in his head....fucking prick deserved it anyway", he started to clench his fist at the end, my anger spiked wanting to know what he did.

Enzo read my facial expressions and answered my question, 

"He called her a whore and was being a racist misogynistic bitch", he spat out trying not to raise his voice as Esme was still sleeping on my chest . 

He's lucky he's dead because I sure as held would've torture and kill him. 

"But she's fine now since you're awake", 

"Anything else I need to know", I raised an eyebrow jokingly to which he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. 

"Uhhh, well the reason we weren't here is because....w-"

"Spit it out", 

"Okay fine wewenttocaptureyourdadandbrother", he said fast, I gave him a glare and he said it over slowly 

"We went to capture your dad and brother", 

dead silence

"What do you mean you went to capture them, Enzo", I asked roughly 

"It it was her she wanted to get revenge for what did for you and I made sure to keep her safe as you can see..because I know you would bitch about it", 

I look down at my girl who was still dead asleep in my arms with her face stuffed into my neck, 

I swear she could sleep through anything...

"I- were are they now?", I asked looking back at him


"They are at one of the warehouse after being knocked out by the woman in your arms", I raised my eyes in response looking back at her.

The conversation died there for a few minutes before I spoke up again, 

"How are you?", I asked his seriously, 

"I-i don't know man, it was hard ill be honest, I was scared as shit, I didn't know what to do when she called me", he said referring to Esme, 

"I-i thought you were gone...", he cleared his throat and looked away, 

"I'm back now, so you don't have to worry, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon", I gave him small smile wishing I could hug him. 

"Right, enough of the sappy shit", he laughed bitterly, which caused me to chuckle, 

"How's that girl?", I asked him

"Man, I don't know, we haven't talk for 2 days and I feel like I'm going through withdrawals", I laughed at that

"She got your head in a mess, huh", I tsk

"Just treat her good, cause I don't think I would be able to hold back Esme if you hurt her",

"I'm not going to. EVER", I nodded.

"I'm think of taking Esme to Barbados so she can visit her family", I told him my idea that I had for a month,

"Yeah, you should and take the others too, we can all go in a week", he added

"I like that idea, I need to take her away for a while and I know she is home sick"

"Then, it's settled we are going to Barbados in a week, I'll tell the girls", he got up to go outside shutting the door behind him.

"You can open your eyes now", I looked down at Esme as she slowly peeked up at me, 


"hey", she spoke softly, her voiced still laced with sleep.

"Hey, Baby", I smiled down at her, she looked so beautiful, her skin glowing in the barely lit hospital room.

"Sorry", she said 

"Why are you sorry, baby", I rubbed my finger against her cheek. She leaned into my touch and I sighed in content.

"for not being there with you, I'm sorry that I didn't come visit you yesterday, god I'm so so-", I cut her off by kissing her.

The kiss was passionate and filled with compassion and need, our lips moved in sync , I bit her lip softly earning a small moan from her, 

"My little masochist", I said once we pulled away, she rolled her eyes and pushed my head away, I laughed at her before wincing a bit,

"OMg I'm sorry I forgot", she said sitting up quickly and jumped off the bed, 

"I'm fine", I told her

"Liar.", she squinted her eyes at me

"Come here"



"Because what"

"Because I said so"

"Hmmmmm, no", and with that she walked into the bathroom, throwing a wink over her shoulder. 


Not me updating again ;)

They are going to Barbados...I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

We're gonna meet some new characters and maybe some love interest *wink wink*

Don't forget to hit the star thingy<33333

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