《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 36



Matteo's pov

*a few minutes before Enzo got the call*

I woke up to bright white lights shining into my eyes, 

where the hell am I?

I looked around the what I supposed was a hospital room, none one was in sight and then I heard loud beeping and then loud footsteps following it.

The hospital door busted open revealing a tired looking nurse followed by three men in lab coats, who I assumed were the doctors, 

"H-He's awake", the nursed panted out, she looked at the doctors who were clearly as shocked as her, making me wonder were I am in here and where Esme is..


I tried to recall what happened before I ended up here, I only remembered tires screeching and my head having a pain, my hand went to my head were I felt a bandage around it, 

"What's going o-", I was cut off by the door opening again this time reveling my mother and sisters, who looked very destressed. 

"Oh my baby", my mother cried out as she came and hugged me, my sisters stood by the door with tears in there eyes, 

"what happened", I asked confused as I looked at my mother, she pulled away and looked in my eyes then she looked over me and I say her nod in response,

"Hunny...you were in a accident, about 4 days ago and you were in a coma for 2", she said looking at me to see my reaction. 

"Where's Esme?", I asked my mum, she looked confused and faced my sisters

"ill go call Enzo", issy said

"is she okay", I asked sitting up in the bed wincing slightly, 

"You just got into an accident and asking about someone else", my mother shook her head in disbelief, 


"When I know she is okay, then ill be okay",


Enzo hasn't said anything for what felt like forever. 

"HE WHATTTTT?", I practically screamed, he finally shook out of what every trance he was in, to look back at his phone then to me. 

"He's..he's awake", he said, I felt the whole world stop around me, my heart stopping with it, a million different thoughts and emotions were running through me at once and I felt like I was about to pass out. 

"hey hey, you're shaking...just breathe", I felt Enzo place a hand on my back, 

"W-What if he doesn't remember me...what if he forgets everything we have and he doesn't want me or what if he leaves me because I'm not enough, or what i-", 

"STOP, Stop talking like that Esme you're talking nonsense of course he will want you anybody can see the way he looks at you, like.. like the way you are the only person in the world, like light at the end of the tunnel, and he remembers you..he asked for you. You were the first person he asked for when he woke up", he laughed at the end looking at me

I nodded my head and wiped away my tears, taking a deep breath I turned back to Enzo.

"Yay, yay...let's go home please", I spoke softly, he nodded his head and turned to the driver while I turned to look out the window as we sped back to Airport.


I am standing outside of Matteo's room as I contemplate whether to go in or not. 

I slowed walked into the hospital room with my head down and I looked up to see Matteo staring at me from the hospital bed. 


It felt so surreal, as thought I was in a dream, but I wasn't dreaming. He was actually awake and infront of me, my eyes started to sting as I walked over to him.

"Hey hey why are you crying", he asked panickily, which made cry hard as I heard his voice, that very voice I missed so fucking much. 

I crashed into him as I sob uncontrollably, he tightened his grip around my waist as he lifted me onto his lap, I was too out of it to even scold him for lifting me when he is injured.

"Shh shhh its okay baby, it's okay baby, I got you", he whispered into my ear as sniffled.

"You came back", I cried out into his chest as he held me tightly, 

"Always", I felt him kiss my head as I drifted off to sleep.


Kinda short chapter, sorry

Also, I know this story has alot of spelling mistakes and it isn't the best so when the epilogue is posted, the story will be taken down for like 1-2days for editing and then back up.

I will keep yall updated on that. 

That is all for now, Have a good day loviessss<3333333

Don't forget to Vote and comment I wanna hear yall's feedback<3333333

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