《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 9


*3 years ago*

Waking up the next morning I expected to see Esme laying next to me, sleeping in nothing, but to my surprise the bed was cold and empty

Jumping off the bed I started to frantically look for her, that was until I saw a note on my side table.

Good morning Teo, if you're reading this that means that I'm already long gone, I had to leave today.

I just wanna thank you for a wonderful night, honestly it was amazing I really appreciate it,

I also barrowed a pair of sweats and a shirt, I went commando thanks to you (I except my fucking panties)

Till we meet again,



Btw, you have my legs hurting, fuck you!

Laughing loudly at her note I take in her first sentence,

Reaching for my phone I dial my tech guy, "Ciao boss"

"Ciao, ho bisogno del tuo aiuto" I say (I need your help)


"Voglio che tu trovi questa ragazza per me, si chiama Esme, è alta circa 5"9, ha gli occhi color nocciola, ha la pelle scura e lunghi capelli ricci neri"

(I want you to find this girl for me, her name is Esme, she is about 5 "9 tall, she has hazel eyes, she has dark skin and long black curly hair)

"Cognome?" (Last name)

"Non lo so" (I don't know)

Sucking in a deep breath, he told me he will try his best and call me if he has updates.

2 weeks later


Not one thing, I can't find her, how tf did she just disappear

We have searched everywhere for her, how can I the most powerful mafia boss not find the location of one girl

This is quiet frustrating, and she is always in my head

I can still remember how it felt to buried inside her, watch her eyes roll back at the back of her head when she came over and over...how her pussy clenched around my dick when she was close... the way her ass jiggled when I fucked her from behind...

I'm hard again for like the 6th time thinking about her for these last two days....

I don't even know why I want to find her so badly.....


Quick chapter:)

Don't forget to comment and vote, tell me how you like it so far.

Ciao luvss

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