《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 8


*3 years ago*

The morning after was horrid, I was so sore I felt as though if I moved my legs to much they might come off, after about 3 more rounds Matteo and I fell asleep because he and a quote,

'Didn't want to hurt you', my dude the damage has already been done.

Looking down at Matteo who was laying with his face in the crock of my neck and his hand draping over my waist,

I started to look at his tattoos that he has all over his body, let me tell you, my weakness is tats

Could this man get anymore hot?

Even last night after he destroyed my pussy, he cleaned me up and got me water, he even massaged my legs,

Which did nothing....my poor legs

But here is the issue I have to leave, like now

My flight is in 5 hours, and we have to be there two hours early because those girls are always late to literally everything.

Slowly lifting his heavy arm off of my stomach, I felt like I could breathe again

Slowing getting up I made sure not to move to much and to make as little noise as possible, when I was finally out of the bed, I started to look for my clothes or what was left of it

Fucking animal

Remembering that he ripped my underwear I just put on my bra, not wanting to put on my dress from last night, I looked for his closet to find a pair of sweatpants and a shirt.

Looking at it now his room was massive..damn, finally finding the closet which was also big, I found what I was looking for.

The pants and shirt where big because he is a tall as hell bruh, I thought I was tall and ima like 5"9, folding my dress I quickly looked for a pen and paper to inform him of my departure, also that I "barrowed" his clothes.


Satisfied with what I wrote I placed it on the bed side table by him,

I looked at him once placing a small kiss on his lips, he started to stir so I bolted out the room. I felt like a creep...omg

Shaking those thoughts from my head, I headed downstairs so that I could leave, my god this house it so beautiful but big as hell for just one person, I wonder if he has siblings, after finding the door I took up my purse off of the floor and went out the door.

Nodding my head to the security out front weird I tried my best not to look like I was limping while going out the gates.

I used my phone to call a cab 3mins away from the house, taking this time as I wait, I messaged the girls and told them I should be home soon

My phone started to go off as I was receiving a billion message from them asking

Where I was

Who was I with

,and if I got my shit rocked, laughing loudly at the last one stupid rin I quickly told them I was okay and I'll talk when I get back.

The drive to the hotel was pretty calm seeing as it was early morning, Italy is so beautiful I would honestly like to live here one day.

Pulling up to the hotel I quickly get out thanking and paying the driver, going up to the floor I made sure I had my room key, thankfully I did.

Opening my door, I was tackled by 4 girls, here we go...

"Was he hot?"

"Are you joining the non-virgin club"

"Was it the hottie from the club?"

"YES, YES AND YES!!!" I said,

"Wait omg girl spill, how was it," said Kaylie


"Tbh with you, I am thinking I'm in love with that man omg, he made it so special even after I told him I was a virgin... do we have to leave" I sighed blopping my self on the bed

"Sorry chica but we have to go to school so we can get that bag" Cleo said laying next to me,

"So, like what did he say this morning?" Lottie asked excitedly,

"Well... I kinda left while he was sleeping." I said shyly, looking at the shocked expression I quickly add" But I left a note for him though, thanking him and everything" .

"I- um okay" Rin said while clearing her throat, "Lets just get ready and leave please I already feel bad" I said sadly,

"Its okay, you'll see him again I'm sure of it girl..." Kaylie said smiling softly,

Getting up I made my way to my luggage, "Allez, nous devons partir bientôt!!" I said (Come on we have to leave soon)

They looked at my worriedly because I only switch French when I'm upset or mad.

Why do I have to leave...*sigh*


Poor Esme........

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