《The Accidental Transformation remake》Blade Of Pain
Hello, Hello welcome back to a something that should have come out ages ago. But things happen all I can do is try to make up for it. So I hope you enjoy.
Hope, something that I had once, something that soon dissipated along with the urge to live. Though I no longer care about living or dying, it doesn't mean I wish harm upon others namely, Blue or Owen. By this time captivity has been terrible, one the first night of arrival to this underground chamber, I have been tortured, ordered around as if some robot that knows no life nor emotions.
On the first night here, they chained me up and used a heated metal rod to get me to see us in charge. Afterwards I just didn't respond to anyone's command just to spite them. The next thing they tried was not as painful, but it still hurt though as it involved physical abuse. They didn't hurt me that much, still I had suspicions that they wanted to do more, but whoever wanted me, needed me to function, for what though I have no clue. And then there was the most painful thing that I have ever felt, worse in fact than becoming a raptor, worse than anything, emotional pain.
"dude this is stupid" said someone with a groan, "I don't think the boss, is like he used to, he seems too soft" the voice pointed out. "oh well, he is the boss" the door to the cell unlocked, I pretended to be asleep, in an attempt at tricking them to get closer. "I know your awake, just though I would warn you about the others" one stated, "you know your friends, the raptors" I snapped my eyes open, with a warning growl, "" I hissed, my eyes narrowing.
The man stopped seeing the sudden change in attitude he continued; "They Aren't looking for you, they haven't even noticed your disappearance" The man faltered, looking to see how I am reacting. "apart from the one that chased us" another stop. "though she hasn't been seen since the..." another stop. "incident" my heart skipped a beat as he smiled at the word, as though it was a good memory 'anything good for these guys can be a disaster for everyone else... and if it about blue, then he will regret everything' "" I threatened.
"the incident involved a gun, a stomach, and a certain person who goes by the name of Boss" I interrupted the man with a growl, and he just laughed. "and you should've heard the noises she made, first it was this loud shriek like scream. Then it was this gurgling sound as she drowned in her own blood, oh the look on her face. Let me just say it was glorious, I had never laughed so hard befor- "I cut him off with a roar of outrage, jumping to feet and pulling at the chains trying to get loose. He laughed, making me struggle harder against the chains, that kept me from killing him. "you will never get through those chains, I'd be surprised if you even managed to-" he was cut off as one chain holding me down snapped, the man picked up a radio from his belt, as another chain broke, leaving one left.
"uh, we have a Ra- "the last chain broke. With a roar I jumped at him, grabbing his head in my jaws, and started biting down on him, slowly as to cause as much pain as possible. He started screaming, and trying to reach for something in his belt, I stopped him by biting harder. He moved his hand faster, bringing it back up with something in it. A gun. I reacted fast, biting down with full force, crushing his head in mere seconds.
Seeing my chance at escaping, I rammed into the cell door expecting it to open, but to no such luck. "" I growled under my breath, desperately trying to think of another way out. Unfortunately, there seemed to be no other way, the only way being though the door, the locked door. Hearing footsteps, I rammed into the bars, desperate to get out, to get anywhere but here, but not before finding out who this ' is. I swear I am going to kill him when I find him.
'though on second thought Blue can't be dead because they didn't take her, in fact yes, she had followed me, but she had followed me for not even ten seconds before she was knocked out. So... Blue is still alive! But if she is alive, then where is she, surely, she would have come looking for me by now, surely... no need to worry about that now, I will worry about that once I get out of here, if I get out of here.'
I kept ramming into the cell door, putting all the strength I have to get past, but finding nothing working. The footsteps stop, I look up seeing someone standing in front of me behind the cell door. "" I growl, he grins, eyes quickly flick to the person I had just killed, then back to me. "I see you have a new friend, how nice. Although that happened." he gestures to his crushed head, "I am sure he told you quite the story, though farfetched it's the truth, specifically the part about your raptor friends not caring enough to save you, you're as good to them as dead." He started laughing.
"and yet you still disobey me, what's the point, no one cares about you, not even Owen, your human friend, I suppose you know who I am talking about, you know the alpha" he continued. He glared at me "And yet you still don't follow orders, that's going to change soon, trust me. Because if it doesn't then let's just say, bye, bye Blue. This time for real."
After that day, they put twice as many chains on me, and I still refused to listen to them, especially Hoskins. I didn't believe for one second, they had Blue. The others wouldn't have let them get to her. "but if she somehow was caught..." I stopped my mind from continuing, refusing to think like that. Though the longer I stay here the more I believe that my so called "friends" don't care about me, and the more I fall into depression. My stomach growled loudly, begging for food. It has been at least two days since I have eaten, as they have been making me go days without food or water, then give me the bare minimum to survive another couple of days without. So far this has gone on for about two weeks and still no one has come to even tried to save me.
"" I voiced my thoughts, as I sat in the same cell as before, with no hope of being rescued, not even by Owen. Every so often I would think back to before I became a Raptor, and wish to be back then, but then again, I also feel like I was always supposed to become a Raptor. It feels natural. Walking is like a whole new concept than how humans walk, something that should've taken longer to do, way longer, yet I did it withing seconds. Not only that, but new body parts should have taken even longer to learn how to control, let alone use to my advantage. Actually, the more I thought about it, the more I came to believe that I was never meant to be human. That I was supposed to have been born a Raptor, no scrap that hatched a Raptor. And now that I am a Raptor, life has been living hell.
"" I muttered as a man comes around the corner, dragging a pig behind him. The man opened the cell door, walked in, and threw the pig onto the floor in front of me. Though I was suspicious I didn't care, as all I could focus on was the food just given to me. I started eating, not paying attention to anything but food, not hearing any other sounds, not feeling anything, not seeing anything but the food.
I was so dead to the world that I didn't even notice the man pull out a muzzle, and sneak up to me, that is until my jaws were forcibly closed. That was when I started thinking clearly again, I was about to open my jaws when I felt something slide over my snout. My eyes widened when I realised what had just happened "I just lost my only defence." Since my claws were already tied up by chains my only way to fight back was to use my jaws, but now that I couldn't there was nothing I could do anymore.
I growled through the muzzle as the man then pulled out a knife from his belt, looking at me with an evil grin. He held the knife out in front of my face, letting me have a good look at it. The first thing I noticed was the serrated edge that was most likely used to inflict more pain. The next thing I noticed was the curved blade, also probably used to cause more pain, the last thing I noticed was how short the blade was, and the only reason for it that came to mind was to make a wound not deep enough to kill but still deep enough to cause agony.
The man pulled the knife away from view, making me wait in anticipation. Knowing there was nothing I could do to stop him, only made it worse, it made me feel useless. After mere seconds I felt something poke my back, and without even bracing myself for pain, the object started digging into my scales, agony ran through my body like a river of magma from deep within the earths core.
The pain grew in intensity when the blade started dragging through my body, creating a cut nearly a metre long, and about 10 centimetres deep. the fresh wound starting to bleed, covering my back in it within seconds. I clenched my teeth, trying to fight through the pain, as something blistering hot pressed against my back over the wound.
Eventually the heated item was removed from my back, and relief flooded through my body as the pain slowed to a dull throb. the first thing I noticed was the blood flow had stopped. "he must have cauterized the wound, I just hope he does nothing else" as if the man knew what I had just thought, pushed the knife into another spot on my back and repeated the same method of torture, for what felt like hours.
Only when I shivered from blood loss did he stop completely, even then though my whole back was throbbing in pain. And though I could still feel the pain of the inflicted wounds, it was as if it were from another world, as the fatigue that had me on the edge of sleep, kept my brain in scrambles. My thoughts were slow and slurred, my movement was non-existent, and I had a feeling that even if not chained down it would have been the same.
The only thing that kept me awake was the distant pain. But even with the pain, I was only barely able to stay awake. "Sleep". It sounded glorious to my mind, yet I knew I had to stay awake. I knew if I fell asleep, the most likely outcome would be death, and that was not on a list of things to do. Sure, I had lost the will to live, but that doesn't mean that I want death. Though if the torturing continues for much longer, than I hate to say it, but death would no longer be on the don't do list but travel to the top of my priorities and be a new common wish for me.
For what felt like hours, I struggled to stay awake, I struggled to stay alive, and I struggled to maintain the will to live. Eventually giving up on all those things, my eyes started to slowly slide close, only to snap open at the sound of an alarm. "what is that alarm", I thought, and multiple possibilities went through my mind, the one that caught my mind the most, being a rescue team. The thought kept me awake, and making me gain hope, even if it might be false hope. It was still hope, and that was enough for me. The small spark of hope grew into a raging inferno, that demanded for something good, to make sure the hope isn't for nothing.
As I kept my focus on the hallway, I could hear many things one of which was screams, another being gun shots and finally door slams. The longer I was staring at the hallway, the more tension I felt. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, all the sounds stopped, much like a bird slamming into a window would stop; instantly. Soon footsteps could be heard, slowly drawing closer and closer. And then I noticed another sound, dragging, I could hear dragging mixed in with the footsteps.
My hope went from being an eagle soaring through the sky, into a garbage bag full of trash being crushed in a garbage truck, within the course of seconds. something was being dragged, except it wasn't a thing, it was a person, or well, a raptor. Blue was being dragged by three guys, each holding onto a different chain that was connected to Blue, who also had a muzzle on and as far as I could tell was awake and had not seen me. The cell across from me opened when a man unlocked it. They then pushed blue into the cell and the men locked the door and turned to me. "Hope you enjoy the company; it won't be for long" one man stated before walking away with the other men.
"" I heard Blue, exclaim. My eyes drifted to her and seeing her staring at me with wide eyes that contained happiness. I looked away, ignoring the look of hurt in her eyes. I stared at the wall. "" Blue questioned. "" I growled. I turned my gaze from the wall to Blue, waiting for an answer.
"" she tried, "" I cut her off. "" she exclaimed."" my words broke down into sobs, as the barrier that stopped all the emotional pain, from surfacing broke, releasing all the pain I suffered from this place, in one go. I snapped my head up with a growl, instantly stopping all sobs, as I focused my attention on the person in front of me. Hoskins.
"" I growled, "you know with how disobedient you have been, and now that I have another raptor, I feel like I have to set an example, for both you, and the other raptor" he chuckled. "" I hissed. "the example for you, is that you should have listened to me, and for the other is to do as I say, or the same thing will happen to her" he grinned. "" I growled impatiently. Hoskins laughed before continuing, "so how do you feel about dying tomorrow"
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she was why poetry was invented, to describe girls like her.-does anyone even have a CLUE what's happening?-lowercase intended.!!!cover art found on pinterest!!-ranks #2 in clue #19 in classic #5 in gentle#13 in goodguyfitz#26 in inotorious #711 in youtube #644 in story#389 in past
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