《Ants crisis》part 4
Ant immediately scooped Dec off his feet,holding him tight
"Oh my God,I can't believe you're actually here" Ant squealed in childish delight,putting Dec down,but still holding him,with his arms wrapped firmly around Decs shoulders "I've missed you so much"
Tears were now streaming down both their faces,but this time they were tears of absolute joy,both of them completely overjoyed to finally see the other.
"I've missed you too" Dec smiled,he was glad to see Ant looked a bit better than at his court appearance,maybe because he had a broad grin on his face,rather than the look of utter desperation he'd had that awful day in court.It was too long since Ant had looked so genuinely happy,Dec thought.
They hugged affectionately for what seemed like a lifetime,neither of them wanting to be the first to let go.Eventually they pulled back slightly,looking deep into each others eyes and smiling
"Come on" Dec said "I've got something for you" and picked up the bag he'd hastily dumped on the floor in his eagerness to jump into Ants arms,handing it over.
Ant smiled as he peeked inside "all my favourite treats,thank you"
"And all the cards are from people who love and support you" Dec announced "and the big one is from me but please don't open it until after I've gone"
"Ok,thank you so much" Ant was beaming and Dec thought this was the happy Ant he wanted back so badly"
"We're allowed to have lunch in my room" Ant informed Dec "they don't usually allow that but have made an exception,you know to give us some privacy,I don't want to share you with anyone"
"Fine by me" Dec smiled warmly at Ant,just so happy to see that adorable face again.
They both ordered their lunch and it was soon brought to Ants room.
They both tucked into roast dinners,Dec making jokes about how naughty it still felt to have a roast dinner on a week day,he'd been brought up to believe that Sunday dinners were exactly that,sunday dinners,the special meal you ate on the day of rest,Gods day,that's what his mum had always taught him and his siblings anyway!
Dec smiled at Ant as he watched him eat,chatting away happily as if he didn't have a care in the world and they were just two friends out for a casual lunch together.
"Got your appetite back?" Dec observed as he watched Ant clear his plate
"So it seems" Ant laughed,wiping his mouth with his napkin
"Good,I'm glad to see it" Dec grinned "I was so worried about you not eating on top of everything else"
Ant placed his napkin on the empty plate and looked at Dec with sadness in his eyes
"I'm so sorry I've put you through so much worry and stress" he sighed "I never meant to,you're the last person in the world I'd ever want to hurt"
"I know that" Dec replied "please don't dwell on that now,I'm just so happy to see you"
"Me too" Ant nodded in agreement "we have to see the therapist at 1 o'clock,are you ready for this?"
"Ready as I'll ever be I guess" Dec frowned,he'd never been in therapy before so had no idea what to expect.
When the time arrived,Ant led Dec to the therapists office,knocked and entered.
The lady who greeted them immediately stood up from her place on the sofa and welcomed them with a cheery "Hi Ant"
Ant introduced her as Rosemary Bailey "but Rosie to us " he winked at Dec
"And this is my best friend Dec" he announced proudly
"Lovely to meet you Dec" Rosie said while shaking his hand "I've heard so much about you"
"All good I hope?" Dec jokingly enquired
"Very good,take a seat and make yourself comfortable"
Ant and Dec sat next to each other on the sofa,moving in close as they always naturally did,while Rosie sat opposite them.
"How do you feel about being here?" She asked Dec gently
"You mean here in your office or here visiting Ant?" Dec started wringing his hands slightly nervously
"Both" Rosie stated
"Well,it's amazing to see him after all this time,I've missed him so,so much and been so worried about him,I feel like I'm missing my right arm" Ant immediately placed a comforting arm around him,pulling him in close to his side.It had been a while since Ant had comforted Dec,it had always been the other way around just recently.
Rosie smiled at Dec "it's obvious how close the two of you are and how much you adore each other"
"Absolutely" Dec replied "he's always been there for me,now I want to be there for him and if that means attending therapy with him,then of course I'm going to do that no matter how uncomfortable it makes me,I'll do anything for him,to help him to recover"
She turned to Ant smiling gently "Ant,remember what we talked about yesterday?are you happy to discuss that with Dec now?"
Dec looked confused,wondering what could be bothering him so much other than the obvious.
Ant turned to face Dec and took hold of both of his hands,gently stroking the backs of them with his thumbs and locked his eyes firmly onto Decs.
"Dec,you know how happy I am for you and Ali expecting your first baby right?No one deserves happiness more than you do and I am genuinely over the moon for both of you,you're going to be such amazing parents.This baby has no idea how lucky it is to have you as it's dad"
Dec smiled "thank you,that means alot" although he sensed a "but" was about to follow Ants kind words.
"I'm just so scared" Ant looked down at the floor,feeling slightly ashamed of what he was about to put upon his friend.
"Yeah babies are scary" Dec joked,but not really knowing how to react to Ants statement
"And they're hard work" Ant paused thoughtfully "I'm just so terrified you won't have time for me anymore and that would kill me,I don't know how I'd cope without you and I feel so selfish putting this upon you when it should be such a happy time for you,I really don't want to put a dampener on this wonderful development in yours and Alis lives but Rosie thought it was important I told you how I feel"
He glanced over to Rosie who nodded her head gently at him.
Dec was shocked,he had no idea Ant felt this way and it made him feel so sad.He looked down at his hands which Ant was still holding and stroking with his thumbs before peering into his eyes again.Decs eyes filling with tears.
"Oh mate,please don't ever think that" he said sadly "I'll always have time for you no matter what.This baby isn't going to change that,the birth of our baby is going to be such a happy event for me,you and Ali,I want you in our babies life as much as you're in ours,our baby is going to adore it's Godfather as much as I do!It breaks my heart that you'd think like that"
Tears now spilled over Decs eyelashes and down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry" Ant replied while affectionately wiping Decs tears away "I guess I'm just feeling over sensitive about everything at the moment,I didn't mean to upset you and you'll have a new addition to concentrate on soon,you shouldn't be burdened with my problems,taking your attention away from that,I just can't bear the thought of losing you"
"You won't I swear" Dec whispered into Ants ear as they embraced,
"Take your time" Rosie encouraged
They soon composed themselves and Ant thought back to what Dec had just announced
"Wait a minute,what?" He questioned "Godfather?me?" And broke into a broad,tearful grin
"Of course you" Dec smiled back "who else would it possibly be?We've discussed it and Ali wants you to do the honours as much as I do"
"Thank you" Ant wept,this was the confirmation he needed that they were still good,Dec hadn't had enough of him and his problems,they were just as strong,if not stronger than they had ever been before.
"This means so much to me" Ant continued "this baby is going to be so loved,I'm going to spoil it rotten"
Dec laughed raucously "I don't doubt that for a minute,and if it's a boy,it's middle name will be Anthony"
Ants tears continued flowing at that statement,just when he thought he might have got his emotions under control.
"You're so amazing,thank you,I'm going to be the best Godfather imaginable"
"I know you will be" Dec smiled,holding Ant in his arms once again "just like you're the best friend imaginable"
After much talking,laughing and crying,their time with the therapist was up.As they left Rosies office,Dec turned to Ant and stated
"You were right,that was pretty grueling and emotional"
"Yep" Ant agreed "I feel like I've not stopped crying for weeks when I've attended those sessions"
Ant laughed although they both knew this was a pretty accurate analysis.It made Dec incredibly sad when he thought of Ant at these appointments or alone in his room,crying and desperate with no one to comfort him like he had today!
"We've got the rest of the afternoon to spend together" Ant announced,quickly changing the subject when he noticed the sadness in Decs eyes.
"We've got a games room if you fancy a game of snooker or something?"
"Honestly Ant,I just want to be with you,no one else,can we just hang out in your room and talk?" Dec pleaded
"Of course" Ant agreed "I was hoping you'd say that"
They hung out in Ants room for the rest of the afternoon,just talking about anything and everything,hugging and messing around like two school boys and reminiscing about their crazy career!
They laid on Ants spacious king sized bed so they could be totally relaxed and close to each other.
"I'm so glad you're here" Ant whispered pulling Dec into a sideways hug
"Me too" Dec replied,burying his face into Ants neck.How he'd missed this,even a couple of weeks without Ants hugs was a couple of weeks too many.It felt so good,just like before all this drama had ever happened and their biggest problem was getting Dec out of bed to be at work on time.They both wished they could stay in the moment and not have to go back to the inevitable reality of both of their lives.
"Ant?" Dec muttered
"Yeah?" Ant looked down at the beloved man,snuggling into him
"I had no idea how you felt about the baby,I had no idea you were so scared,I just want to promise you again that nothing is ever going to change between us.The baby is only going to make things even better.You're my best friend,my brother,even closer than a brother and nothing could ever come between us,I promise you that.This will be a new chapter in all our lives and you are going to be a big part of that as always.Please understand that I want you around as much as possible,I choose to have you in my life so much,not because I have to but because I want to,I'm not going to forget about you once I have a baby,that's never going to happen!"
"Me and Ali have been talking" Dec continued "and we want you to move in with us when you leave here.Doesn't matter whether it's for a few days,weeks or months,however long it takes for you to be confident enough to stand on your own two feet again.It also doesn't matter when you get out of here,if the baby's here or not,we both still want you with us!We want to take care of you,support you,love you,please say yes,please say you'll come and stay?"
Ants eyes began to well up with tears once again
"Yes" he whispered "I'd love to,I'm so lucky to have you both,I must have been something really good in a past life for you to be brought into my life" he tearfully joked.
"Good" Dec smiled,attempting to wrap his arms around Ant from his awkward sideways position
"How is everybody?" Ant enquired
"Everyone is fine" Dec insisted "although they're all worried about you and missing you alot"
"I hate that I've caused so much worry for so many people " Ant said sadly.
"It's ok" Dec comforted "they just all want you better,Ali sends her love and said to give you the biggest kiss and hug ever" so he hugged Ant tightly and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks" Ant giggled
Before they knew it 5 o'clock had arrived and there was a knock on the door.
"Wow,they're punctual" Dec commented,glancing at the wall clock
"Yep,always are" Ant confirmed while shuffling off the bed to open the door
"Just coming" he said sadly to Ben,another staff member,before turning back to Dec
"I wish you didn't have to go"
"Me too" Dec replied sadly "this afternoon has been so wonderful,I wish they'd let me stay longer.I don't know when I'll be able to see you again or even if they'll allow it at all"
They both felt so sad at that thought.
"You can walk Dec out to the car if you want to?" Ben announced
"Of course I want to" Ant smiled
"But wait at reception first please" Ben requested "we want to talk to you both for a minute"
"Ok" they both said in unison,having absolutely no idea what was on the staffs minds that required both of them to be present.
Their curiosity was soon answered when two other Doctors plus Rosie joined Ben at reception
"Wow,nice of you all to come and see me off" Dec joked slightly apprehensivley.
"Dec,it's become so obvious to us how important you are to Ant" Doctor David Bruce announced "we think your visits should become a regular thing,say once a week.We have discussed this and we all agree it would really benefit Ants recovery and can see absolutely no point in keeping you away from each other,we think this is the way to go,how about every Friday at midday?can you be here?"
Dec thought he might just burst with happiness.He had convinced himself it would be weeks,maybe months before he was allowed to see Ant again.
"Absolutely I'll be here" Dec beamed through his happy tears "you try and stop me,thank you so much"
"Yes thank you" Ant repeated,happiness radiating from his tired body.
"Go and say your goodbyes now" Rosie encouraged,while rubbing his back reassuringly "and we'll see you next week Dec?"
"Yes,see you next week" Dec just couldn't wipe the smile from his face,neither did he want to.He hadn't expected this outcome but was ecstatically happy as was Ant.
Ant walked him to the car "I'll see you next week then?"
"Absolutely,can't wait" Dec replied.
They hugged tightly,rubbing each others backs "I'll still miss you though"
"Me too" Ant said "but at least it's only for one week"
"True" Dec replied,not wanting their embrace to end,but finally pulling away.
"Go and open your cards" He told Ant "you'll soon see just how much you mean to people and how loved and supported you are"
"Thank you Dec" Ant smiled as Dec climbed into the car,waving and trying to hold back the tears as he watched Dec drive away.
"Love you" he shouted to Dec through his open window
"Love you too" came Decs distant reply.
Ant watched Decs car until it was no more than a tiny speck in the distance.He sighed and made his way back to his room,settling himself down on the comfortable bed and started to work his way through the mountain of cards.
He smiled as he opened them one by one,reading all of the kind messages written inside them,all wishing him well with genuine best wishes from his friends and family and even a few fans.
'I really am lucky' he thought to himself 'I'll get better for all of them'
He finally came to the last card,it was the biggest one,the one from Dec.
'Saved the best till last' he told himself.
He held it up to his nose and sniffed it,wondering if he'd be able to detect Decs scent on it,he laughed to himself at his own antics.
'Don't be so silly Ant'
He looked at the envelope and recognised Decs neat handwriting immediately.He'd put three big kisses under Ants name,which made him smile.It was already making him feel good before he'd even started reading Decs message.
Once he peered inside the card and saw the long message Dec had written,he knew it would be wonderful no matter what it said.Dec was always nothing but wonderful.
As he settled comfortably onto his bed,his head resting softly into the pillow,he started reading the heartfelt message
"To my dear Ant......" just reading the first couple of lines had Ant reaching for the tissues and overcome with emotion,this was going to be hard going!
- In Serial30 Chapters
OriginStory the VRMMO: The advent of AxeBear
Narumi Ando, a former delinquent gone gamer, is a total VRMMO addict who just can’t find the perfect VRMMO to get comfortable with. But Origin Story, a VRMMO that’s just about to go live, just might change all that. … Not just your skills, your backstory as well will shape the world you step out into! Love it, live by it, fight it, or deny it; whatever you choose to do, you can’t erase it, you and your world’s: OriginStory (the VRMMO) Main Site: https://honyakusite.wordpress.com/originstory-the-vrmmo-the-advent-of-axebear/ (Illustrations and the latest chapters - and a more aggressive update - rate found on the main site) Author's description: Basically a gaming story about a game (aka no weird ai sentience, voodo sci fi magic, yada yada), centering around an aggressive axe-player who enjoys chaos and a little leeroy jenkins-ing. As it is written for the audience who also reads translated LNs, there is a strong J-light novel influence as well as Japanese jargon thrown in. You have now been forewarned.This is also written for gamers, so yeah, gaming jargon and game-world building in the extras. The previous description of the MC being a bit of a ladies' lady has been scrapped, since the MC basically gave me an 'F you' and went and did her own thing.
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