《Where She Belongs》Graveyard Meetings.
It would have been nice just to wake up, go about our day and carry on life as if it wasn't something you would find in the fiction section of a book store. Mums call woke me around two in the afternoon and finding the bed void of Aiden, a slither of panic sunk in before I realised I could hear him in the kitchen. Luckily enough, I did manage to miss Mum's call and as the promise of a hangover lingered at the back of my throat, I headed to the shower. I wasn't alone for long.
"You missed a spot." Aiden whispered as he took the unused wash cloth from my hands. He barely gets a chance to touch me as I turn and hold him tight.
My anchor.
"I want this to be over." I finally say as the water flickers between warm and cool.
"Soon. It all ends tonight."
I shiver, and not because the heat has completely left the water now. I believe him. After tonight, everything will be different. It will be finished, though how we get to that point is beyond me. Will I still have my father tomorrow, will we still be alive - will Antonino really leave us alone?
"Why did you see your friend last night?" I ask, thankful for the towel that he wraps over me and his silence says it all. "You're not going to tell me, are you?"
"It's better you don't know." Aiden sighs. "Just know, no matter what happens tonight you will get through it. There is nothing anyone can do to you that you won't come back from."
I don't like how that sounds. "There is one thing."
He answers me with a kiss which acts like a trigger for the ridiculous amount of tears that start to run down my cheeks. I hold him tighter than before, our bodies merging as one as the bathroom is abandoned and my hair leaves a big wet patch at the top of my bed. As much as I am loving every second, I hate it too. It feels so, desperate, final. If this is our goodbye, I refuse to let it be like this.
"Hey, don't cry." Aiden wipes his thumb across my cheek, a whisper of a kiss following it.
"Don't do anything stupid." I beg. "You're wrong. If I lose you I can't come back from that. I can't. I won't."
"Sam, I'm not going anywhere." He promises.
"But this, it all feels so, so, I don't know. Like you're planning on goodbye now!"
"I just found you. I'm not giving up that easily." Aiden smiles. "And I'm not ready for a goodbye."
Neither was I.
Much to soon we were making our way through the cemetery. After our second attempt at a shower, Aiden had urged me to feed from him which was something that seemed strange tonight. He said I had to be at my best, and now as we neared the section David's family resided I felt it. Maybe it was more than just blood. Maybe I was taking a part of Aiden with it, as I felt stronger, calmer and confident. His hand was tight around mine and when he told me it was going to be okay as we left the car, I believed him. Brianna's charms were neatly tucked in my pocket, markings she'd been earlier to place around as protection for us were hidden and I could almost feel the electricity in the air that they generated. Maybe the couple of shots of vodka I'd snuck before left home was finally hitting my system too.
What ever I had been feeling vanished the second we saw Antonino. He sat casually on a park bench not too far from the doorway of the mausoleum, reading. Aiden tensed, stepping forward and pulling my arm so I was slightly behind him like a human shield. Unbothered by our arrival, the old vampire simply glanced up, smirked and finished reading before finally setting the book beside him. He didn't get up as we stopped a short distance away and looking around, David was no where to be found.
"Hello Aiden." He finally said as out of no where three shadowy figured appeared to surround us.
Instinctively I looked up to see Aiden's reaction and what I saw only made me hold his hand that little bit tighter. Realisation, over what I had no idea, took over his face before his eyes narrowed and his expression turned deadly.
"Let her go, and we'll have no issues." He growled out.
"What?" It came out like a whisper and I wasn't sure he even heard.
"Oh she can go, but I can't guarantee what will happen after that." The vampire smirked.
David was here, I could feel it and I couldn't stop the relief I felt as I realised what Aiden had seconds earlier. No David, so Antonino would go for the next best thing.
"We had a deal!" I remind him.
"We did didn't we, but I do not see him standing before me. Just you two."
"I'm here." David called out, soon standing beside me before he bowed. "Sire."
Antonino didn't look surprised. "You're late."
My stomach sunk. There was something too easy about this, I was expecting tension and arguments, possibly a fight or begging. I didn't think either of them would be as calm and casual about what ever this all was as they were currently being.
"Your deal with Sam was we deliver him, we go free." Aiden was doing well to hide the rage that was burning beneath the surface. I could feel it as though it was my own though I soon realised it was as the situation completely sunk in and as my mouth opened with disbelief I turned to David.
"Dad?" David didn't look at me, instead he looked straight at Aiden.
"You should really have known better than to think I would let any of my blood be with something like you." He taunted before Antonio's men lunged at Aiden.
David pulled me away before I even realised what was happening and as I went to go and help, Antonino blocked my way.
"Sorry little vampire, your father is right. The hybrid isn't where your future lies." Antonino glanced at David. "When he told me about you I wondered if this was merely another plot against me, only how could I refuse the opportunity to finally rid myself of that nuisance."
"Hurt him, and it will be the last thing you ever do." I threatened, the ache of my fingernails thickening and sharpening into claws comforted me as I glared at David. "You already set all this up, didn't you?"
"How could I not? You make him weak." He retorted.
All that time wasted thinking over what to do about my father made me want to explode. He was evil. There was no redemption for someone like him and he did not deserve a second more of my time. This was it for us and as I planned on making him pay, I was suddenly being restrained. Antonino stood behind me, my arms pinned at my side as he used strength I didn't know a person, vampire or not, could ever possess. My struggling was pointless as no matter what I tried, he was prepared for.
"You do not get to touch her. Ever." Aiden growled and I felt Antonino shake with laughter as I was suddenly pushed towards David.
Brianna's charm vibrated in my pocket as I punched and kicked David, trying to free myself from his hold. Unlike Antonino seconds before, I did manage to hurt him until the hum of chanting got louder and the witch that approached us sent me flying as a ball of green light was thrown from her hands.
"Samara!" I heard Brianna shout, only I didn't get a chance to answer her as another green ball found me.
What energy I had vanished. My body felt as though it had been crushed and as the pain in my head eased, David was there to help me sit up.
"Careful now, wouldn't want you to miss the show." My eye focused barely enough to see Aiden and Antonino making a mess of each other not too far from where we were.
"Why?" I croaked, barely able to speak.
"Because I quite like being alive and I'm not about to give that up for anyone, especially for that hybrid." He sighed. "One day you will forgive me. I'll make sure of it and when the three of us return home-"
"No. I'm not going anywhere with you." With everything I had I threw my head back to connect with his, the crack of his nose sending a shudder through my whole body before something new took over and forcing myself up, I managed to see Brianna and two others facing off against what I guessed was a dark witch.
"You don't have a choice." David snarled, wiping the blood away from his nose.
"Help me stop him and maybe I won't end up killing you once this is over." I offered.
"Young and stupid. Antonino toys with him like a cat who has caught a mouse. You don't get to win tonight Samara. No version of this will end with your hybrid alive."
"Then I guess we will die together." I decide, determined on helping Aiden.
This afternoon wasn't our goodbye.
"He won't kill you. You're a vampire dominant hybrid which means you can reproduce." David called out and I froze.
"Why do you think you're even still alive now? You're valuable to him."
"You would actually let him use me, your daughter, that way?" I demanded, charging back towards him as he shrugged. "Thank you."
"Thank you?"
"For making this easier."
This time he did make an effort to block my hits and serve his own. I gave in to instinct, kill or be killed. I was vampire dominant after all so I found the demon I hadn't even begun to get to know yet and I set it free - unleashed and uncontrolled. I ripped and tore, scratched and shredded. David had the advantage. He was older, he knew what he could do and did it. I was soon damp with a mix of sweat and blood, aching yet wanting more.
"You won't win this fight Samara." He warned, right before I was sent crashing into another tombstone.
It hurt, but it wasn't enough to stop me and scrambling up, I charged again only this time I kept a piece of the marble memorial in my hand and when I managed to hit the side of his face, the crack of his jaw thrilled me. I was about to hit again, not willing to give him a chance to get back up when Aiden's cry of pain had me running.
Antonino looked worse than what I expected I looked like. Aiden wasn't a great deal better, but it didn't matter now as he was on his knees, his arm bent unnaturally behind his back as the vampire twisted again. This time he merely sucked in a breath, but the look of agony on his face crushed me. With his foot planted on Aidens legs, Antonio grabbed Aidens chin, and pulled back so he had to look up at the vampire.
"Go Sam, get out of here!" He managed to growl.
I stopped, looking back behind me David hadn't moved from the spot I left him. Brianna and the other witches were gone, and I had no idea where to. There was no other help to come, I'd kept the pack, my family, away. It was just us and we had failed.
"No!" I lurched forward as Antonino picked something up from the ground - a dagger of some sort, the curved blade fitting perfectly against Aiden's neck. "I'll go! Just, don't."
Antonino paused, before he smiled. "Your mine now."
His hand raised and with Aiden's throat bare, it was obvious what his intentions were yet as he went to strike, Aiden twisted around with a roar and the blade grazed his shoulder as Antonino was quick to regain his balance and strike again. Now on his back, Aiden kicked his legs up at the vampire, forcing him to stumble back which gave him a chance to get up. His arm hung limp at his side, the pain it caused obvious.
"Not a fucking chance." Aiden spat at him.
What none of us expected was him to shift then and for a second I was positive I saw fear on Antonino's face. The wolf shook his coat briskly, a tentative step on his damaged side proved the injury hadn't translated over and the old vampire laughed.
"Never one to disappoint." Antonino taunted, right before Aiden lunged at him.
The growls were savage, fierce and terrifying. As soon as those powerful jaws found something to hold onto it crushed and shaking his head, sought to rip apart. For the first time Antonino lost his cool. The cry of pain or surprise snapped me into action as I found the dagger he dropped. A punch to Aiden's head had him letting go of Antonino's arm, but then I was there. The blade sunk deep into his chest, the sensation of bone against metal no longer disturbing my senses as I urged it deeper. Blood coated my hands, ran down my arms and sprayed my face. More, I wanted him to bleed more.
I wanted him to hurt.
I wanted him to suffer.
I wanted him to die.
So focused on the knife, I didn't see his hand come up and certainly wasn't expecting the punch to send me flying across two, maybe it was three, rows of tombstones before crashing into a tree. I couldn't breath. My eyes wouldn't open. The hands that grabbed me weren't friendly, they weren't Aiden's and a mumble of voices sent a fresh wave of panic through me.
"Get her out of here." David ordered.
"No." I opened my eyes in time to see the witch Brianna and her sisters had been up against and my stomach sank at what her reappearance could mean.
"Something is coming. You will need me to protect-"
"He will handle it." David assured her. "But if this one gets away, he will take more than your life."
"This is why we used to kill hybrids. His plans will not have the outcome he seeks." It sounded like a warning. "Crossing him again David. Only cats get nine lives."
"Keep your thoughts to yourself. Now go before it's too late!" He growled.
The witch sighed and as Aiden yelped, she started to make a portal. I looked around to see David watching the wolf and Antonino still go at it almost nervously. No one paid me any attention as I sat slumped against the tree now, and as another yelp rang out David rubbed the back of his neck.
"Go faster." He ordered.
"If you don't want to get trapped in the void or end up somewhere very undesirable, you will hold your tongue!" She growled back, before pausing. "His witches are getting closer to breaking through the barrier. They sense he is close to death."
"Good." David mumbled as I slowly managed to stand, unable to fight the urge to roll my neck I did and he turned around before I could move, his forearm against my neck as he pinned me in place. "I hope you said your goodbyes."
"I tried so hard to believe in you." I told him instead. "Since knowing who you were, I only ever wanted to know my Dad. For someone who went to so much effort to find me, I thought you were going to be what was missing in my life. A puzzle piece I had never been able to make fit."
The pressure eased as he frowned, studying my face for a second. "Samara, we can-"
"My Dad isn't perfect, but he would never do what you did. I didn't need you at all. I have a father and he is enough. My family is enough. What was missing wasn't you. It was him and you were going to try and take that away from me."
In a strange sense of deja vu my hand was now locked around his throat. He hadn't expected that, and I used his surprise to my advantage. Calm washed over me, I wasn't angry or hurt anymore. It was what it was and the witch was right; he didn't have nine lives.
"You, won't, kill me." He sounded so sure until I raised my other hand, the dagger that I'd managed to keep hold of still red with Antonino's blood.
"Is that a challenge?" I looked him in the eye as he struggles against me felt so weak now.
"Your. Your eyes." David managed to gasp.
"Guess she isn't all vampire." The witch spoke up, sounding more amused than anything. "Good luck. Call me later if this works out for you."
She disappeared into her portal, and I had no idea what either of them were talking about. Another yelp left me feeling impatient. Aiden needed me and I was wasting more time because of this traitor. My hand trembled from the effort of holding him, and his eyes only widened.
"Samara, I'm sorry. I love you. You are my daughter."
"Don't insult me like that. I am not your daughter." I raised the knife. One blow straight to his heart and he'll be gone.
So why couldn't I do it?
The portal remained open and I threw him towards it.
"You're right. I can't kill you." It was hard to admit, but I just couldn't. "You will go through that portal, and you will disappear. It will be like none of this ever happened, and you will forget about us and we will forget about you. Understand?"
"Samara I-"
"Do not test me again." I trembled as I felt the charm vibrate again.
Brianna and the others appeared in a ball of white light. The tables had turned, our cavalry had arrived.
"I'm sorry I ruined this for us." Then he turned and did as I said. He disappeared.
Almost at the end!!
I hope this makes sense... Its like midnight, I'm tired, but I had to get this chapter at least finished. Will letting him go be a mistake?
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