《Where She Belongs》City of Angels
"What was she talking about?" I ask as soon as we're on the other side.
I don't think he hears me as the music is suddenly blasting from the over sized speakers near the stage in the corner. This place is smaller than the usual Charlies' I go to. It's a busy night, and all around creatures I hadn't even considered being real sit and drink, laugh and wrestle with one another. A few demon looking monsters stare at us as the portal shuts, a vampire bumps into me as she walks by, her fangs on display as she smiles to one of the horned creatures completely oblivious to me standing there. I hold Aiden's hand tighter, keeping close as he takes us up towards the bar.
It's then I'm already questioning the reasons why I wanted to come and for the first time I feel something that could only be pure, raw jealously as my hand is let go and the pretty little blonde thing he was moving toward throws herself into his arms. I tense. I can't stop myself as they hug. Big, bright grey eyes that are almost blue but not quite shine with happiness at seeing my mate. She holds him for a second too long; I notice his arms release her, but she stays put. I growl. The feeling of it vibrates through my whole body and I close my eyes, so angry I'm not sure if I want to punch something or cry. My fists clench, my nails cutting into my palms and opening my eyes I feel the same angry burn flood my system as when I attached David.
"Samara?" Aiden calls, and clearly not for the first time as the pair now stand in front of me. "You alright?"
Aiden's hands are on my shoulder, squeezing gently as I look up at him. I release a breath I hadn't known I was holding and feel myself calming down.
"Who is she?" I ask instantly, wondering if she was his reason for deciding to come.
"Who?" He frowns, before realization dawns on him. "No one important. Her name is Fiona, she's a friend of mine. She's going to get who I came to see."
"Charlie." I snap, not quite over those anger issues just yet. How many female friends does he have? Without being able to stop I think of how close he and Brianna are, the coven of female witches and-
"Not quite. I need to see someone else." Aiden tells me, and looking around the blonde is gone. "Come on."
He takes my hand once more, this time keeping his arm over my shoulders as he guides me closer to the bar. The trio currently sitting by the till look over at us, and whatever they see has two of them fleeing while the wolf dares to try and stare Aiden down. Since Aiden doesn't back off, the man stands tall, as tall as Aiden but it doesn't seem to bother him.
"Mind if we sit there, friend." Aiden doesn't really ask, more like tells him coldly.
"Yeah. I do." He growls. His nostrils flare as he looks us over.
"It wasn't a question." I feel him tense beside me, hear the subtle growl that rumbles in his chest and whatever this guy sees or senses, has him dipping his gaze then and leaving us. "I forget how much I dislike wolves."
"You and me both." I say, taking the bar stool he pulls out slightly for me.
We order a drink from what Aiden whispers to me is an actual Incubus, and when Fiona appears from out the back, she lights up once more at seeing Aiden sitting there only before she comes over she says something to her co-worker while taking over pouring our drinks.
"Oh, you really are jealous!" He teases now. "Have to admit, I kind of like you like this."
He pushes his nose against my jaw, moving down so he lightly kisses my neck. I lean into him, closing my eyes now as every touch he gives seems to send my nerves into overdrive.
"I'm not jealous." I manage to get out as I see her approach.
She puts the two glasses down in front of us, still grinning. "I can't believe you found your person! So happy for you guys. I'm Fiona by the way."
She extends her hand to me and I hesitantly shake it as she seems to lean closer. Is she staring at my neck?
"Mark and all. Well, how about that! Chloe will be so happy for you!" She gives a little laugh as I subconsciously touch Aiden's bite mark and who the hell is Chloe? "Don't worry, I'm a bit like you guys. Got a bit of everything in my family tree or so Charlie tells me, but it does give me the ability to snoop on your little vampire world and traditions. He'll be here soon Aiden, nice meeting you!"
She heads down the bar to serve the wolf we displaced and Aiden tries to hide his smirk.
"What?" I take a big gulp of my drink, wondering just how many women are really going to be thrilled for Aiden.
"If he wasn't on his way, I'd put this off until the morning and take you home right now." He pulls my chair closer. This time he kisses me, and I put my hands on the back of his neck, sliding one up to let my fingers play in his hair.
It feels, just for a minute, that we've entered another world. That LA and Charlies Bar is in another universe, not across the country and we can afford the luxury to just exist in this moment. My troubles were left at home. I'm nothing thinking of David or Antonino or the safety of my family. There isn't the stress of working out what to tell Hannah and the tiny worry Gwen will accidentally spill to her parents that I'm not pack at all. I'm not a wolf and I never will be with my vampire side being stronger.
There is something lighter about Aiden here too. He seems, happier. Free almost. I liked how he felt now. It was like breathing in the smell of coffee, refreshing, awakening and it could make your mouth water with the need to have a taste. I bit his lip and for a second it didn't matter that we were sitting in a crowded bar, surrounded by who knows what because I wanted more than a taste now.
"Slow down love." He whispers softly, and like waking up from a deep sleep the world breaks back in to that little bubble we had just created. "Later. Promise."
This time, the kiss is short and sweet. Before I can complain Charlie is coming out of the door Fiona had gone through before and as he spots us, he frowns before approaching.
"I warn you-" Charlie growled at Aiden who held his hands up in surrender.
"We come in peace." He bravely mocks.
"How are those obstacles little hybrid?" Charlie switches from clearly the person Aiden knows, to the one I do and his hard set mouth curves slightly at the edges in a subtle, hint of a smile.
"What obstacles?" I shrug.
"I'll be right back." Aiden squeezes my hand and moves off before I can stop him.
Turning in my chair I lose sight of him, and Charlie chuckles behind me.
"What's so funny?"
"He still leaves you in my bar. Things never change."
"They do, things aren't like that for us anymore. We overcame our obstacles."
Charlie nods. "True. I see that, but little hybrid, that was not all I was talking about. I think you have still yet to discover nothing worth fighting for is ever easy."
"Is that what's coming now?"
"Perhaps. I'm sure time will tell. How about another? It's on the house." He pours me another drink. "How is your sire? I see you take after him in so many ways, yet not completely."
"The vampire thing? Is it really becoming that obvious now?" I sigh.
"Only to some, but not to all. It's easy to hide who you are when you don't actually know who that is. Sometimes it's better that way. Let others think what they will." He pauses for a moment before looking down the bar. "Look at my precious Fiona for example. She keeps the glamour in place in fear of what's within. Does she know what that may truly be? No, yet it keeps her hiding still."
I sit up straighter. "Do think that I'm not just vampire like Antonino said?"
"That vampire has lived beyond his expiry date. Many times. As you young ones say, he talks the talk but does he walk the walk?" Charlie took to wiping down the bar space in front of him, whistling a little tune I couldn't place.
"Do you know what will happen tomorrow night?" I finally ask him.
The monster of a man paused his song and looked at me in such a way I was positive he could see the deepest, darkest, most hidden parts of my entire being. My mouth went dry as I couldn't move, my instincts screaming for Aiden, for someone, anyone to save me as all I wanted to do was run.
"Perhaps I do, but such knowledge comes with a price." He purred, shifting his weight as moved to stand beside me and leaned on the bar. "Is that something you're willing to-"
"No. No it's not." I quickly fumble out, praying I am actually saying those words and not something else.
The air shifted and Charlie laughed that big deep, belly laugh I knew. "Good girl."
"Do not torture the creature." Someone says from behind me, and relief floods my system as I feel Aidens presence before I see him as he comes to stand at my side.
"Did you dare try your magic on her?" Aiden growled.
"I was merely testing the little hybrid. There is so much she needs to learn of this world, but some things are not yours to teach." He warned Aiden before looking behind him. "You were banned from this place."
"Don't worry, I won't stay long. Like this fool, I too come in peace." The same male as before said, making me turn around. "Aiden, one day you will learn not to tease the tiger. You seem to forget he has teeth."
I stare. I can't help it. I'm not sure what this man is, but there is something unearthly about him. He's as tall as Aiden, carries a similar build too only his eyes look completely black, with a flicker of something in them. Was it the light in here doing it or did his eyes actually look like they had stars in them? Long dark hair seemed to complete his bad boy look, much like the leather pants and black t shirt he had one, but seeing his feet kind of shocked me after everything else.
"Angels don't like shoes." Aiden tells me as I now realise I'm staring at this mans feet. Not embarrassing at all. Wait - what? He's an angel? "Sam, this is Caelon."
"I hate when you do that." Caelon mumbled, yet managed a tiny smile to be sent my way. "Nice to meet you."
"An angel? Like, an angel?" I stutter.
Charlie leaves us, mumbling under his breath as he does so and Aiden smirks as the two of them watch him go.
"So things are still going well for you then?" Aiden teases, the pair of them looking more like two naughty school kids trying to cause mischief with their teacher.
"Oh just wonderful." Caelon tells him sarcastically. "I'm surprised I wasn't blasted out of here. I enjoy stirring the pot when Chloe is with me as he dare not upset her, but I usually pay for it when we are on our own."
"She lets you get away with that?"
"No, but I can usually turn what ever punishment she tries into something much more enjoyable." He winks, Aiden laughs and I'm still just stuck on the fact I'm with an angel. "It's been too long. When did this happen?"
Caelon looks between us, pausing as he tilts his head at me slightly and I realise I'm still staring at him.
"It's the eyes isn't it?" He sighs, closing his eyes and in the time it took Aiden to signal to Fiona for another drink, he made them look normal enough with the colour remaining black. "I forget sometimes."
"She's a bit of a novice to our world." Aiden looks down at me with what I realise is pride. It's strange to see that kind of love and endearment on someone that isn't my mother, only in a way that she could never replicate.
Caelon smiles, and I faintly hear him tell Aiden how happy he is for him, for us. Aiden gladly goes over how we met, the pair catching up and filling each other in on the past few years since they last saw each other. I thought I'd seen the different sides of Aiden, knew his moods and had learnt all about him, but now there was this Aiden. It really was like Charlie's Bar, with its stained, old wooden floors and aging furniture was another world, in a different time and place. I didn't want it to end, I was actually having fun and everything else seemed so far away I no longer had to deal with any of it.
"Come on, I know somewhere else we can go." Caelon finished his drink in one long gulp, slamming down the glass as he finished, he grinned wickedly - not looking all that angelic.
"No. No you don't." Brianna appeared out of no where, actually making Caelon jump. "You two, we're going. Now. I told you I wasn't going to get you out of trouble, so time to go before it starts."
Caelon laughed. "Witch! If I didn't know better, I would say my Chloe sent you!"
"She would have if she knew who you were actually with!" Brianna scolded.
"Please don't give Sam the impression that I'm the trouble maker." Aiden slurred slightly.
The drinks hadn't stopped since Charlie left for any of us and Brianna only shook her head.
"Don't blame me!" Caelon grinned, turning my way. "It only happened one time, but-"
"Three times." Brianna corrected.
Caelon waved her away. "Let's not leave it so long again."
The guys hugged and the three of us watched as he staggered to the door, before disappearing. Brianna only shook her head before opening a portal that had Charlie reappearing.
"Vermin! No better than vermin are you witches, breaking in like the rules do not apply to you and your kind!" Charlie cursed as she pushed Aiden and I through it before following us.
"So, was it worth it?" She asked Aiden as we were returned to our bedroom.
"It was." He told her, sounding much more sober than I expected him too. "I'll talk to you later."
She shook her head and left us alone, while I managed to get my shoes off and crawl into bed. The urge to sleep now was overwhelming and my head was spinning in a way I hadn't felt for a long time. What was in those drinks?
"Are you sure you want to sleep?" Aidens voice broke into my subconscious as his hands lingered on my stomach. No, no I wasn't, but all I could manage was a little grunt that made him laugh before pulling me tight against him as we curled up together. "Another time then."
I really hoped that was a promise, though I also wanted to know more about what happened the last time he had met up with Caelon too.
Another time then.
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