《Where She Belongs》Merry Christmas.
A soft fluttery sensation moved up my arm, while the faintest whisper of my name lured me from my sleep. I felt like I had been out for days, but in a good way as my mind started to wake up in a similar way it does after my third cup of coffee. My toes tensed as my legs stretched, the feeling rolling up through my as I went to open my eyes only instead I kept them closed. Instantly everything that had occured prior to this rather lovely wake up hit me and I was not willing to face whatever reality awaited me.
"I know you're awake." Aiden continued his little path of kisses up over my shoulder, across to my collarbone then up my neck until finally his lips met mine. "Sammy, we need to talk."
Exactly what I was hoping to hear.
Opening my eyes, I roll over and away from him. I'm not an idiot, that never means anything good and after what just went down those were four words I didn't want to hear. There was no way he could reject me now, or ditch me on the side of the road because he had whatever issues he needed to work out. A line was drawn tonight and we crossed it. Never had I wanted anyone like I did him, and I understood why. None of this humans aren't always able to find their soulmate bullshit, because not a fibre in me believed that he wasn't supposed to be mine. With my anger blooming I finally turned back over to face him, yet my mouth snapped shut as two things happened.
The first being that in the haze of what was already one of the best nights of my life - what happened finally came back to me. Mostly because of the second reason which was a lovely swollen bruise of a bite mark on his neck.
"What did you do to me?" Grabbing the sheet I'm out of bed, amazingly upright as I don't trip in the process of covering myself up. "Is that how it works? We, well, you know and then I get all fangy?"
That should have definitely been something that deserved a we should talk moment before we got down to business. Panic sets in next. What the hell am I going to tell my parents? It was one thing to say hey, me and the witches guard dog here hooked up and well, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a permanent thing so Merry Christmas, welcome to the family. But to now tell them their reject of a daughter actually found herself one the few hybrids around to give her a vampy edge was going to be rather impossible.
"Calm down." He orders, but not in his usual way. He's being gentle with me. "It's not quite like that at all."
"No? Then how did you end up with that?" I point at his neck and he takes a deep breath.
"You bit me."
"Yeah I do remember that, it was right before-" I pause. Did he bite me first?
"You bit me, first." Aiden slowly clarifies.
"You should have warned me this could be, a, a, um, a side effect of this." I motion between us and he shakes his head.
"I am nearly positive it has nothing to do with me."
"That's impossible."
"That's the part we need to talk about. I don't think it is as impossible as you think."
"What aren't you telling me?" If he mentions Brianna right now, I'm out.
"I think you're like me." I look at him as though he isn't quite speaking english. What does he mean, like him. "A hybrid."
"Oh come on. Wouldn't I know if I was? Yours is the first neck I've wanted to get all bitey with. We already know I'm no werewolf which kind of rules all of that out. Besides, why did that even happen? Vamps dont feed of other creatures, right?"
"Not quite. They can feed from their mate. It's a bonding thing and also how I was able to repay the sentiment." He looks guilty, and for the first I reach up and feel the dried blood on my skin.
I sit down on the bed, not quite able to fully process what he's implying or the fact that I did actually bite him as well him biting me - and I liked it all. Instantly he's there, holding me close and it's really the only place I want to be. But it can't last. This is insane, and to imply I'm a hybrid too is ridiculous. I'm twenty four years old. I know my family. I know who I am and where I came from. It truly is impossible.
"You're wrong." I finally tell him.
"Well, it wouldn't be the first time, but there is something different about you now Sam. It's more than your scent, I can feel it." His cheek rests against the top of my head and I hate that he's right.
I can feel it too.
"What happens now?" It feels like days have gone by in our little cabin; the fire still crackles away and I feel completely safe here. "I can't deal with this being a one time event."
"Good, because it wasn't going to be." Aiden sighs. "We should probably go back before your family wonder where you are and start to worry."
"I'd rather stay here."
"Me too, but that's not really an option right now." I groan in protest as he moves me beside him so he can get up. "Besides, I don't think your family really like me so how do you think I feel, turning up at three am to gatecrash their christmas morning?"
"You're staying? No drop and run?"
For a second I hesitate, unsure if things have suddenly moved too fast. Yet the second he is back above me, those thoughts vanish. He is mine, there is no slowing that down.
"Did you want me to do that?" He challenges, pinning me beneath him. "Incase you missed the last couple of hours, you're mine now Samara."
The way he says my name gets my heart racing and just when I think I've convinced him to stay, he's gone.
"Come on, we should get back before dawn." his voice is heavy with need, but his self control is a million times better than mine.
"I'm not a morning person so they won't think it's strange I'm not around." I huff, though I'd hate to make them worry if I never make it back after earlier events of the night.
Even so, instead of making an effort to follow his lead and find my clothes, I drop back on the bed and silently beg for it to have snowed so much we were trapped, or the car had been stolen or for anything to have happened really so we didn't have to leave.
Of course I wasn't that lucky and sure enough, we were soon back at my house. With Aiden's help, we got in rather quietly through the backdoor and as he constantly checked for any signs of my family being awake, we got to my room with no run ins.
"So how do I explain you being in my room?" I asked him as we got comfortable together. My bed had never felt so small with him beside him.
"I'm a gentleman. I slept on the floor."
"And they're just gonna believe that?" It was going to be awkward as anything.
"Maybe they'll surprise you and be happy you've found your mate?"
"I really should have told you more about my family." I frown. "Mum might be, but she'll be annoyed I never told her about you."
"You've not told any of them about anything that's been going on?"
"They stay out of my life and for the most part I stay out of theirs. I never changed, I'm my Dad's biggest disappointment. My brothers are great though. They may be younger than me, but they've always had my back. It's not always been easy to be around here." I admit. "There's usually a lot of yelling, eye rolling and muttered comments to one another."
"From what I know of you, I don't believe that for a second. You'd never argue with anyone." He kisses my shoulder and I melt into him, surprisingly myself with how happy I am that he is actually here. "You're stronger than you think you are Sam."
"I wish I believed that. It's easier for me to run away than deal with everything. I moved out as soon as I could and have done better on my own, acting human, than I ever could dealing with the pack and all their shit."
"I run away too. First time I saw you I knew you were something else, so I kept away." He didn't need to remind me how he dealt with his issues.
"So if something gets too much now, you gonna run?" I hesitate, wondering how long this things of ours could actually last.
"Never. It made me miserable not being able to be with you. You're not alone anymore, I promise."
Hopefully I wasn't being too naive as I believed him.
It was barely six when Mum burst into my room. I'd never seen her as close to changing into a wolf as she was in that minute and so, slightly true to his word - Aiden did wake up on the floor as her sudden appearance startled both of us awake.
The door was instantly shut behind her as she stood glaring at Aiden, her voice barely a whisper yet filled with more threat than I think shouting could have managed.
"What is going on here?"
"Well, funny story..." I start, getting up to stand in front of Aiden as he got himself together.
"Not the time or place Samara Olivia Franklin! I woke up to smelling someone who didn't belong in my house, not only still around but in your room!" She growled. "If your father had woken first-"
"Which I'm glad he didn't." I tell her, going closer in an effort to calm her down as her body tremble. I ignored Aiden's attempt to stop me and using some of my common sense, used all the submissive signs I knew to try and please her. "Mum, you know Aiden."
"I do. But why he is here is still a mystery to me!" She snapped, glaring at him.
"Well, like I said, funny story, but would you believe there has been a bunch of stuff going on I haven't told you about that also included him being well, ah, what's the term you guys all love so much? He's my mate." I take her hand and give it a squeeze, thankful my hair is down so it should hide what else I should tell her. "I'm sorry, but we after the party last night-"
"He's your what?" She didn't sound so angry now. "Did you find your actual mate?"
"She did, Mrs Franklin." Aiden speaks up now; his confidence returning.
"While I won't deny I'm not happy for you Samara, I am still furious you'd sneak him up to your room! It's Christmas for heaven's sake!" She scolded.
"Merry Christmas?" I smile weakly and suddenly being squeezed to death as she hugs me. "Mum, can't, breathe."
"Let me deal with the others before we go any further and you, young lady, owe me an explanation." She scolded, before turning to Aiden. "And you, I'm not even going there right now. Downstairs, guest room is by the kitchen. Now."
He's gone without a complaint and i'm left standing there awkwardly with her.
"Of all the things Samara." She shakes her head. "I understand why you moved away. I understand why dont like coming home. We love you and have only ever wanted you to be happy, haven't we made that clear to you?"
"Yes, of course." I tell her.
"Then why could you not even trust your own mother with whatever has been going on lately? I know you. I've known something has been bothering you, but I hoped you'd come to me in your own time to talk. Instead, this happens and I feel like I don't know you at all."
Her sadness hurts and not for the first time in my life I feel like the worst daughter in the world.
"Mum, please, it wasn't-"
She closes the door and I let her go. Sometimes it's easier to hide from your problems, not just run away from them. Crawling back into bed, I pull the blankets over my head and I've never been more thankful that I manage to go back to asleep instantly.
Mum doesn't really say much as we all gather around the Christmas Tree. I'm impressed that the other men in my life have for the most part welcomed the extra, surprise addition to our morning. Dad hasn't spoken much either, but Jack and Luke let it go. It is Christmas after all, but once this is over I don't quite want to know what we're, well what I'm in for.
We're nearly at the end of opening our gifts to each other and as Mum goes for the second part of mine, she completely freezes up. Dad notices first, reaching a hand out to touch her shoulder from where she sits beside him.
"You alright love?" We all turn our attention onto her. "What's wrong?"
She doesn't say anything, just stares at the bottle of wine I gave her and mentally I try to think over all the things that might be wrong with it. Thanks to never knowing what to get her, I had technically regifted a bottle that David had brought over on his second visit. We drank the first one, the blend the kind of red I knew she would love. I even googled it before deciding to give it to her, just to make sure it wasn't too cheap and I had been rather surprised at the rarity of it. Maybe she thought I spent too much on her?
Before she can answer, Dad takes it and picking it up reads the label. His reaction is similar before he turns completely neutral. I glance at Aiden who sits on the floor beside my chair and the tiny squeeze of his hand on my ankle does little to make me feel like this wasn't a huge mistake.
"This is very generous Samara. How did you manage to get this?" He asks.
Like Mum when she's on a mission, Dad had some easy tells that you were being fooled by the calm before the storm. For starters, he was calm, and he was talking rather nicely towards me without Mum forcing him to. So far this morning, all I had got from him was an awkward hug and a merry christmas.
"A friend gave it to me, I know regifting is a bit cheap of me, but it's a really nice wine and-"
"What friend?" Mum asked now, her voice shakey for reasons I didn't understand. For some reason all eyes turned to Aiden, but he was looking up at me, just as confused.
Lie. My first instinct is to lie so I do. "Hannah. You know the girl I used to work with? You've met her, she's a reporter."
Aiden changes back to his old self then. The rather at ease, casual guy that had taken over vanishing as his hand left me and he sat a little straighter. Mum simply nods, and Dad puts it back in the giftbox.
"She has good tastes." Mum laughs, but it's fake and the whole mood of the room has changed.
I almost feel like standing up and taking a bow; more awkward moments on christmas morning brought to you by Samara - you're welcome. Jack tries to diffuse whatever is going on by quickly opening another present and being much too excited for the pair of sneakers Luke got him. I appreciate his effort though and as Aiden excuses himself to get a drink, I not so subtly follow him.
"Who gave you the wine?" He asks, cornering me slightly against the sink. "Why did you lie?"
"Okay, tone it down. I figured it was safer to do so and you don't get to be all, what ever this!" I snap back.
"That wasn't normal."
"Welcome to my family. We're not normal. What were you expecting? Matching pajamas, hot chocolate and mariah carey christmas on repeat? Dad talking to me was enough of a christmas miracle so let it go!" I go to push past him but of course he doesn't budge. "Aiden, move!"
"Just tell me who gave it to you." He growled.
"Fine. David did!" I almost shout at him, but manage to keep my voice down so the others don't hear.
Instead all we get is the sound of a cup smashing and spinning around, Mum was standing just on the other side of the bench.
"Are you okay?" Now Aiden lets me pass.
The others appear in the doorway, the cup bringing them over.
"Mum?" I ask, as I've never seen her look so afraid. "Mum, what's wrong?"
"What, did you just say?"
"That David gave her the wine?" Aiden answers, as Dad pushes past my brothers. "Do you know him, David Henson?"
Dad growls at the name as Mum seems to go even whiter - answer given.
"How?" Aiden asks, yet Dad turns to him looking as though what ever this is, is his fault.
"Leave. Now."
"I'm sorry if-" He starts as I move closer.
"Dad, he hasn't done-"
"Enough. I don't know what is going on right now, but you need to leave."
Aiden doesn't move. "No."
I'm not sure what to do. I've never seen either parent this upset, and neither have my brothers as they stand behind Dad, looking more intimidating than they probably intended. Wolf eyes narrow on in on Aiden who of course gets defensive too. If he could take down those vampires on his own, I'd hate to imagine what he could do to my family if things got that escalated.
"Despite what she thinks, you are not yet part of this family. You will leave now, or we will force you out." And just when I thought this morning could not get any better.
"Dad! Stop, please!" I beg, but it's no good. "Guys, come on!"
Mum might be able to set things right, but she's checked out and my brothers are loyal to Dad. Despite their hesitation, his word goes.
"I'll go." Aiden's tone gives me goosebumps, and not in a good way.
Again my brothers hesitate and it's not because they're not sure who to listen to but because Aiden isn't so much as backing down, but giving them a warning. I follow him outside, unsure of what to say.
"Thank you." It seems appropriate.
"That was for you, not them. Come with me." How could I go now? "I don't like this Sam. Anything that has to do with David is never good and-"
"And they're my family. I can't just leave them, not after that."
"You said you do it all the time. Why is now any different?"
It was a low blow, and the truth hurts. This time it was different. What ever was going on, wasn't completely my fault if it was at all. Mum needed me and our earlier conversation about trust lingered in my mind.
"It just is."
"I will be here in seconds if you need me, for anything." He promises, kissing my forehead he got into his car and left.
It took me a few minutes before I went back inside. How could one night change so much yet I didn't get to dwell on it as my Dad rushed around the house grabbing random things and shoving them into a bag.
"Dad? What are you-"
"Go pack your things, whatever is here that you want. We leave in half an hour." He mumbled, not stopping.
"Leaving? What's going on?" Moving into the kitchen, my brothers were no where to be seen and Mum sat in the same spot only now she was sobbing. "Mum?"
"Oh Samara, I knew this day would come. It's all my fault." She got out between the tears.
"I don't understand? Dad's lost it, we're not leaving!"
"We have to! We should have told you sooner and now, now it's too late."
I felt dizzy. My heart was beating much too fast and nothing was making any sense.
"Tell me! What the hell is going on?" I demanded, gripping the edge of the bench as I was positive i was going to scream if they didn't start talking soon.
"He's found you! We have to go!" She babbled, wiping her eyes before standing up. I grabbed her arm as she went to go after Dad, and it must have been tight as she stopped, staring at my hand and then back at me. "Oh Samara, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault!"
"What is?" I screamed, feeling it was the only way anyone was going to listen as Dad stopped his frantic packing to stand by Mum.
"Tell her, it's time she knew." He said sadly, making Mum cry even more as I dropped her hand.
"Knew what?" Cold, hard, fear gripped my heart and from the top of the stairs my brothers lingered.
Their confusion was as heavy as my own, but looking between my parents, I knew this had nothing to do with them. My throat tightened as I held my breath, my lungs not willing to work right now anyway.
"What?" I yelled again, hating how hysterical I sounded. A part of me already knew what was coming and I still wasn't prepared to handle it.
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