《Where She Belongs》David.
I hadn't been able to have a look at him before. I never got to see his face from the photograph like Aiden had, and I missed it from when they went outside. He wasn't what I was expecting either. His pale skin still managed to have a tanned look about it. His smile was rather charming if not for the fangs demanding my attention and short brown hair was cut in a rather stylish way. Like everyone at the party he gave off the impression of wealth, and something else too. There was no denying he was attractive, but he wasn't to me.
"Have we met before?" His words matched my thoughts and we both went quiet, clearly thinking it over.
"No, we haven't." I decided.
David's head tilted slightly, dark brown eyes meeting mine. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. Now if you'd just excuse me I'd like to go inside before I freeze out here." I take a step around him, but he stops me.
"What is your name?"
"I really have to go inside." Again I try to move, but he doesn't let my arm go and instead leans in close to my ear.
"Your name." He whispers it so it sounds more like a threat than a question, sending a fresh lot of goosebumps over my skin.
"Samara." I tell him, regretting it as I wondered if I should have given him a fake one.
I'm free and he steps back, letting me move. I'm almost tempted to lock the door behind me as I go in and turning around he's just standing there, with that puzzled look on his face before he vanishes. Shaking my head, I get my phone out and go to call Brianna as Aiden comes inside.
"Are you okay?" I think I might actually cry as I look him over and surprisingly he looks the exact same as he did when he left.
"I thought I told you to stay inside."
"Yeah well, too bad."
"What did he say to you?" Oh he saw that?
"He asked me for my name, that's all. Are you sure you're good? I saw him throw you and-"
"I'm fine. You should have stayed in here. I wonder why he wanted your name?"
"No idea. He seemed to think we met before." I shrug.
"What?" That really got Aiden's attention.
"It's nothing. I'm sure of it. I just have one of those faces." No one has ever said that before but I could do.
"We should never have been together, this was a mistake and now he'll disappear leaving us with nothing again." He growls.
"Wow, that's really fucking harsh Aiden. That wasn't a mistake, how can you be such an asshole when I know you are feeling exactly what I am!" I poke him hard in the chest as he narrows his eyes.
"We are a mistake. All I want to do is bite you, which in my experience doesn't end too well and how is your neck healing by the way?" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as I instantly touched the sorest spot on my neck. "Stop testing me Sam. I can't trust myself to do the right thing around you and if he saw us together, he will think he can use you to get to me, he will do it and you're in more shit than I think you realise."
Then he walked away.
"You can't keep-" I started to go after him, determined to prove him wrong.
"I can because unless you want to add yourself to David's list, or to mine, you have to stay away from me. Now I need to go see if I can get a trail for him and find the asshole before he disappears completely."
End of conversation apparently as he didn't hold back with his speed as he left the room. A risky move but no one was paying us any attention. If anyone did notice, they'd probably just think they had drunk too much and were imagining it. Now there was no stopping the tears and rather than make a fool of myself I grabbed my things, avoiding Hannah as I went and grabbed the closest waiting cab to go home in.
What I wasn't expecting was for David to appear on my front porch as I fumbled with my keys and I didn't want to think some of what Aiden said had been right.
"I come in peace." The vampire held up his hands, stopping himself from coming any closer.
"How did you get here?"
"I followed your cab. I'm sorry if that's too much, but I never got a chance to ask for your number." He half smiled, looking almost shy.
"I ah, I'm not really interested. Sorry." I tell him, finally getting the right key in the lock.
"Would it make you feel better if I said I was more interested in being friends?" He asks, daring to take a step closer.
"Not really."
He thinks for a moment. "Is it because of what I am or maybe what you think you know about me?"
"I don't even know your name, so there isn't a lot I know about you at all." I lie, praying he couldn't tell.
"How rude of me." He extends his hand. "David Henson, it's nice to meet you Samara."
Hesitantly I shake his hand, playing along all while trying not to freak out. Was this perhaps part of Aiden's plan? Let me get scared by the big bad vampire before coming to my rescue?
"May I, possibly come in?"
"I don't know if that's a good idea."
"I promise I won't hurt you." I raise my eyebrows at that.
"Yes, because letting in strangers late at night so often ends well?"
"I'm just curious about you, that's all. I can't shake the feeling that we've met somewhere before. No harm could come from being friends, right?" Said the cat to the mouse. "I probably seem a bit forward, but I am typically used to getting what I want and I'm not sure I could let you get away without at least trying to get to know you. I really do want us to be friends."
"And if I don't give you what you want?" Like a way to get to Aiden as he predicted.
"You'll never see me again." He holds his fingers up like a boy scout. "Scouts honour."
Maybe it's because I am a total idiot, or because the sting of Aiden's further rejection makes my lonely old self needy of company from someone who wants to be around me, but I open my door.
"I hope you don't mind cats."
"I quite like them, much better than dogs." He says as he follows me in.
Kitty is of course waiting to inspect the visitor at the end of the hallway. The feline meows, more food driven than anything until he tenses, standing to attention to hiss at David. Not helping my nerves, David simply hisses back and Kitty backs down, instantly purring around his ankles.
"So, you're a vampire." I boldly ask, letting him wander the living room as I stand behind the kitchen bench, happy to have some space between us.
I hate that he's right and the feeling of familiarity settles in the back of my mind.
"I am. Did your, boyfriend, tell you that?" He stops his tour and turns to look at me.
"Aiden isn't my boyfriend."
"And you know what he is?" David asks coming over.
"Yes. From what I saw earlier, you two don't get on?"
"We have history." He shrugs. "And what about you Samara No Last Name. Where do you fit in all of this?"
"No where. Trust me on this one." Not a shifter. Not a vampire. Not anything supernatural, not really. "I just find myself falling for the wrong kind of guys."
"I've worked it out now. You remind me of my highschool sweetheart." He smiles almost sadly. "It's the eyes. I could always tell what she was thinking by looking into them."
"That's nice." I try to look anywhere but at him as he seems to drift of somewhere else. "Wine?"
I pull out a bottle of red, happy to see my stash restocked. I made it my priority, more so for times like this - post aiden rejection, not interview with a vampire. He nods so I pour us both a glass.
"I'm not going to play dumb. There is a chance Aiden will appear any second now after attempting to teach me a lesson on danger or something. If you stay, and he turns up, please don't break anything in here. I like my furniture."
David laughs. "So you do know all about me?"
"Hard not to with what's been going on." I take a sip and he does the same. "So, is my last thought about to be why didnt i buy more expensive wine or were you serious about not hurting me?"
"I'm serious. It's more than her eyes you know, I just feel at ease with you."
"Did you really go around killing all those shifters?"
"Yes." He pauses, watches me intently. "But you're not one, so what should you care?"
"Why did you do it?"
"I don't like them." He growls, the first crack appearing in his friendly facade. He's quick to hide it. "Nevermind that. Will it stop us from being friends?"
"Honestly, yes. I have shifter friends." I hate that he's right. I feel completely at ease with him too.
"I like that you're being honest with me."
"I'm dreaming aren't I?" This whole situation is surreal. Sitting back, drinking wine with my new pal, who is a psychopathic shifter killer simply because he doesn't like them.
He laughs at that, a genuine happy sound. "Can I ask why you have scent of magic all over you? You said you weren't supernatural, so you're not a witch or even one of the fae?"
"That's probably because a witch I know fixed me up after I was attacked by a vampire a few days ago." I'm dreaming. This isn't real. I'm going to wake up tomorrow because this guy attacked me rather than simply let me walk away or I have wiped myself out at the open bar and this is the dream I get.
"You were attacked?" Those cracks appear again as he sits up straight. If i didn't know better, I'd almost think he cared.
"Yeah. Luckily Aiden came when he did." I sigh, wondering what he'd think about that.
"He saved you?"
Technically Brianna did, but I left that part out. "Yeah. She fixed up the bite mark, hid the bruising and except for a bit of soreness now, I'm fine."
"Did you know this vampire?" Oddly I can see a bit of Aiden in David now. The way that darkness just creeps in, you really have to wonder what goes through their heads.
"No, not really. He was helping me out with some enquiries on your murders actually."
"Why are you, non-supernatural Sam, investigating what I've been up to?" There's suspicion now or interest.
"I told you. I have wolf friends." I shrug.
"Family?" He asks lightly, yet the seriousness of the question fills the room.
I look him straight in the eye now, wondering if he has known more than he has let on this whole time. Keeping my answers fairly honest and being open had been my defence because if that has been the case all along, at least I hadn't been lying completely.
"You're not though. You're not anything. Apart from that covering spell, you're human." I don't think he's asking, just thinking out loud. "How interesting you are Samara."
Kitty comes in then, acting as a great distraction and the little attention whore happily lets David rub his belly. It's just gone midnight when the vampire decides it's time to go and as I walk him to the door, he stops.
"This was nice. How about it, could we be friends?"
I'm not sure where this need for a friend comes in. Why is he so pushy on the subject? Worst part is, I really think he's genuine proving the fact that i have completely lost my mind.
"On two conditions." I decide.
"And they are?" He looks amused
"The first is you have to tell me truthfully if you are only wanting this so called friendship to get to Aiden."
"He has nothing to do with it. I swear on my mother's grave. What' is the second?"
"That you stop killing shifters."
"Demanding little thing aren't you?" He frowns.
"Well if it's simply because you don't like them, guess what? I don't like many of them either, or vampires based on my recent encounters, but do I go around just killing people? They were families, and-"
"Before you get emotional on the subject, they aren't as innocent as you'd think. Those things, took something of mine. I want it back." He growls, and clearly I touched a bit of a sore spot.
"Okay. Good chat, and ah, hopefully it doesn't all catch up with you anytime soon." I open the door, waiting for him to leave.
"That's not fair."
"Life never is." I shrug.
"I will be back." He promises, yet I don't think it's meant as a threat. "Your boyfriend is coming. His little witch too. Do you feel that, the electricity in the air?"
"I changed my mind, you should totally stay or are you chicken?" I taunt.
"I told you I'm not interested in them, and besides, I'm not sure he's up for another round with me." He winks and after a few steps he is gone.
I shut the door, lock it and as I go back to my room shut off the lights. If he's right and I'm about to get more company - I do not want it. I dump my clothes in a pile in the bathroom and wash my face, knowing I am not alone.
"Just leave." I hear Brianna from the living room so apparently locking the door does nothing to keep them out.
Playing ignorant to what's happening out there, I brush my teeth and then my hair as I continue to get ready for bed. Of course he is standing in my room and walking out in just my underwear, I say nothing. There isn't anything to say. I can feel his eyes on me though and refuse to enjoy it. I can't keep doing this and with my heart already breaking over literally nothing except a few amazing kisses.
"Are you okay?" He asks finally, though each word sounds like it's being tortured out him.
I keep my back to him as I take off my bra, slipping on a singlet before pulling back the blankets. His breathing is the only thing I can hear, and it's takes strength I didn't know I even had not to go to him as I know he willing, or perhaps waiting for me to do.
I stay silent, so proud of myself for ignoring him completely. Reaching out I turn off the lamp and settle in. If he comes closer, I'm not sure if I can keep this up. He does, and I roll over so I don't have to look at him.
"Why was he here?"
"Apparently he likes my company. Go away Aiden, I'm tired." Keep my eyes shut, I don't realise I'm holding my breath until he leaves the room.
I can't hear what the pair of them of saying but Brianna is the next one to come in, gently knocking on the door before coming to sit on the edge of the bed.
"I'm so sorry Sam. But you're okay right?"
Rolling over, she clicks her fingers and the lamp comes back on. "I'm fine."
"No you're not." She leans over and hugs me. "He's an asshole. I wish I could stop this-"
"Don't worry about it. I'm fine. I will be, I just, I can't do this to myself anymore." I tell her, hugging her back.
"You're not using David to hurt Aiden are you?"
"What? No! He started this thing about being my friend because i remind him of someone. I don't know. I asked him to stop killing shifters if he wanted to do that and he said something." I hadn't really thought of what he said about the why of it all. "He said shifters took something of his and he wants it back."
"Really? That's, strange." She mused.
"Yeah, it is isn't. Something important enough to kill for?"
"I'll say I had a vision or something and pass some of this onto the police investigating it. We have a debrief with them tomorrow anyway, well Aiden does." She hesitates and closing her eyes, mumbles something that almost sounds like a prayer. "I did you cards again tonight. There is a big change coming for you Sam. Don't give up on him just yet."
"Well if your cards can give me the winning lotto numbers I might start believing in what they have to say."
She doesn't say anything else and leaves me alone, yet Aiden was lurking outside the door.
"How did you not know he was here sooner? What if he-"
"I didn't know because she wasn't in trouble. There was no threat on her life. If you cared so much, you shouldn't have left how you did." Brianna scolded and then they were gone.
"Someone just kill me now! Why me?" I groaned, pulling the blankets over my head wishing I could just disappear.
Instead the next best thing happened and no one bothered me until Christmas Eve when Mum made sure I hadn't forgotten I'd promised to come by now. Packing my bags I kept it light as I'd give them Christmas, but I'd be gone for New Years. Besides, I'd met the threat and survived so really there was nothing stopping me from going back to my normal life whether they liked it or not.
Any idea's on what he's looking for yet...?
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The Alpha King's Mate
"Y-your H-highness? I-i'm sorry b-but t-there m-must b-be a-a m-mistake..."A loud growl sounded through the whole ballroom causing me to start shaking and a whimper to escape my lips. This caused the King to stop growling.He pulled me to his chest and yelled out to the whole ballroom."MINE!"Audrey is an Omega in the Rapid River Pack.Lucas is the Alpha King, Ruling over all and his own pack, The Moonlight Eclipse Pack.Audrey is beaten daily loosing all hope of every meeting her mate.Lucas just wants his mate but feels like she doesn't exist.What happens when the two meet at the Annual Lunar Eclipse Ball?Credits to @M_Rainberry for the amazingly wonderful cover!!!
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Changing The Course of Fate
The century's prodigy in music, Eliam Schneider was a successful college student. He was admired by a lot of people, has good grades, and was one of the candidates for the highest position of their batch. As he was about to retire in his home after a long day of study in the public library, he got caught in the middle of a gang fight and was stabbed. "So this is the end? I did not even get to graduate..." he thought."I don't think I can take it" Someone suddenly said. Eliam's consciousness looked for the source of the sobbing voice."It hurts to see him getting married to another woman" What the fuck is wrong with this guy?"HEY, I'M IN A DIRE SITUATION RIGHT NOW, AND I THINK I'M ABOUT TO DIE! CAN YOU AT LEAST KEEP YOUR LOVE AFFAIRS TO YOURSELF?" Eliam angrily said. The sobbing continued until the voice faded into nothing."Perhaps... do you want to continue living on?" The faint voice asked him"OF COURSE I DO, I STILL HAVE TONS OF THINGS I WANNA DO!" He saidThe sobbing voice became gentle and it laughed at him lightly"Alright then, you can take over my body," the gentle voice said"Huh? what do you mean take over?""Live life to the fullest for me, that's what I failed to do," the gentle voice said before completely fading into nothing.---An original novel by the author himself--- Highest Tag RankingsRank 1 in #BoyxboyRank 1 in #BLRank 1 in #VillainRank 1 in #IsekaiRank 1 in #ReincarnationRank 1 in #BXBRank 1 in #PrinceRank 1 in #RecklessRank 1 in #DevelopmentRank 1 in #BookRank 1 in #MusicRank 1 in #MagicRank 1 in #HistoricalRank 1 in #NovelRank 1 in #ComedyRank 1 in #TragedyRank 1 in #VampireRank 1 in #Original
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Sex Clubs || a.i.
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8.18 172