《Sliding into DMs (BigJigglyPanda)》Sixteen




Hanging out with friends. Meeting new incredible people. Trying new games. Trying Overwatch (that was fun!). Participating events. Getting drunk. Getting sick.

Pax East was sick! And so was Anthony.

At the end of the first day - what the hell, it was only the first day - the headache started to get worse. He didn't know what happened, but the headache became unbearable that he had to ditch Boston nightlife.

If it weren't for Mami's advice to get some aspirin, and make some warm compress, and actually get some early rest, Anthony wouldn't even survived the first night.

If it weren't for Mami, he wouldn't have got better for the second day.

If it weren't from Mami, Anthony wouldn't have survived the whole weekend-long event.

In return, Anthony planned to buy something for her, having it sent to her country. Although he wasn't sure if he could tolerate the abroad shipping cost...

Nononono, no! It shouldn't have mattered. He wanted to give something special for her...

Although now he wasn't sure what she would find liking on. He planned on buying simple I Heart PAX baseball cap or t-shirt, but really, Anthony?

Or perhaps some gaming merch. But what kind of games? Thinking back, Mami enjoyed every games, but never claimed favorites. He knew she played shooting game a lot. Counter Strike was something that started her interest. But what else? She rarely played games anymore anyway.


Mami look!

He chose a selfie picture of him and his friends under the night sky of Boston. Sent away. A picture would be nice! For a start, right?

The PAX is over now. To finish it off, we're going to have Korean BBQ!

Too bad huh. I wish you're here too :(


Legit, youre missing a hell of experience! - he added, quickly.

Hey what are you doing? What you been up to this weekend?

Poor thing!

Whoa girl, chill. I'll tell you, promise

We'll play stuff and I'm going to tell you everything you want to know

Nah, I'll be fine. You're not bothering me at all.

Here. Let me share it with you

Worse than Jakarta?

Boston does a lot of traffic. PAX only makes it worse sometime

Thats why we're walking to the Korean Barbeque

Hey what does that mean Mami? Hm?!

Good thing im on holiday mood. I forgive you

But i wont forget tho, dont worry

"Who is Mami?"

Anthony literally jerked the phone to his chest protectively, or in fright. Or perhaps both. He looked around to see Craig's wide eyes bored into his in a weird curious, yet stupid look.


"Dude what? Who was that?"

"You don't sneak on someone like that! You almost gave me a heart-attack!"

"I dunno what you're talking about," Craig just shrugged. "Mami? Mother or new girl?"

"Nobody, man. Let's just eat. The guys are already ahead!"

"Ooooh, right!" Craig wiggled his eyes. "I won't tell a soul."

That was the moment Anthony knew he was fucked. The moment Anthony sat down with the friends... the moment Craig opened his big ass mouth, he knew he fucked up.

Sure, Craig did justice to actually play dumb, not telling the name of the girl who 'Panda Boy had been texting, again'. It gave Anthony a sense of security... but only a tiny of bit. Questions were fired directly to him. Some he tried to ignore. Others he failed to dodge. With Tyler now joined in, bombs were sent towards him.

"Say again, Craig, Anthony has a secret girlfriend you might want to say!" Tyler ignited the flame.


"Seems like it. He was sending her heart and kisses emoji and stuff. He also sent a picture of himself with, y'know, the self-proclaimed cool guy look," Craig stated, as he began to pose on what self-proclaimed cool guy would look like.

"Interesting. Very interesting, Craig!" Piped in Scotty, laughing along.

"What else, Mini? Please, I'm hungry for this information, as we await the incoming of the steak!" Tyler begged for more bombs.

"I really wish Anthony would just tell us," Chrissy piped in. "Give us a hint, Anthony. Do we know the girl?"

Damn well you do!

"Is she pretty? Does she have big boobs? Or big cock!"

"You guys are idiots."

The only savior of the night was when the waitress brought out the barbeques steak and soon enough they instantly forgot about Anthony, too drawn into the sizzling sound of delicious burning meat.

And also, the moment when he returned to the hotel, chatting back with Mami. That quickly restored his mood like a switch; from this hungry and grumpy old man, to this giddy teenage boy all over again.


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