《Sliding into DMs (BigJigglyPanda)》Fifteen



Tyler: hey man, lets play. Are you down?

Scotty: down!

Ryan: Skip. Sorry, not at home

Evan: yeah sure thing. Im ordering pizza right now so hold on

David: you guys go ahead. I will join in 15 minutes

Anthony read the chat on his other monitor. Sorry man, I can't. A little busy right now - was his quick answer, without even wanting to know more about what they were going to do.

"Ey Anthony? You there?"

"Yeah yeah. Just some mail pop-ups, sorry."

"Oh well, you totally missed my car launch!" Mami told him excitedly.

"Wait? What happened?"

"I took the ramp and my car just went nuts in the air. It was super crazy high. What did Tyler said the other day? Oh! Streme spoats!" Mami exclaimed as she drove around the street, bumping to cars and pedestrians nearby, in GTA of course. "Move your asses, people."

"Wait I wanna see that. Come pick me up," Anthony said. Immediately he saw her indicator on the map getting closer to where he was. A little bit too close for comfort. "Hey don't hit me you little bitch."

"Ehe, sorry. I never drive on the right side of the road before."

"Uh-huh, yeah of course," he couldn't help but to eye-roll. "That, and you're just stupid."

Laughing, she shook her head. "Pfft yeah I take that, I guess. Okay let's switch. You drive now. And go to the mark on the map."

Anthony did as told. "Hey just curious, what car do you have?"

"In real life? I don't think you have it in the US. It's Corolla Altis," she mentioned. "It's like a sedan thing."


"Oh I think I know," he didn't. "Nice car!"

"Unfortunately though that nice car is stuck at the workshop."

"What happened? You okay?"

"Yeah, it's not like a car crash or anything. Something about the oil pump thingy - hey that car looks like mine! Let's use that one," Mami said as she spotted a silver sedan driving away. "Go get it Anthony."

He managed to overlap the car, which then Mami decided to shot down the hood, making the driver ran away. Soon the two pals went back in on their journey.

"Now it feels like home."

"Wait if your car is in the shop, how do you drive to work? Or to anywhere for that matter?"

"I take the bus to go to work. Thankfully the terminal is exactly in front of my building. Sometimes I use Chandra's car. And also bike."

"Bike? Like bicycle?"

"No, I mean motorbike. I have one at home," she stated. "You don't have lots of motorcycle around in the US, do you?"

"It's not very common," he spoke. "I've never tried to ride a motorbike before."

"Really? Well get your ass over here and I'll teach you - alright, it's time. See that ramp over there? Go hit them Pandabear!"

"Panda speeding up! Hold on!" Anthony hit the ramp, and the fake Altis flew right up to the sky and across the neighborhood, barely missing the trees. He cracked a good laugh when he decided to jump off mid-air, listening to Mami who was still commanding him where to steer.

"Anthony watch out - wait, you're not here! Where are you!" He laughed harder when he decided to activate the C4 that was stuck at the front side of the car. A killing feed pop up, and so her heavy and regretful sigh. "I hate you Panda."


"Oh I love you too, my dear."

"That's my car you blew up."

"Hey you stole that shit, you remember?"

"Yeah whatever. New mission; find my car!" Mami ordered straight away. "Wait what is your car Anthony?"

"It is called Kia Optima, black sedan."

"Okay, we will look for that too."

"No, I already have it, over here." He called out, taking a random black sedan on a parking lot. "I think I see your car as well."

Suddenly she let out a chuckle. "This GTA game has turned to a different direction from what we have planned before," she laughed. "From doing mission heist, to stealing cars for no particular reason."

"Tch, this is your idea, not mine!"

"Hm yeah."

Anthony watched her lazy and innocent shrug, amused by her power to make him annoyed and amazed all at once.

Well, she was one amazing woman after all.

__Vanoss__ is online

I_AM_WILDCAT is online

Fourzeroseven is online

MiniLaddd in online

Moo_Snuckle is online

Oh shit.

Tyler: dude, i thought you are busy. youre online now. Come on lets play!

Anthony: oh sorry Tyler, it wasn't me. It was my cousin. My family is coming over.

Tyler: ah okay. Just dont let him come to the server though. We're recording.

Anthony: don't worry. He's almost done anyway.

Tyler: well, okay. I let you go back with your family then. We're about to record shit

Anthony: yea have fun!

"Mami, I have to go really quick. Can we play later?" Even before Mami could say something, he already signed out from GTA V.

"Y-yeah sure. Is something wrong?"

"Something about my account error. I had to log off," he lied, again. "Can we also talk later on?"

"Of course! I need a break anyway. Only two hours and I'm almost dead. Man, you gamers got seven lives or something," Mami said over the call as she already went offline. "Take care Panda."

"You too. Talk to you later."


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