《Sliding into DMs (BigJigglyPanda)》Six



Few days later Anthony felt a little bit better.

Anthony could be seen grabbing some lunch meal from nearby fastfood and headed home from the office, as in workplace office.

Even though he hated that place to begin with, he had no encounter with any drama whatsoever this past days. Sales ran smoothly with the big boss was nowhere to be seen. So the boss was off to DC to attend a meeting or something; he'd be there for little over a week, which was better that what Anthony had hoped for.

As a manager of inventory department, he spent most of the time making sure the product flow was relevant to record, either it was sales for clients or additional purchase stock, or possibly product obsolence. Sounded so complicated, which was true, but he didn't need to stick around doing paperwork behind desk. Often times he drove around to check warehouse or shipping facilities. Often so he came home and supervised the operation remotely from his bed - thus he went home early after lunch.

There was also something to be taken care of at home anyway.

Anthony had reached out somebody who would love to make a thumbnail. Apparently Anthony gave up and decided to ask his family for help. His cousin then came up with a name. Her name was Erica and she was a indy artist, mostly doing waterpaint art. Although she started to learn digital art for few months now and was willing to make thumbnail for him. So far he liked what she made, leading him finally upload a full content video with a thumbnail. And today he was scheduled to receive a new thumbnail for his GTA V video he just played last night.


So there he sat, with one laptop wide open showing some business charts and other documents he needed to check, with his iPad signed in to mail to check any sent attachments, and a plate of McNuggets on the table in front of him.

By the time he finished lunch, he decided to check his friends for recent messages and gameplay invites. On his Discord chat he concluded that four people were actually playing right now. And then he found that later on this evening there would be another GTA V gameplay again.

Reluctantly he agreed to play tonight.

That said, perhaps he could spend the rest of his afternoon doing... what? What could he do, besides staring directly into the LCD screen for so many hours?

Gym? That sounded so tiring already.

Maybe go for a little walk near the neighborhood? He thought about it while glancing at his car key. Oh, he had other things in mind that already prevented him to go for walk; so, no walks.

At this point he decided to go to a quick nap instead.

But not before a quick lookout on social media.

As he went through his Instagram he couldn't help but notice growth of his followers everyday. And the comments, he received funny comments and supportive greetings from people across the globe, who had been following his journey from 2012.

He reminisced the old times when he grew as a person, as a Panda; how these people helped him along the road.

Oh these people, so precious.

And then he found a new post by none other than Melina.

Yes, till this day he still followed her social media account; only because he wanted to be normal between them, like nothing ever happened. Not even breakups could ever defeated him so much to the point of unfollowing, or worse, blocking a social media. That was just a sign that you've been belittled by life - at least that was what Anthony thought.


So pure keeping good terms of a life of one another, and the rest of friends - and not for stalking (?)

But then he noticed a picture was just posted an hour ago, right after Melina's.

And he couldn't help but to put a huge smile on his face. Pokemon always got him into a good mood.

It was Mami and she had just posted a picture of bunch of people doing what looked like costume play for Pokemon, although he wasn't quite sure which one was her. She wrote a caption in language he couldn't understand, but after translation, it appeared that she attended annual party held by her workplace. Now that was cool.

@bigjiggly: omg this is sick! Who are you tho lol i cant find you

He decided to comment, which immediately she replied:

look harder lol

Truly he was about to put extra effort to recognize her but then another picture came into a view. This time it was Mami dressed as Jessie from Team Rocket, posing along with James. Aha, so she was on the picture.

Smiling quietly, Anthony then scrolled over to see more posts on his feed.


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