《I Belong to Him》Kitten


Elliot P.O.V

I stand at the ledge hands on the rail thinking. Wiping a tear from my eye every so often. Suddenly strong arms engulf me into them. Grayson. Not even wanting to resist I willingly lean into his touch.

" hmm what happened to make you so obedient."

" L-" I'm about to say his name but I already know if I t ell him what will happen he'll hurt him and I won't be able to handle it if he does. Even if I am being bullied. Maybe I deserve it I mean I kissed Grayson of my own volition. I was basically asking for it. I know it's fucked up but after what happened with Levi I was scared and confused I thought I just needed a little warmth. But Grayson isn't warm he's cold, demanding, and dominating. What am I even trying to achieve here. I sigh as I lean into Grayson's embrace.

" nothing just a bit tired. Didn't sleep much last night. Do you think I can stay home tonight? Sometimes I have a hard time sleeping with other people yo-" Grayson grip tightens around me and I can feel him glaring daggers into me.

" I-i'm sorry nevermind."

" You're home is with me now remember that."

" Okay." I can feel Grayson tense up and I freeze, but he says nothing only sighing and pulling me closer into him.

"Wanna skip" he asks. I jump out his arms and give him a crazy look.

" Are you insane?? We have a test next period do you want to fail?? Cuz I sure don't" I scoff. Grayson lifts his eyebrow in amusement before he runs over to me throwing me over his shoulder.

" Hey. Hey! put me down! What the heckk?? Grayson! I said put me do-" I'm cut off by a smack to my butt.


" Damn you're too loud and believe me there's a lot more where that came from. Shut your mouth we're skipping end of story."

" Absolutely not! I have places I want to go I can't afford to miss a test. I've missed enough class as is! Please respect my feelings and please don't make me go." Grayson sighs running a hand through his hair.

" Ugh fine whatever."

" Thank y-"

"As if. I don't give a fuck we're skipping. I don't wanna spend another day in this hell whole." I sigh not even saying anything. When he realizes I'm not going to resist he puts me down. We walk down the stairs and through the hallway to his car.

"Oiiiii Elliot!!" Jackson (a student council member) comes running down the hallway to me.

" Hm what's up"

" Finally I found you. I know you've left the committee but I made a mistake and the current president won't help me fix it. Please tell me what to do!"

" Oh okay thats fine let me see... Mm this this change it here put this here and get the names of these students so you can double check go to the student website and...... okay cool is that all?"

" Yeah bro thanks man! I know there's a lot of nasty shit going around about you right now but you're a real cool dude. Here's my number should you need anything!" Jackson gives me a wink and is about to pat my head but Grayson grabs his wrist.

"G-Grayson please don't do anything" I say touching his chest lightly.

" Ah ah the famous Del'Rosa. Trust me I don't want him i like big boobs, though i guess he is pretty cute for a guy Jackson says with a smirk. Grayson clenches his teeth and I know he's about to swing but Jackson runs off with a laugh before he can. I sigh of relief as he grabs me harshly dragging me to his car.


" Ow ow Grayson you're hurting me. I didn't do anything wrong. Please stop dragging me."

"No. Hush." he says as we're nearing his car.

" He didn't even touch me! Please just calm down, you're upset over nothing!" Grayson throws me into the back seat quickly climbing on top of me.

"Don't.Tell.Me.To.Calm.Down. Shut up. Or I'll shut your mouth for you. Try me if you want." I want to scream at him but i roll over on my side refusing to say anything. He slams the door shut and gets into the driver's seat. The veins are practically popping out his head and hands.

" Why does every fucking guy feel the need to touch you? It's absolute bullshit. And you let them. What are you a whore?" My heart stabs at his words and I say nothing looking away. Grayson looks at me through the mirror and then back at the road.

" You belong to me. Say i-"

"No. I'm not yours to monopolize" I say staring sternly at him. Grayson says nothing and continues driving. One would think he's calm but the burning and furious look in his eyes tells me otherwise. I'm practically shaking in the back seat. I can feel his wrath and I know when we get to his place it's a done deal. After a few minutes we've arrived and before I can even open the door he's thrown me over his shoulder and is bringing me to his room.

" I'll show you who the fuck you belong to." He throws me onto the bed harshly glaring daggers into me.

" I swear on everything I love if you move one muscle I will fucking rape you." He then walks into the bathroom and after 5 minutes he comes out with his shirt off and a few things in his hand.

" Pants. Off. Now."

" B-but Grayson pl-"

"NOW!!" Slowly I remove my pants watching as they fall to the floor. After I've removed my underwear he throws me over his lap.

" Now now my little kitten. Today you've been such a bad boy. I thought I'd be a little nice since your the school well...whore but you've been quite a pain today. It's about time I show you who the boss is and its not fucking you. Count."

Slap! "Agh 1"

Slap! "2"

Slap! " Ugh 17"

Slap! "Owugh 2-20"

"and" Grayson questions.

" T-thank you daddy." I answer crying hysterically.

" Good boy. Now go sit on your knees at the edge of the bed on the floor. It's time I teach you a new trick." Numb and unwilling to fight I limp slowly over sitting on my knees with a flinch. Grayson pulls off his pants and walks over in his boxers.

" You're going to suck my dick." No... no way he has to be kidding. No please no...

" Now. Hurry before I force you."

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