《I Belong to Him》Slut of the Year


Elliot P.O.V

Everything just looked blank. I don't even remember getting in the car or how I got home. The man being shot just kept playing over and over in my mind. Grayson was talking to me but I couldn't hear it. He grabbed my face I knew what he was saying but I didn't want to. I don't want to be monopolized. I don't want to be punished. What am I gonna do at school tomorrow how am I gonna function? Grayson's yelling waving his arms in my face I look into his eyes and he immediately stops. I walk past him and into the music room locking the door and putting a chair under it. If he want so get in he's gonna have to shoot the door down, which he won't so he doesn't hurt me or the piano. I thought he would bang at the door and tell me to answer but he never comes, or maybe he did. not like I would've heard it. I sit at the piano to play but I can't. I just killed a 4th person do I even have the right to play? Am I about to lose the only thing I have left? The only thing from my past I gave left. I don't want to lose it. I can't lose anything else. I sit at the piano balling my eyes out and crying uncontrollably. I grab some sheet music in the room and lay in a corner reading it trying to memorize it but I can't. The harder I try the less I can remember and I throw the music across the room watching as it scatters everywhere. I pull myself into a ball and slowly fall asleep.

Grayson P.O.V

I was in the middle of my business deal when Mario comes into the room.

"What the fuck are you doing? More importantly, WHERE THE FUCK IS ELLIOT."

" I uh sir I'm sorry. He said he was hurting so I was bringing him to the bathroom I turned my back for one second and he was gone. I'm so sorry sir. I accept any punishment you see fit."

" No. Find Elliot. Now." I say lowly. We begin searching the floor I push past people in an effort to find him. I grab a random guy buy his collar glaring into his eyes.

"Have you seen a really short brunette with blue eyes? Wearing a black and white shirt with ripped jeans? Be careful with your answer."

" Y-yes. We were all checking him out. He went upstairs with some really good looking guy. He glared at all of us like he was his boyfriend so we backed off." I punch the guy in the face walking away. The only one allowed to check out Elliot is me. Great now somebody's gonna die, all because my little kitten won't listen. I walk up the stairs and as I'm going down the hall I hear Elliot moan. No Fucking Way. I slam the door open and Elliot looks up in fear. Everything goes dark and I grab the boy throwing him off Elliot. Blow after blow I continue punching him until I'm satisfied. When I get up I kick him in the stomach watching as he rolls over coughing up blood.


" I'm so so sorry daddy I swear I'll never do it again." Elliot cries. I smirk in response looking at the boy.

" Too late." I put a bullet through his head and blood splatters on my clothes. I wipe my gun barely batting an eye at the bloodied body. Elliot falls to the ground screaming and crying. I throw him over my shoulder and walk into the room where Mario is waiting.

" We will discuss this later Ruze. I have to take care of some things. Mario go home." I walk out the room not waiting for a response. Elliot just keeps sobbing as I'm holding him. I throw him into the car pissed. I'm about to get in but Ruze stops to talk to me. When I finish Elliot has stopped crying and is staring forward.

" Elliot." No response.

" Elliot." Nothing.

" Elliot look at me right fucking now. I've already told you I don't like repeating myself." Still nothing. I grab his face making him look into my eyes. But he doesn't he's looking at me but not at me. I shake him trying to grab his attention and he just stares off as if I'm not even there. When we get home I'll teach him a lesson. Once we reach the house he walks inside slowly just looking down. I grab him pulling him to me.

" Elliot answer me!" He says nothing only staring at me. When I let him go he suddenly begins walking up the stares. He did not just walk away from me. Just as I'm following him up one of the maids stops me to ask about work. She's not actually a maid she pretends to be one as a spy for me to make sure nothing goes wrong. By the time I've finished Elliot has already locked himself inside the room. I try to open the door but I can tell he's put a chair under it as well so I can't. I can hear him crying to no end trying to play. I bang on the door in an effort to get him out.

" Elliot open the door right now! I'm not kidding! Open this fucking door!" I bark. Elliot just continues crying and I walk away to my room in a fit of rage. I'm tired of this shit and I'm not dealing with it. Once I've reached my room. I throw myself onto the bed and fall asleep.

~Next Morning~

Elliot P.O.V

I wake up curled into the corner and for the first time there's no color. Everything's just black and white. When I get up I slowly open the door looking around for Grayson. I walk into his room and there he is asleep. After putting some clothes on I look into the mirror. My face is still slightly bruised and I wince touching it. Someone then touches my shoulder and I jump screaming. Seconds later Grayson comes in with his gun. Becca bows over and over apologizing.

" I'm sorry master. I was just going to offer to give him some concealer for his eye before he goes back to school." Grayson stares Becca down, looks at me, and leaves the room.


" I'm sorry Becca I'm just a little jumpy. I'd really appreciate it if you put some concealer on it." Becca smiles and gently begins applying the concealer.

" Thank you" I say smiling when she finishes. Becca smiles at me warmly and gives me a friendly kiss on the cheek before walking out. When I come out the bathroom Grayson ahs finished getting dressed and is waiting for me to get ready He grabs me by my arm and pulls me to him.

" Are you going to behave. Or do we need to have a little talk." he questions.

" I'll behave I just want to have a normal life at school." I say looking away. Grayson raises a brow questioningly but says nothing as he drags me out the room and to the car. I don't put my seatbelt and wait for him to pull off but he doesn't.

" Seatbelt." he says shortly. I huff in response and put the seatbelt on giving him the you happy now face. He scoffs and pulls off. When we reach the school I can feel my nerves getting to me. I already know schools gonna be a disaster. Levi hates me and it wouldn't be hard for him to get the rest of the school to do so. Grayson pulls me into his side possessively as we walk into the school glaring at anybody who so much as glances at me. I want to be mad and push him off but things will be a lot worse if I try. Everybody's staring and whispering as we walk in the hallway. Levi is on the side standing near my locker with 5 of his other friends. Grayson smirks as we walk past him and Levi looks our way for a second, points, whispers, and begins laughing hysterically along with his buddies. Once we've reached my locker Grayson traps me to it with his hands on either side of my head. He kisses my forehead, then behind my ear, then my neck. He looked at leaving smirking as he watched and I look the other way trying to push him off. Pisses Grayson grabs my hands and pins them to the locker kissing me harshly.

" Kiss back or Levi's dead. Everyone will know you're mine." I immediately begin kissing back. He let's go of my hands and I wrap them around his neck pulling him closer. All of a sudden he grabs my butt making me gasp. He takes this opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth reaching every nook and cranny. He smirks at Levi as he kisses me. I'm barely able to breathe and he finally lets go holding me to him. I open my locker and he begins walking me to class. Grayson smirks at Elliot and slaps my bum making me blush. Boys and girls stare at me in disgust.

"Gosh what a slut."

" Seriously. Wasn't he just with Levi? I would die for a man like that. Now he's with Grayson. Probably a gold digger."

" Ew what a whore."

" Seriously. He just basically fucked him in the middle of the hallway." I held my head down in shame. I know it's all my fault but I didn't ask for this. I never asked for any of this. I just wanted to be alone and never be noticed because that way I could never get hurt. When we reach the classroom Grayson kisses me.

" See you next period love."

I sat in class staring blankly at the test the teacher gave us. I begin marking answers but for the first time I'm sure if they're even right. When I go up to get my answer sheet scanned I realize I got a 35. My heart stopped. I've never failed a test let alone gotten a 35. How is that even possible. I grab my head ready to pull my hair out. When there's a pat on my shoulder. The teacher smiles at me kindly.

" It's okay dear. We all have bad days and fail. I'll let you do a retest during IF next week okay?" I hug her tightly thanking her over and over again. She smiles sending me back to my seat. Once class is over I wait for Grayson to come. He picks me up holding me in his arms with a smile.

" What? why are you smiling." His smiles drops when he looks at me and I look away sighing.

" I wish you'd smile." he mutters.

" What?" I question.

" Nothing forget it." He says with a glare. I roll my eyes in response. See? Bi-polar. He puts me down after kissing my cheek.

" shall we?" I nod my head in response. He takes me to my next class which unfortunately is with Levi.

" No contact with pretty boy or he dies and you watch." Grayson says smiling with a peck on my lips.

" Yes daddy." Grayson nods in approval before walking off. When I walk into the classroom all eyes are on me. The corner where Levi and I sit is empty and he's sitting with a group of girls laughing and flirting ignoring my presence. I walk quickly to the corner in an effort to make myself small. Suddenly a paper plane is thrown at my head and everybody laughs. I open it tears welling in my eyes as I read it. ' SLUT' is written on it in bold letter. Levi chuckles at the girl who threw it pinching her cheek. I throw the paper down and run up to the balcony. When I've caught my breath I walk over the railing gripping it tightly. Maybe I should just jump. Maybe I should end it all. I deserve to die, if this is living I don't want to live anymore. Tears fall from my eyes as I watch the city. Will I ever be happy again?

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