《I Belong to Him》Winner Winner Chicken Dinner


Grayson P.O.V

Staring at the bloodied and limp Elliot was traumatizing. I didn't mean to hurt him this bad I just got so angry my mind went blank and by the time I realized what I was doing he was laying on the floor crying. He was abused as a child so I know he has enough trauma teaching him a lesson is one thing but I shouldn't have punched him in the face. I do have a soft spot for Elliot I'd be lying if I said I didn't but I also don't want to be punked. To allow him to say and do whatever he wants to the point he thinks he can get away with it. I have business to attend to so I send one of the maids to take care of him. As I'm walking out the room Elliot grabs the end of my shirt. His small frame was trembling scared even just to touch me.

" I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you this bad." Elliot let's go off my shirt and walks away into the bathroom. At this point fuck work I don't even feel like going anymore. People are still gonna die whether I'm there or not. I grab a book and sit on the bed beginning to read. Elliot comes in hair wet and tired.

" Elliot your hair's wet." Elliot doesn't reply rubbing his eyes.

"I never dry it."

" Why?" Elliot says nothing just leaving the room and going down the stairs. I don't even think I have the right to chase him or be mad at him. I've probably re-opened a lot of wounds for him. Elliot comes back in and sits on me. He then begins hitting at me while crying hysterically.

" Why does it have to be me! Why won't you let me go? I never asked for any of this! All you have to do is stop hurting me! I hate you! I hate you so much!" Annoyed as I was I knew I needed to let him get it out. After he kept hitting at me I flipped him over and pinned him down.

" Relax baby relax. It's okay it's all gonna be okay." Elliot said nothing only crying under me, I lay him on top of me and let him, combing through his hair soothingly.

Elliot P.O.V

The pain I felt both physically and mentally was unbearable. How can he treat a living person so horribly? I wanna be mad I wanna kick and scream but I don't have it in me. Never has anyone had so much control over my every move. After a while Grayson has fallen asleep. I slowly get off him and head downstairs to watch Tv. As I'm watching Ben comes down I run over to check on him but he backs away.


" Ben I-I'm sorry I didn't know."

" It's okay sir."

"Please call me El-"

"Sir, I will be taking my leave now. Have a good rest of your day." Ben left dismayed and very obviously injured. The hole in my heart just keeps expanding. That's when I see it. A balcony with a white piano. I run so quickly up the stairs it seems as if I might fall. Mesmerized all I can do is stare and walk around it. I've never even seen a white piano. I touch every part trying to connect with it before sitting down. Before I know it my fingers are going. Playing every song I know from memory. Piece by piece by piece. It's been 10 hours and I'm still going just trying to get all my feelings out. I've been playing so long my fingers have blisters and are bleeding. The maids, butlers, and even Grayson were trying to get me to stop but I wouldn't I can't this is the only thing I haven't lost. The only thing I have left. As I'm finishing up another piece I'm lifted up. Grayson puts me over his shoulder a worried expression on his face.

" You've been playing for almost 15 hours. No more you need a break. Your fingers are bleeding."

"okay." There's no use objecting even if I do he'll still win. Grayson sits me on the bed and a maid starts patching my hand up.

" What's your name." I ask. Calling her the maid or one of the maids is rude. She looks at me then Grayson then back down.

" Are you gonna answer him or what?" Grayson says annoyed.

" Y-yes sir, my name is Becca."

" That's a pretty name! I'm Elliot nice to meet you." The maid gives me a smile and continues bandaging my hand. Grayson only stares at me as if I'm gonna break any second.

" Look you already beat me. It already happened, and I'm already over it. Nothing I'm not used to. Just kill me next time while you're at it." The maids eyes widen and Grayson is about to lose it. I wanna take him there I wanna see him mad. I won't let him continue to control me.

" Or maybe..I'll just kill myself." I say smirking.

" Becca get out now. OUT NOW!!" Grayson barks. Becca quickly runs off leaving me alone with Grayson.


" Are you trying to piss me off?"

"It's possible." I say and Grayson chuckles in response.

" You're quite the sly kitten aren't you? I wonder what would happen if I served Levi's head on a silver plater for you?" My eyes widen in response.

" What but I'm already yours why would you?"

" No you're not mine. You still love him and I am more than willing to kill him if you are gonna continue to piss me off. So you gonna obey the rules or you gonna let little Levi die?"

" Anything but that.. please don't hurt Levi. I've hurt him enough." Grayson bends done cupping my face in his cheek.

" Oh darling. Be not dismayed my little kitten I'll treat you right I promise." He says kissing me.

" Then.. could I please go out tomorrow?"

" No. What are you crazy? Did you not hear anything I just said? Absolutely not. You are not to leave this house." Grayson doesn't know it but tomorrow is my birthday and I just wanna spend it without him.

" What if you come with me? We could go together I just really wanna get out."

" No I have work to do tomorrow. I already skipped today to babysit your ass. I'm not gonna continue to miss work because you wanna be a child." Grayson's words go straight through me and I look away saying nothing. Grayson gets a phone call, looks at me for a second, and walks out the room. It's okay if he's not gonna take me out I'll sneak out I'm not gonna just stay here on my birthday that's bullshit. Yes I said it yes I'm cussing absolute fucking bullshit. I lay in the bed folding my arms and curling into a ball. Grayson comes in and lays next to me wrapping his arm around my waist as usual.

~Next Afternoon~

" Hey Elliot get up."

" Mmph what I barely slept. Leave me alone."

" No can do. Change of plans and you're coming with me. I can't trust to leave you home alone."

" Hell no. I'm not going to do any gangster stuff. Have you seen these scrawny arms." I say putting the pillow over my head to tune him out. Grayson chuckles in response opening the blinds.

" Uggghhh Grayson Please." I groan.

" Keep doing that and you'll be stuck in that bed for days." The minute he says that I jump out the bed.

" We're going to a club. I have a deal I need to make." Grayson says chuckling.

" No. Look I get it the whole I Belong to You thing and what not. But the one thing I can't do is be involved in your gang crap."

" I'm apart of a mafia not a gang. Big difference."

" No, same difference." Grayson sighs pulling me to sit on his lap. I'm ready to jet but his arm is tightly around my waist so I can't.

" Look I know what I do isn't good and I know you don't like it but it's a part of who I am. One thing you need to know is that no matter what happens or how much you piss me off I will never involve you in my mafia issues. You will never be apart of that. I will protect you at all costs, all you have to do is stand by my side and look gorgeous as you always do. I've said many things I didn't mean but this is the one thing I will never betray."

" You promise?"

" I promise. I've made the mistake before and I will never do it again." Grayson kisses my neck leaving a hickey behind.

" Okay daddy." Grayson groans hugging me tightly. I genuinely don't get with the turn on is with that but then again I guess I'm a bottom for a reason.

" Get take a shower and get dressed. I have an oufit ready for you. We leave in an hour got it?"

" Yes."

" Good." Grayson kisses my cheek as he walks out making a phone call. This can't get any better oh I am so going to turn up when I get to the club. I'm gonna dance with a bunch of guys just to make him mad. It's not going to get any better then this. I will win this game in the end.

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