《I Belong to Him》Everybody Has A Breaking Point


Grayson's P.O.V

I pick up a struggling Elliot he's kicking and and screaming telling me to let him go. My patience is zero to none so I slap the shit out his ass multiple times in anger. Instead of yelling he's now crying. Walking into the house I ignore my maids and head straight up to my room, throwing Elliot onto the bed.

" Before I start let's get something straight. You Belong To Me. You will live with me and from now on you will do what I say when I say it. You will refer to me as daddy regardless if people are around or not. You are not to talk to other guys besides Damien. You are to be loyal to me at all times because even if I'm not there I'm always watching. You are not allowed to cuss at or around me. But most importantly never make me repeat myself more than twice. Cuz if I do and I mean if I do, you are gonna be in a world of hurt. If you break any of these rules there will be severe consequences. And this my little kitten is only one." I take grab Elliot and flip him over my knee.

"Grayson please don't" *POP*

"One. For each hit you must count. There's 20 total, if you miss one we start all over. Don't think I'm playing I don't care if your hurt I only care that you listen. Understand?"

"Yes" *Pop*

"Y-yes daddy"

"Good we begin now."

*pop* "one"

*pop* "two"

..... *pop* 10

*pop 11

*pop* "17:

*pop* "18"

*pop* " 19"

*pop* "20"

Elliot lays limply over my knee once I've finished. I rub his back soothingly as he cries in pain. I feel bad a little but I need him to understand that he belongs to me and everything I say goes. I'm not here to go back and forth. I grab the butt cream and rub it on his ass, he flinches groaning in pain. As I'm bringing him to the bathroom Elliot asks a question.

" Please daddy, can I take a bath myself? I just need a little bit of s-"

" No. You don't get space. You're mine and if I wanna bathe with you or watch you bathe that's what the fuck I'll do got it?"

" Yes daddy."

" Good babes."

Elliot walks sullenly into the bathroom but all I can do is watch his jiggling bare bum. He's definitely got a nice ass, if only he wasn't so skinny. We step into the hot water and Elliot shivers under its touch. He combs his fingers through his hair enjoying the heat. Fuck I want that. I slam my body into Elliot's putting him between me and the wall. With my hands on either side of his head I lean down and kiss his neck. Leaving hickeys at each spot. So anyone who sees him will know he's mine. When I reach the area behind his left ear he moans. I smirk against his neck knowing I've found his weak spot. When I lean in to kiss him he moves his head. Pissed I grab his face and smash my lips into his.


" Lemme tell you another rule. Never look away when I'm dealing with you, understand?"


"Yes what?"

"yes daddy."

"Good." I continue making out with Elliot but he won't open his mouth. I grab his ass and he gasps. I insert my tongue tasting every nook and cranny of his mouth. Elliot becomes weak as he grasps my biceps holding himself up. His face is red and flushed and his hair's a mess. It was an amazingly hot sight. Boy the things I wanna do to him and tomorrow's Saturday? Well that's enough for now. I let Elliot go and watch as he sheepily washes himself. I know he can feel my eyes on him observing every part of the body by the red look on his face and the way he tries to inch farther and farther away thinking I won't notice. Once we finish showering I dress Elliot in my clothes and put him to bed. He turns away from me so I flip him over getting on top of him.

" I thought I told you. Never turn away from me. Or do you want to get punished?"

" No daddy, I'm sorry." I plant a kiss on Elliot's forehead and lay next to him with my arm around his waist. He shrinks smaller as if doing his best to keep his distance and as much as it pissed me off I let him.

Elliot's P.O.V

It's morning and I'm trying to figure out how to get his possessively snaked arm from around my waist. I'm hungry and cranky if I'm gonna be stuck here I'm not gonna starve as well. After 20 minutes I was able to get Grayson's arm around the pillow and leave. When I get down the stairs there are maids and butlers cleaning. Welp better make myself at home. I step into the kitchen and begin cooking while humming a song my mom used to sing for me when I was a kid. I don't cook very often since I never have enough food in my house but I love cooking when I'm able to.

"um hey Mr.?" I turn around and one of the butler's is looking at me quizzically.

" Elliot is fine. No Mr. needed. What's up?" I ask with a smile. The butler smiles in response as if I've made his day.

" Yes sir! Thank you sir! I mean Elliot. You're not supposed to be cooking that's my job and a few of the other butlers."

" It's fine! Besides this house is wayy to big and I'm bored and hungry and there's nothing to do. So why not cook?"

" If that's what you'd like master El-"

"Elliot please. Just Elliot. I know when I go to school I'll be alienated at least here let me feel normal."

" Yes...Elliot. I understand. I'm Ben, Please allow me to at least assist you in your cooking."


" Please do!" Ben and I begin cooking the waffles he mixes the batter and I make the waffles in the machine.

"I reach to get some plates on top of the cabinet as Ben is reaching for the mix and accidently make him dump it on himself and a little on me.

" Oh my gosh I am so so sorry. I understand if you need to punish me."

" Huh punish you for what? Accidents happen and it's my fault you spilt it anyway." I say laughing as I grab a wet rag. I wipe the side of his cheek, then begin dusting off his apron with it. His face turns bright red as he looks away. He's nervous refusing to look in my eyes.

"You can relax, I'm not gonna hurt you. I don't know what Grayson's like or how he treats you guys but I'm not like that. Let's have some fun and get along while we're together!"

" Why are you so nice? I don't get it. I just spilt mix on you aren't you going to scream or hit me??" Ben says grabbing his hair. I gently touch his hand as I speak.

" As someone whom has been hit continuously before I refuse to lay my hand on someone else. Not anymore will I do such a thing. At the end of the day we're all human and we all bleed red. Why should I treat you any differently. Regardless if you're a butler or a prince you're still a person and we should all treat each other as such. Life's too short to get mad over such trivial matters as this!" Ben stands wide eyed at my words and smile, and as if encouraged he slowly smiles too.

" Yeah thank you! You're totally right! Please treat me well!"

" Definitely same here!"

" Ah wait Elliot you have some in your hair." Ben reaches down pulling some of the mix out my hair. I giggle holding my hair back.

"Sorry it really tickles." Ben says nothing only continuing to remove the mix. Just as he's finishing up he's ripped off me. Grayson has him in a choke hold and is banging him against the fridge.

"Grayson! Stop! You'll hurt him! Please! Be mad at me not him I told him to help me I promise I told him to help me. I'm begging you don't hurt him." Finally Grayson listens to my please and let's Ben go.

" Get out of my sight. Next time you touch him you're dead." Grayson picks me up slinging me over his shoulder.

" Ow Grayson it still hurts."

"Don't care, didn't ask." I huff in annoyance. I know he doesn't care but he can at least act like it. Literally he was just being so sweet and now it's like the beginning if not worse. When we get in the room he sits me down on the bed.

" Why do you have to be so rough. He was only helping me get some stuff out my hair. You always get mad but you never ask. You never ask what happened or why and you never care to. You want me to want you but you're not doing anything to make me feel that way. The rougher you are the more it makes me hate y-" Before I can finish I'm slammed onto the bed by my neck.

" Don't even finish. I let you talk I let you get your words out. I listened right? That's what you wanted for me listen and I did. You think I want you? You think I want you to want me?? Bullshit. I don't want you and I don't care if you want me but I don't believe in rape. One day regardless your body will be begging for me and that's what I want. To fuck you and have you as my fuck toy. If you think you can tame me or or think I will do as you please you're sadly mistaken. I will kill anybody who touches you. I don't want some aimless slut as my boyfriend." Grayson's words were like a stab in the gut. That's what he sees me as? A slut? A fuck toy? That's what all this is for? So he can have me? If he was gentle maybe I could handle it but this is how he feels.

" Fuck you." I spit on him like he did at Ben. Which I regret immediately. Grayson flips me over pulls my pants down and begins smacking my butt. Over and over..and over again. The pain was almost unbearable. His eyes were blank and black as if he was seeing red. For an hour straight he spanks me leaving bruises on my bum and thighs. I'm sobbing uncontrollably as I take each hit. He then lands a final punch on my face and throws me onto the floor beside the bed. I want to get up but I just lay there. I can't believe I watched my mom go through this for 10 years before I did something every single day and this is only my first time. I cough and blood comes out onto my fingers. I need the piano I need it so bad it hurts. Grandma I'm begging you please forgive me I know I promised but.. I just can't take it anymore. Patience is a virtue and I don't have it. If I go back to my old ways..can you forgive me?

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