《I Belong to Him》Don't Let Go


Elliot P.O.V

I take a shower putting on cologne, black jean tights and a button up shirt. I wore a silver chain and put my hair up. After a while I was ready. Just as I'm putting on my shoes Levi comes running in.

" Good you're ready" he says smiling.

" Of course. Not like I have a choice" Levi laughs putting his arm around me and dragging me out.

" See ya auntie! I'll have him back tonight" Levi yells.

"Have fun" She replies. Gosh at least object or give me a curfew. When Levi and I sit in the car I can tell he feels my nerves.

" Relax kid it's gonna be okay I promise no matter what I won't leave you tonight. I will only talk to Grayson. Then we can even leave if you want" he states ruffling my hair. Yeah it's gonna be alright I mean what's the worst that can happen other than me getting shot and dying. After a few moments we arrive but Levi and I sit in the car for a few minutes.

" Why don't you take off your glasses" Levi proposes.

" I mean I guess it wouldn't hurt not like I need them anyways" I state.

" Exactly. Wait what?? What do you mean you don't need them. Then what do ya wear them for"

" cuz of this" I say sighing. I remove the glasses and look up at Levi. Levi stares at me for a second and automatically begins blushing.

" I don't want to hurt anyone else with these eyes. I hate them more than anything." Levi thinks for a second.

" It's a party trust me nobody will be looking at your eyes. Your ass maybe but not your eyes." He says laughing. I blush in response to Levi's comment before hopping out the car.

" L-let's go already you're always saying the weirdest of things." Levi laughs ruffling my hair before pulling me along. We got inside and everything was great for all of 2 minutes. About as fast as we got inside Levi started flirting with some girls and disappeared. Now I'm by myself and have no idea what's going on. I walk around timidly looking around. Body's are grinding on each other, girls on girls, guys on guys, girls on guys all of it. Music is blaring , people are drinking, throwing up. This is the worst thing I've seen in my whole entire life. I just got here and I'm ready to leave. I wouldn't even say that about Grayson. After a few seconds I see Levi sitting with a girl in his lap making out with her. Why am I not surprised? I mind as well just leave. As I'm on my way out the kitchen someone grabs my shoulder.


" Not so fast pipsqueak. Why not have a little fun"

" No thanks. I don't drink I'm underage" I say.

" Cute but I didn't ask. Let's drink." I really don't want to.

" What? you gonna be a pussy forever" he says. Ugh frick him. fine then I'll have a drink. I snatch the drink out his hand and down it in a second. Everybody in the kitchen stops and stares.

"DRINKING CHALLENGE" someone screams. Before I know it there's chanting and I'm on my 7th drink. What the heck am I doing.

" Woww who knew the Eli was such a stoner. Here hit this" I don't know what the hell I was hitting but I hit it. After about 30 minutes of drinking and smoking I was practically flying. I was surrounded by people cheering me on and hyping me up and it took everything to finally be able to get away from them. Which resulted in a round of shots. I ended up on the couch Levi was earlier on. I felt sick to my stomach and was ready to throw up. I can't believe I let myself be deceived enough to drink and smoke! what is wrong with me! ugh this is the worst. I groan silently. This feels horrible. I can hear some people whispering around me. They sound like guys however I'm too intoxicated to check.

" Is it really a guy"

" I don't know seems like a girl"

"Maybe gay?"

" Dudes maybe we should leave him alone"

" Lol or not" I open my eyes a bit and rub them attempting to sit up.

" U-um is everything okay" I manage to get out. Suddenly I feel a splitting headache and I yelp. The 4 guys whisper amongst themselves before helping me up.

" Let's get you upstairs sweetheart"

" T-thank you" After a while of me tilting and tottering they're finally able to get me up the stairs and lay me on the bed.

" You okay princess" Princess? but I'm a guy. I hum in response. Right now I just want to sleep. For a few moments it's still then I hear a belt clacking. One of the guy gets on top of me touching my stomach and kissing my neck. I mumble under my breath.


" what'd you say. gosh your body is beautiful just like a girls."

" No feels bad." I groan. I try struggling but my body won't move. They had to have put something in those drinks I should at least be able to move.

" Please stop" I yell slightly.

" Hey come hold him down" One of them holds my arms to the bed sitting behind me while the other stays on top licking my chest and neck. A groan escapes my mouth. No, no I don't want this. I spit on the guy on top of me.

" You Bitch" he yells slapping me hard. I whimper in response.

" You better shut the fuck up and chill out or I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for days." At that point I was frozen. Am I really going to be raped and here. It's all my fault I never should have come here I never should have gotten drunk. I can't even move please god don't let this happen. I want my first time to happen with someone I love I'm not ready. The guy on top of me moves to the side of the bed pulling his pants down before shoving his thing in my face.

" Come on suck it I wanna see what that pretty little mouth of yours can do"

" Please pleas- Agh" Next thing I knew he had shoved his penis in my mouth moving relentlessly..

" MM baby you feel so good" he said freaking my mouth. The 3rd guy came up licking his fingers and suddenly shoved one inside me. Please stop please stop I don't want this. I began choking and gagging. The taste was disgusting as he continued to shove himself inside me. It's so hard to breath I don't want this. Someone anyone please save me. The guy in my mouth finally stopped backing away after cumming in my mouth. I felt horrible disgusting like a cum dumpster, like a slut. I've never felt so appalled I just want it to stop.

" Go ahead Jay time to take this virgin boy" The guy fingering me stopped placing himself at my entrance. My hole was already abused by the way he forced his fingers in. If he puts it in I'll tear I may die.

" please, please no please don't" I begin to beg. I begin coughing begging him to stop crying hysterically. Next thing I know he's pulled more like thrown off me. There's a series of fighting in the room and yelling.

" What the fuck dude agh-"

" Come near him again and I'll kill you. Every single one of you. I will break your fingers one by one, cut your dicks off, and throw you into a river to bleed out and die. Try me if you think I'm joking it's not a threat it's a promise" I hear a spit sound and the guys run out in terror. Did he spit on them? I guess we have something in common haha. My body was shaking as the guy approached me.

" Don't worry I'm here now. It will be okay" The guy took me to his bathroom and washed me up before giving me new clothes and sitting me on top of the sink staring at me. I sat just staring at the wall I never looked at his face just stared I felt so broken, so numb. How could this happen to me? What did I do so wrong? it's all my fault. The tears began to flow before I could even process it. I hid my face in my hands crying hysterically. The guy pulled me too him hugging me tightly on top of the sink letting me cry. His muscular body could easily be felt through his clothes it was strangely comforting. Even on top of the sink he was taller then me.

" T-thank you. You are my hero. Thank you so much" I smiled up at the my savior before his face become blurry and I passed out. Is it bad to say.. Maybe I just shouldn't be here anymore. But I also hope this warm figure.. never lets go.

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