《I Belong to Him》The Del'Rosa


P.O.V: Elliot Turner

After the first few classes it's time for lunch. I was walking not fully paying attention to my surroundings when I ran into a wall and fell on my butt. The students all turn and look at me with horror on their face. But why? Oh gosh, I didn't walk into a wall. I walked into Grayson Del'Rosa. THE Grayson Del'Rosa, one of the biggest gang leaders in the US also known as the "Reaper" he decides peoples fates the minute he meets them and I'm pretty sure within the next 5 minutes there's a bullet in mine. I whisper a silent oww as I began to sit up and pack up my books. His eyes shoot down to me and I avoid contact. He stares at me for about 2 minutes before I finally decided to look up at him. I was beyond scared crapless as his icy blue eyes glared into mine. I stared up then I thought about it. Why is everyone in this school so afraid of him and why the hell is he always such a prick why is everyone in this school a prick. I'm sick of it Grayson or not he'll just have to shoot me because I'm over it. I glare back up at him before trying to run away. Next thing I know I'm slammed into the locker.

" Listen bitch boy. Instead of being a little shit. How about saying sorry instead of trying to walk away" he spits coldly holding me by my shirt. It felt as if I couldn't breathe as he held me by my collar. I started to tear up and his expression changed for a second before he dropped me to the ground glaring at me harshly.

" Next time you do anything to piss me off I won't go so easy on you fag" he hisses. he gives me one last glare before walking away. Lord what have I done? A few girls come over to check on me before helping me up. Wow since when have they ever cared before? Annoyed and embarrassed I hurry to class sitting down in the very back. Just as I'm about to sit down Levi runs up grabbing me turning me side to side.


"Are you hurt, did he hit you??" Levi questions frantically. I push him lightly

"You're overreacting" I respond. He smiles happily and with a fist bump is running out the classroom to his own. I sit down and start drawing waiting and ready for class to start. As I'm waiting I feel someone plop down in the seat next to me. Nobody ever sits next to me except Damian and he rarely ever comes to class. Choosing to ignore it I continue to draw.

" What are you? An Otaku" the deep voice sent chills down my spine when I realized who he was. Grayson, oh gosh he's actually going to kill me. I told you I saw a bullet in the next 5 minutes. Before I can even process it I'm running. I run out the class then out the school not even checking to see if he's behind me. I don't want to know there is no way in hell I am gonna die now. I have things I wanna do things I want to be I know it's tough now but it will get better. I can't give up I run all the way home locking the door behind me. I check out the window to see if he's there and thank god he isn't. I walk upstairs to my bedroom and plop myself on the bed.Before I know it sleep has consumed me.

Levi P.O.V

"what's good Jax" I say dapping him up along with a few of the other football players. When I finish talking I go to Eli's last period so we can go home. He usually waits inside the class for me. However, when I got there he was nowhere to be found. I started to flirt with one of the girls asking where he was and she told me he went home early. Eli and leaving school don't even belong in the same sentence. That guy is so serious about school especially his last period music class. Even when he's sick he'll still go to school unless I make him stay home. Gosh I can't with this kid. I give her a kiss on the cheek as thanks before running out to my car and taking off to Elliot's home. When I arrive I ring the doorbell about a million times worried. After about 5 minutes of ringing Elliot opens the door a tired look on his face and surprised would be an understatement.


" Y-You were sleeping" I half question and half yell.

" M- yeah I was tired" he answered rubbing his like a child before walking from the door. He had completely changed with shorts on and a top that was way too big for him and basically coming off his shoulder.

" AND CAN YOU PLZ PUT ON SOME CLOTHES" I yell. Elliot stares at me for a second before huffing and running upstairs. I throw myself on the couch sighing for what feels like the hundredth time. I mean I drove here frantically worried he's dead and he's sleeping?? WHat is this he would never even leave school ugh. After a few moments Elliot sits on the couch across from me sheepish look on his face.

" Don't give me that look. Where were you? I was worried sick I thought you were shot or something" I state.

" Haha me too" he says giggling heartedly. How? how can he just laugh at this whole thing and smile so easily. does he have no awareness or does he just not care. or is he just stupidly naïve I don't get it. I sigh with my head in my hands I don't know what I'm going to do with him. Elliot squats in front of me a sad look on his face as he explains why he left school early. I really can't be mad at him after hearing that. Hell I may have ran too.

" Okay, I have an idea" I say. Elliot gives me a questioning face.

" There's a party tonight Grayson will be there. I'll have a talk with him see if I can get him off your back. But you have to go I'm not going by myself"

" Are you sure. What if he shoots me right then and there"

" Uh I don't think he will" I say half truly and half questioningly. Elliot stares at me for a whole before shaking his head in agreeance. I mean there's only so much we can do and if we don't face it, it will only get worse.

" Party's in 4 hours I'll pick you up at 9" Elliot nods obviously reluctant. It's just a party, besides I'm 80% sure Grayson won't kill him in front of all those people. What could possibly go wrong?

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