《dream girl ✿ hermione granger》xxi. oh, who are they?


August rolled around faster than Erin wanted to.

Hermione spent with Erin only for a week before she left to France with her parents. But now she was finally back and Erin couldn't wait to spend more time with her.

The girl's best friend Daphne dyed Erin's hair dark red. Her parents, the blonde and her sister, and Luna were the only ones who knew.

Erin got a letter first day of August from Hermione and Ginny. They were both saying the same; the Weasleys, plus Harry and Hermione wanted to spend a day by a nearby lake and they asked Erin to come and bring Luna, Daphne, and Astoria.

The Slytherin didn't hesitate to say yes. She was so excited to see all of her friends and girlfriend again.


Ginny gaped at Erin's new hair, complimenting it the whole time. Somehow, she even managed to convince Molly to let her dye her hair dark red too. However, in the next ten minutes, she changed her opinion on next five colours.

"Not green, Gin!" said Erin. "You'll like like a waterman!"

"What in the Godric's left tit is a waterman?"

"It's a water demon in Slavic mythology. He has green skin, hair and even clothes," Erin explained. "But anyway, I think dark red would suit you the best!"

Erin was now in the bathroom of the Burrow, changing into her dark green two-piece swimming suit. As she was done, she glanced at the mirror in front of her. She spotted a scar on her belly from Bellatrix's knife when she stabbed Erin at the Ministry. The scar was keep reminding her that she was the one that was supposed to die. Not Sirius, not Hermione, not Harry, her.

She tried to live a normal life after what happened, telling herself that it was not her fault and that Sirius sacrificed himself so Erin could live her dream life but the voices in her head made her want to go back in time and push the man out of the way.

Erin signed, shaking her head as she wrapped an orange towel around her and walked out of the bathroom into the hall, from where she could hear Hermione's voice.

Erin quickly run down the stairs and ran to the kitchen where she threw her arms around Hermione, startling her.

Hermione laughed and kissed Erin's cheek. "Your hair looks amazing!"

"Of course it does!" said Daphne, with whom Hermione was having a conversation with before Erin interrupted, joked. "I'm a professional hairstylist!"

"She looks like a true Weasley now," George said proudly.

As Erin pulled away, she noticed that Hermione was wearing her two-piece swimming suit as well. Erin looked away, blushing.

George let out an "Oooooh".

Erin playfully slapped his arm. "Shut up." And then, she leaned to kiss her girlfriend, Hermione's face in her hands.

"Greengrass, I think this is our cue to leave. . ." whispered George before him and Daphne dissapeared into the living room.

"You look very hot, you know?" Erin whispered.


"Mhm," Hermione mumbled against Erin's jawline, making the other girl shiver.

Erin threw her head back and gripped Hermione's hair and her hips as Hermione ran her tongue across Erin's jawline.

"Hermione! Erin! We're going!" called Ron from the kitchen, making the girls move apart, groaning.


By the time the group arrived at the lake, all of them were sweating and couldn't wait to get into the water. The weather felt so hot that Erin thought you could cook eggs right on her back.

The Slytherin immediately, after unwrapping the towel from her body, ran into the water along with the Weasley twins and the Greengrass sisters. Ron, Ginny and Harry following close behind. Luna, after a few moments, got into it, too.

"Come on, Hermione!" Erin yelled, watching her girlfriend standing, the water barely reaching her ankles as her arms were wrapped around her as if she was cold. "Or I'll splash the water on you!"

Hermione didn't think Erin was serious until she saw her getting closer, devil smirk tugging onto her lips.

The Gryffindor squealed when coldness landed on her, making her shiver and scream "ERIN!"

Erin shrugged. "Told you. Come on. Get here, where I am standing, so I can kiss you."

Hermione wanted to complain but she really liked the tactic Erin used. Slowly, she took a few steps forward as Erin took a few steps backwards, making Hermione groan while Erin grinned.

"Not fair."

"It is, you get to kiss me, remember? Something for something, that's how life works, honey."

"Oh, please, you sound like my mum!"

When Hermione finally got to Erin, the water reached their chests. Hermione pouted at her girlfriend but Erin kissed the pout away as a bright smile made it's way to the Gryffindor's lips.

And before they knew it, they were chasing each other's lips, holding their hands as they did so.

"Oh, look at them," Erin heard Daphne saying. "They are being disgustingly cute again."

Erin and Hermione pulled away and glanced at their friends who all were watching them with a smile on their faces. As if they were watching a romantic movie where the two main characters just got together after they had that angry confession in the rain.

"I'm surprised you're the one saying that," replied Erin, smirking. "Because I remember you and Nott quite literally eating each other's face back in June. In the library. Madam Pince kicked you out for an inappropriate behaviour."

"Well, at least, you, Tori and Luna haven't walked on me and Theo sha-"

Luna put her hand over Daphne's mouth.

"Thank you, Luna," said Erin, glaring at her best friend. "And for your information, we weren't shagging! We-"


"Right, sorry, love."

Everyone then went to have fun; George jumped on Ron's back, almost drowning the younger poor boy; Astoria and Luna decided to swim to the opposite edge; Fred, Ginny and Harry had a few rounds of racing, Fred winning every one; Daphne was lying on her light blue pool float while rooting for Ginny; Hermione tried to make herself float on the water while Erin tried to find some pretty rocks.


"Look," she held up a small white rock. "This one reminds me of you."

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, frowning. "And why is that?"

"Well, white represents purity and perfection. And you are perfect."

Hermione turned her head away to hide her red face from Erin before saying, "No, I am not."

"Yes, you are."

The Gryffindor knew there was no point in continuing the arguing with the Slytherin so she just lied her head down on the sand and closed her eyes while smiling, accepting that she had found someone who made her feel like a goddess.


Three weeks later, a day after Hermione and Erin were in Diagon Alley to buy new books and equipment for school, the girls were in Erin's house alone again.

They decided to put on the Little Women movie (1994 version) as Erin found out Hermione had never seen it.

"Winona Ryder as Jo March is so hot!" she said.

"I don't know, I've never seen it. . . " said Hermione, making Erin gasp.

They were in Erin's parents' bedroom, looking through all CD's, trying to find the Little Women one.

"Oh! Alice in Wonderland!" Hermione clapped her hands, her eyes landing on a book on Gwendolyn's night table. She came closer to it and picked it up.

Erin watched her girlfriend happily opening the book, reading a few lines before her cheeks were heating up. Hermione quickly closed the book and put it back on the night table.

"What's wrong?" asked Erin in concern.

"I thought I was about to read Alice in Wonderland," said Hermione. "I'm sure I was not."

"What?" Erin approached Hermione and opened the book again, sitting down.

He had his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. Her legs were over his shoulders, allowing him to hit the deepest spots inside of her.

"You're mine, do you understand?" he said while fastly thrusting.

Erin bursted out laughing at what she just read.

"Merlin, my mother reads porn! Other people watch it, but I guess she is just different," she joked, glancing up at Hermione, who still looked very shocked.

Erin stood up, walked over to the bookshelf and pulled out the real Alice in Wonderland. "I always have wondered why does mum have two same books. Now I know there was only one Alice in Wonderland."

Hermione mumbled a thanks and Erin got back to the searching. She cursed her mum for being so organised in everything but not in her CD's collection.

When Erin finished searching in her parents' bedroom, she went to the living room as there were also some shelves with CD's, Hermione walking behind her with her eyes glued to the book. Erin could only wait when her girlfriend will bump into a wall.

Erin was about to let out a frustrated huff when finally she found the Little Women CD. And she prayed that it's not just a cover with a. . . well, something inappropriate on it.

"Oh, who are they?" Erin looked up to see Hermione holding up a picture. She stood up and walked over to her, scanning the picture.

There were three girls - two older than Erin or Hermione, they could be maybe seventeen or eighteen while the third one could be around fifteen years old.

The older girls looked very similiar. One of the few differences were their eyes; eyes of the girl on the right were blue with a bit of grey hinted while the girl's on the left were more green and also a little bigger. Both of them had long dark brown wavy hair that were in this photo in braids. They were smoking brightly, lighting up their eyes.

The third one had blonde hair in an elegant bun. Erin thought that the girl's icy-blue eyes were staring into her soul and it made her uncomfortable. However, the blonde was smilimg and it seemed honestly. She didn't look much similar to the older girls so Erin naturally assumed they were friends.

Erin shrugged. "Dunno. Never saw none of them."

Hermione flipped the picture and read out loud; "Me, Andy and Issa, nineteen-seventy-one."

"Andy and Issa? "

"Yeah," the Gryffindor paused. "Tonks's mum is named Andromeda. I heard Sirius mentioning her and calling her 'Andy' a few times. I'm not sure about who Issa is but. . . do you think your mum knows them?"

Erin raised her eyebrow. "You think it's my mum on the photo?"

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, frowning. "Well, yes, of course, don't you see the resemblance?"

"Which one of the girls should I look at?" asked Erin when her girlfriend handed her the picture.

"The one that looks like Gwendolyn, of course!"

And so, Erin scanned the girl on the left. She looked a bit like her mother but much younger which was obvious as the photo was taken about twenty-four years ago.

"I think it is her," said Erin. "But if it truly is my mum and Andromeda Tonks. . . they look a bit too similar to be just friends. They look like twins."

"Does Gwendolyn have siblings?" Hermione asked and Erin shook her head.

"No, I don't think so. Her whole family is dead and she has never spoken about any siblings," she paused. "She always used to tell me that. . . her parents died in a burning house. She was eighteen years old and she knew my dad by then so she lived with him and his parents for a while before they got their own house. I have never seen any photo of my mum young, like when she was a child. She told me that almost all her belongings burned in that house. . ."

Hermione nodded, not really knowing what to say that.

Erin was speechless, too, as she thought about all the possibilities. She was ninety percent sure that her mum and Andromeda Tonks (née Black) were related, most likely siblings. And that all her mother told her about her family, was nothing but an ugly lie.

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