《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》"I'll do anything"


Y/n's P.o.v~

"So, I want you guys to work with your partner who is beside you. For example, Y/n will work with Jennie, Sally with Teajoon, and so on. Please submit your work next week, okay? Any question?" Prof. Hassan explains.

"Sir, can I change partner?" Lejun ask.

"Who do you want to work with? I only give you permission if your friend agrees to change partner." He said.

"Oh, so I can change partner too." I whisper and Jennie quickly turns her head at me. Opss, she heard that.

"With Changmin, sir. We agree to swap our partner." Lejun said and prof. Hassan gives them permission.

"Who else wants to change their partner?" Prof. Hassan asked the others.

"Me-" I want to put my hand up and tell him but Jennie quickly wraps her arm around me and covers my mouth.

"Y/n, please. Just let me be your partner and after we are done with our work, maybe we can talk about us." Jennie whispers while I'm struggling to push her away.

"Okay, if that is it, you can text me or meet me at my office if you have questions or problems when doing your work. With that, class is dismissed." He said and walk out of the class.

"What is your problem!" I whisper yell at her when she let me go.

"I'm sorry. I think this is the only way we can talk." She said.

"Oh, do you think I will listen to your bullshit? Well, sorry to say but, that's not going to happen. We will meet each other and talk with each other only because we need to finish our task. Other than that, I wouldn't listen to your excuse for cheating on me." I said while glaring at her.


"Y/n, please." She holds my hand and I slap her hand away.

"Don't you dare to touch me with your dirty hand. I feel disgusting." I said and leave her crying alone inside the class.

"What did you do to Jennie? She's crying alone inside the class." Lisa stop me.

"Don't fuxking touch me." I push her away.

"Y/n, listen. I know what we did was wrong. We regret what we did to you. Can we talk and try to fix this? I don't want both of you to be enemies. You can hate me but not Jennie. She loves you so much." Lisa said.

"Love? What do you know about that, huh? They are all the same. Cheater!" I said and wanted to walk away but she grab my arms and drag me back inside the classroom. She also locks the door and blocks my way to the door.

"What do you want, huh?! Let me out of here!" I try to push her but she didn't even move. Why they are so strong? I'm not that small. Well, maybe 3 or 4 inches.

"Please sit down and we can talk about our problem." She said. Jennie wipes her tears before walking to us.

"Y/n please listen to me. I'm begging you. Just listen to me and let me explain everything." Jennie said.

"I don't want to, Jennie. So, please ask your new lover to get out of my way." I said.

"Y/n, we never together. We are just friends and not more than that. I know we make a mistake by kissing each other but, that is all we did. We never did something like that before. That night, both of us regret what we did. You can blame me all you want but, please forgive Jennie." Lisa explain.


"Talk all you want. Explain all you want. I already made my decision. I won't give my heart to you anymore because I have hurt enough. Love is stupid and I won't fall in love again. Both of you make me like this. So, can you step out of my way?" I coldly said to them with my blank face.

"Why do you blame her for all of this?! Didn't you realize that all of this happen because of you?! You make her feel insecure and you make her think that you cheated on her when you always spend your time with your crazy ex! Think, Y/n. Think!! Don't blame her without looking at yourself." Lisa raises her voice at me.

"I know that, Lisa! That's why I came to her house that night to tell her that my ex already moved out of my house! Sohee apologizes and is willing to let me go! I'm so ready to fix my relationship with Jennie but what have I got?! My best friend who I trust so much was kissing my girlfriend!" I raise my voice too and didn't realize that I was crying.

Both of them were quiet. I was breathing hard and my head hurt so bad. I need to get out from here. I can not be with both of them right now. I need to go.

"Move. I want to go home." I said to Lisa but she didn't move.

"Did she move out from your house? When? What makes her let you go? Can you trust her?" Jennie asked me.

"Oh, of course, I trust her. She wants to move on and wants me to be happy with you. So, she was willing to sacrifice her love for me. But guess what? It didn't worth it." I glare at her.

"Let me tell you, Jennie. After what you did with this traitor, it makes me trust Sohee more than you." I add.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I promise I will do anything you want to gain your trust back. Just give me one last chance and I promise to fix our relationship. I will try to fix us, Y/n. Please just one last time." She begging.

"That night when that thing happened, I start to think that there is no us anymore, Jennie. Your break my heart pretty bad. I don't think I can forgive you. I don't know maybe one day." I said.

"You kissed her, Jennie while both of us are still in relationships. Don't you think that's fuck up everything we have before? You like her don't you? If you love me, you will never do that. "



To be continued.

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