《"Stalker To Lover" - Jennie Kim x Fem Reader》"Just Wasting your Time."


"We fuck up, Jennie. This is my fault. I'm so sorry because I lead you into this. I'm so sorry, Jennie." Lisa apologizes while I'm crying so hard.

"No, this is my fault. I hurt her and choose to kiss you back. It's my fault." I said.

"What should we do, Jennie? I love Y/n and I regret everything I did. I don't want to lose her. She's my best friend." Lisa said.

"If you love her, why did you kiss me? And why did I kiss you back when I'm head over heels towards her. That's a question that both of us should answer." I state.

"We betray her. We should be ashamed of ourselves. I'm a bad girlfriend and you're a bad best friend." I add.

"She told me how her exes cheated on her and now I did the same thing. I'm so cruel and stupid. I accused her of cheating on me but the truth is she never. I'm so stupid!" I yell and slap my face repeatedly.

"Stop! Don't hurt yourself, Jennie. We should think about how to fix this. Both of us don't want to lose her. " Lisa grabbed my hands to stop me.

"We are over, Lisa! She breaks up with me! I cheated on her!" I shout and push her away from me.

"I know, Jennie! But you love her, right?! If you love her, we should do anything to fix it. I will do anything to make her forgive me and I hope you did the same thing. Let's not give up. I know it's going to be hard but we can do this. I promise."

"Cheater everywhere. What a dumb person. They think there are too perfect and that's why they cheat." I shake my head while drinking my oreo milkshake.


"Well, sometimes I don't know what are they thinking when they're cheating on their partner. I feel sorry for you." My male friend, Sunghoon said.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm going to show them that I don't need people like them in my life." I said.

"Don't worry because I'm going to follow you everywhere you go. Just call me and I'll be there. Okay?" He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Thank you, Sunghoon. I need a friend, right now. I don't know what will I do if you are not here to comfort me. I've been crying since yesterday and I'm so tired. Thank you so much." I smile at him and lean my head on his chest.

"You are welcome, Y/n."


"Y/n, c-can we talk? Please, just for 5 minutes." Jennie grabbed my arm when I walk out of my class.

"Who are you if you don't mind me asking?" I asked her acting like I don't know her.

"Y/n, please. I'm begging you." She cries.

"You know you just wasting your time and my time, right?" I asked her.

"No, it's not wasting my time. I will do anything to talk to you. So, please." She said and wanted to drag me somewhere but before she can do that, Sunghoon stop her.

"Please don't force her." Sunghoon pull me away from Jennie.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Jennie asks him while glaring at him.

"Do you want to play bowling? My friends and I will go to the mall and we wanted to play bowling." Sunghoon ignores Jennie's question and asks me.

"Hm, of course. Do you drive to Uni?" I asked him.

"Nope." He answer.

"Good. Let's go there using my car but you have to drive. I just want to relax before we meet your friends." I said and Jennie immediately push Sunghoon away from me.


"Since when both of you are close? Y/n, please don't go with him." She begged me again while holding my shoulders.

"Since you cheated. I decided to be friends with boys rather than girls because apparently girls always betray each other. I don't say all of them but, some of them. Includes you and your buddy, Lisa." I said.

"Y/n, please. I know what I did is wrong. I know Lisa and I did something terrible to you. We regret it and we want to fix this. Please, give us a chance to gain your trust back. We do anything you want." She said.

"Y/n? My friends are already there. Do you want me to go first or do you want me to wait here with you?" Sunghoon asked me.

"Nah, I'll go with you right now. Let's go. I don't want to waste my time listening to her." I push Jennie's hands away and walk to Sunghoon.

Jennie didn't stop me this time but I can hear her cry. Well, I don't care anymore. She has to accept the consequences of her action. My heart is broken and I don't need her to make it worse. I need to stay away from her and heal my broken heart. I'm not only betrayed by my girlfriend but I was betrayed by my best friend too. I have enough with this drama. I need to enjoy my life without thinking about her and our relationship. I need to stop hurting myself by falling in love again. All of this happening because of her. This is your fault, Jennie. So, you need to accept how I will treat you starting from now because what you give, you will get back.



To be continued.

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