《Hate me [Finished]》16.
(Гледна точка на Ha-Neul)
На този какво му става?!Да не общувам повече с него?Чакай малко,бе?!Ти току-що прави секс с мен?!Какво?!!Да не би да не ти е харесал?!Аа,нее...
-Jong Suk?!
-Как така да не общувам с теб?
-Амм,не говориш с мен?!
-Оххх,ти тъп ли си?
-Неее!Ти си тъпата!
-Ти току-що ме наеба и какво?!Не ти хареса ли?
-Какво ме ханьолстваш?
-Погледни назад!
Обърнах се и видях Geun Suk зад мен.Седеше и гледаше втрещено..
А така...
-Всичко ли чу?
-Мамка му.
-Айш,не псувай.Ей,Jong Suk,тъпанар смотан...-Отиде до Jong Suk и го хвана за шията.-Влизай вътре!Джагия,ти също.
-Ъм ок.
Влезнахме.Не знаех какво ще направи оппа.Наистина го харесвам много и не знам защо му изневерих.
-Jong Suk,приятно ли ти е да чукаш гаджето ми?!
-Тя искаше!
Опулих му се насреща.Ти наред ли си?!
-Не е вярно!!!
-Ha-Neul,не лъжи.
-Офф...добре.Вярно е.Исках да е за последно и повече да не общувам с него.Да приключи всичко и да знам,че е по мое желание.
-Джагия...нямам думи!Моля те,не ми звъни!
Geun Suk излезна от стаята.Обърнах се към Jong Suk:
-Хей,защо го направи?Не можа ли да си замълчиш?
-Казах ти да не ме забъркваш в драми.Ако не му бях казал това,той щеше да ме пребие!
-Аха,и за това реши да прецакаш мен!
-Ще ти прости.Той те обича!
-От къде знаеш?
-Каза ми го в самолета.
-Jong Suk,бяхте двамата сега,нали?В тоалетната?
-Да,но нищо не се е случило.Бъди спокоен.
-Не искам да я докосваш!
-Тя ми е бивша!
-Знам, и за това ти го казвам!
-И,ако я докосна,какво ще направиш?
-Тя е моя!Аз я обичам!На нея ще й простя,но теб няма да те прежаля!
-Това са глупости!
-Не я докосвай!
(Край на ретроспекцията)
-Това се случи.После ти дойде и той излъга,че сме се сдобрили.
-Ти не ме ли обичаш?
-Съжалявам.Не бих убил човек за теб.
-Айш,груб си.
-И ти беше преди малко.
Пак онази перверзна усмивка.Знаех си,че когато се появи тя,нищо добро не става.
-Тогава,защо не искаш да общувам с теб?
-Казах ти.Още в началото,когато се запознахме.Ти ще си само моя и само аз ще те тормозя.Ако някой ще те изнасилва,то това ще съм аз!
-Ооо ето пак.Колко си мил!
-Ще те накарам да се омъжиш за мен.Дори да трябва да те изнасилвам 200пъти.
-Престани!Не искам да ти слушам глупостите.Да не си ме докоснал повече!
-Чу ме!
-Ти ми играеш ролята на курва,а после обвиняваш мен...
В този момент усетих как падам на земята.Виеше ми се свят.Не чувах нищо.
Събудих се.Бях в бяла болнична стая.Имах система.Какво е това?!
Извиках.Jong Suk беше заспал на стола.
-Какво правиш тук,по дяволите.
-Аййш,каква си.Исках да поспя за малко.От притеснение за теб не съм мигнал.
-Jong Suk.
-Да,да,знам.Ще си нямеря някое по-хубаво местенце за спане.
-Между другото,Geun Suk скъса с теб.
-Очаквах го.
-Ами изневери му.Нормално е.
-Айшш,не ми натяквай.Знам,че съм виновна.
Усещах как сълзите ми се стичат по лицето ми.Той дойде до мен и ме прегърна.
-Плачи и не мисли,как ще използваш ризата ми като кърпичка за сополите си.
Прегърнах го и не мислех за друго.За първи път той ме докосваше не по перверзен начин.Докосваше ме нежно.Jong Suk,кой си ти?Какво направи с онова копеле?
In the ruins of a once glorious city, a mage awakens. As the sole survivor(?) of the cataclysm that destroyed his entire species, he’s forced to adapt. While learning the intricacies of his new body, he must first carve out a place for himself in a familiar yet foreign world before he can set out to reclaim his heritage. I cannot stress this enough: the character is not human, do not expect him to react like one. I know the hand on the cover only has five finger, but I doubt I am going to find a royalty free radiography with two perfectly functional thumbs placed in a sensible way anytime soon. The rewrite is finished. Beta readers are welcomed and I am still wondering whether I should put the sci-fi tag or not.
8 281Juryokine
For three months, Gravity Storms have been tearing Yasmik apart and neither the humans nor their winged neighbors, the Sorakines, are safe from them. One hotheaded young Sorakine named Zashiel is convinced that the Storms are being caused deliberately, but she's unable to find evidence to back up her claims. She chooses Toke, a budding inventor studying under the most brilliant mind in Yasmik, to act as her spy- whether he wants to or not. But the task she's set out for him can't be completed by a mere human. Toke must inherit the gravity altering powers of a Sorakine, and become something more than human: a Juryokine. Juryokine is featured on Web Fiction Guide and Novels Online! www.webfictionguide.com http://novelsonline.info/
8 195The Devil and the Huntsman
A MEDIEVAL DARK FANTASY SERIES A great darkness is in the earth and supernatural forces are gathering around to take action and take over the world. The people believe that God has abandoned them and the earth is separated from the heavens. The people of the earth search for a mighty warrior to rule over them. They search for someone to swear that they will rule the world and bring the darkness out of the earth. The creatures of the night plague the lands and desire to take rule of the people. One man who takes the mantle to rule the world is none other than Julius of Romania. A man who sought nothing more than ambition and power to defeat his enemies and save his family. He makes a deal with the Demon Wolf and becomes victorious over many obstacles, battles, and onslaughts. One year passes by and his daughter, Lagertha of Stockholm, drinks the blood of the wolf and becomes the queen of the wolves. Her one and only purpose in life is to honor her people by killing her father and ridding him from the madness that overtook him. Many other people come who are linked together by fate and destiny. They are all cursed with all sorts of powers and tragic pasts. They all swore to live by the sword and die by the sword for the sake of saving their people and driving the forces of darkness away from the world. They would all make many hard choices and many sacrifices along the way. On this journey, they will come face to face against a man whose ambition clouded his soul and made him desire to rule the world and bring a new age to the land. They are called the three hunters: Delphine of Moria, the Cursed Knight; Ragnar of Midland, the Ranger; and Iris of Kattegat, the Huntress. They are all bound by the blood of the wolf, and they were all found by the magic of the Wolf Queen. Together, they will do what is necessary to fight back against the demons and end the tyrannical reign of Mephiles, the Demon Wolf. The Devil and the Huntsman is a new medieval dark fantasy series.
8 196Azura the Slayer
A terrible demon was cast out from her universe by the supreme god. She got 3 wishes by the god for being cast out, but as she was being granted them, a situation arose and an error occurred. Her 2 wishes were granted but the third one was lost. She was immediately transported to a different world in a different universe. But Azura being the girl she is, she will find a way to thrive. ---------------- Image from google
8 223Onyx Dragonling
There a story about Anthony Harris a 89 year old who died from a heart attack. Not caring one bit he let fate choose his next life for him. Now he a dragonling and curious about the situation he is in now. This is the first time for me to write.
8 111Written in the Tablets of my Heart
She write poems.She compose songs.She wanted to be wanted.She wished to be recognized.Scan through the tablets of her heart.There you'll see the other side of her.Here is the compilation of her combined emotion and imagination.Compilation of poems wanted to be songs.
8 95