《》Chapter 23



== Enna’s POV ==

“Well, if he really wants you so bad, he’s nout going to give up easily” stated Nathalie. “And it’s not like we’re about to let you go”, answered Lara, “I don’t want to keep your free will from you but I don’t want to let my son die of loneliness”.

“I have no intention to go, but everyone is suffering because of me” I answered, biting my bottom lip.

“Everyone in this pack would die for you, Luna” answered James. His face was weirdly closed off, like he was in soldier mode. All traces from his usual joy has been erased and his eyes burned with a determination I had only seen in Simon’s eyes before.

“He’s right” answered Simon. “Anyway, the reason why I met with Collins was because of that. When we came back from the first meeting, Enna said it was the smell which made her relive her memories, so I thought he might have been the culprit but it didn’t seem like it”

Simon explained to us what had happened at the gathering of the Alphas. Collins seemed like a genuinely good person, and the smell only faintly remembered me of Him. It was entirely possible that my mind had played a trick on me. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. A wolf from the pack stepped in after Simon told him to come in.

“I’m sorry to bother you Alpha, Alpha Collins crossed the border with a few of his men, he is here right now” said the man, lowering his head in a submissive manner. Simon’s hand quickly squeezed mine, I could feel him shift position in the couch and rising from it, hiding me behind him. I rose after him, letting his huge frame hide the door from me.


I suddenly felt scared, what if it was Him, what if I was about to face the man inhabiting all of my nightmares. “Tell him to come in” growled Simon at the man. Fear got the best of me, I pulled on Simon’s shirt, holding a fist of the fabric in each of my hands, burying my face in his back. His scent, his warmth and his presence did little to ease my fear, but it was better than standing alone in a prison cell. I could also feel him tense his shoulders but one of his arms reach behind him, pressing me slightly more against him, as if he was checking that I was still there and would stay there.

I heard the others move too. Nathalie was quickly behind me, slightly on my side, Lara stepped forward, as if to greet the guest, and be in premiere line in case of offense. James took a defensive stance near the door.

I couldn’t see anything.


== Simon’s POV ==

I could feel her against my back, her heart beating faster, her fists tightly holding onto my shirt. I could guess her face, buried into my back with her eyes tightly closed, like she was reliving a nightmare. I could hear shuffling in the hallway, as well as people talking. I recognized Collins’ voice immediately, he was with his second, Martin.

They stepped inside my office. It took them only half a second to feel the tension in the room, both of them adopting a defensive stance, but ready to pounce if attacked.

“What does this mean?” said Collins in a growl.

I kept my eyes on him, but I could feel Enna sigh on my back.


== Enna’s POV ==

As soon as the man spoke, I knew it wasn’t Him. The man’s voice was much younger, less deep and less angry, but I still couldn’t smell him. Simon’s scent was way too overpowering for me to be able to distinguish it.


“How come are you here so fast?” asked Simon, the tension was still clear in his voice.

“Something was off during the meeting with you, and you were getting attacked repeatedly. I asked some of my best men to make sure you got back safe, they told me you were attacked again, so we came as soon as possible. If it was a mistake, we’ll leave, we do not want any trouble, we just wanted to help” explained the man in a very calm voice.

There was a moment of silence, I could tell Simon was debating what to do. “I’m ok” I whispered behind him, so he could relax a little. Simon sighed, I could feel Nathalie relaxing behind me.

“You are right, something was off at the meeting, I was checking on you for the attacks. Last time I visited you, I came back here and my mate said I smelled like someone from where she came from, somewhere from which these attacks come from as well. I needed to make sure it wasn’t you” explained Simon.

“That’s why you had James have a look around…” stated Collins, just understanding what had happened. “So what did you find? Because I sure didn’t attack you…”

“That it was unlikely to be you….I invited you over because I figured the fastest way to test it was to make you meet my Luna.”

My heart raced up again, suddenly, all the courage, all the adrenaline had left me there, hiding behind Simon and hoping I never had to leave my current position. Of course, Simon couldn’t read my mind, he reached back to encourage me to move and look at Collins’ face. I wasn’t so scared of the person itself, he was in a room with him and his beta, when I had four people on my team, what I feared most what the possible rush of memories I could get, the ones of pain and despair. Just thinking about it made me nauseous, but I bit my lip, breathed in and pretended to be courageous again.

Opening my eyes, I peeked around Simon’s body. There were two men and I guessed directly which one was Collins. His skin was really pale and his eyes so blue, they looked like ice, but it was the shape of his jaw, square and slightly set, like he was expecting something to happen, and his hair, so dark, they looked like a moonless night, which reminded me of Him. My breath caught in my throat as his eyes slightly softened and his brows frowned. He looked at me like I was a ghostly memory. I looked at him like he was the vague representation of my torturer. I gripped Simon’s arm as Collins’ scent hit me. He smelled like the forest during the fall, but with a slight hint of mushroom, like Him.


Aaaaah ! Thank you for reading my story !

I update every couple days or so, so don't worry about updates.

I want to finish this story before the end of November if I can because after that I'll be in Sweden and London so I won't have time.

I hope you enjoyed it so far! Thank you for all of the Comments/Votes/Reads, it's really heartwarming ! <3

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