《The Ultimate Guide To Writing PJO Fanfics》Topic-Covers, Theme, and Description


You know that person who said "Don't judge a book by it's cover."?

Well on Wattpad, that's worth nothing.

I look at a book, and the first thing I see is the cover. If the cover is just some lame picture of Percy, do you think I'm going to click on it?

Hades, no!

Let's say your doing a fanfiction where Percy is betrayed.

For this cover, you probably don't want a picture of Percy and Annabeth hugging, right?

You want to set the mood. You want Percy in his armor, not smiling in a camp half blood shirt. You want Percy with his face determined, and a good title that's vague, but intriguing.

Reforged is one that I think sounds good.

First of all, I usually don't click if the title of the book is not on the cover.

Use your pen name. DO NOT, use your real name, unless you're an adult who is comfortable about it.

I use Aaron K, because it sounds real, but it's not my real name.

Personally, I put 360_Productions on the cover of my books, because it sounds like some publishing company. It sounds professional.

AmaZHANG823 does not.

Now, you might be thinking "Why are you giving me this advice? You're Chaos Fanfic is literally called Percy Jackson And The Chaos Army!"

Now, you have a good point, and I don't know why I wrote that. I wrote that book when I was a novice, and just learned about Wattpad. The writing is terrible, the grammar cringey, and I didn't even think of the plot.

Now, your description.

Don't start out with, "I'm sorry, I'm really bad at descriptions." or something like that. If you put that in at all, put it at the end. It's okay that you're not comfortable with writing those descriptions, but please, just try.


Your description should be like your title. Vague, but intriguing. Kind of like this.

I basically just copied the style Rick uses. It's on The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, and it really sounds professional. That's obviously set up to be a Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossover. Tell me that you don't find that the least bit interesting.

I just wrote it off the top of my head, and even I don't know where that's headed.

I'm scrolling in my recommendations section, and I see a colorful picture of Percy, no title, where he's hugging Annabeth. Underneath it, there is no tag. For some reason, I click on it. It's titled Percy Jackson: Forgotten, Betrayed, and Turned into a God {A Percy Jackson Fanfiction}

The Description:

You think I'm going to read that? First of all, it's totally giving off the wrong vibe. The cover looks cheerful, so it's probably One shots or a Percabeth fanfic. Then I click on it, and it's a Percy Betrayal story with a few chapters.

Just no.

I wouldn't even click in the first place.

People, please stop making you're covers random pictures of Percy with no words. Please, have a title on your cover, or else I have no idea what this story is about.

And last but not least, your theme.

Se the mood with your theme. It can be funny, light, dark, horrific, action packed, or romantic. Add bright cheery colors for light and funny books, and darker ones for horror and dark books.

You want your theme to express you and your book. So don't put a bright Percabeth picture for a betrayal story. Maybe fade it a little, make it black and white, put a subtitle like

"Memories Hurt. Betrayal Burns."


"The one thing I can't wash away."

Set the mood, be creative, and most importantly, have fun!

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