《pride & property » |larry au|》// but, will that make you happy? //


Harry woke up the next day completely restless. He couldn't sleep well, thinking about well, Louis Tomlinson. It was clear now, that Harry loved Louis. And it was a torture.

He practically ruined all his chances with the boy and there was nothing else to do except try to forget Louis. Although, now that Gemma and Liam were back together - or that's what it seemed last night - it would be more difficult.

Harry walked to the kitchen only on his pants, looking desperately for a cup. He needed tea, as soon as possible.

"Good morning," Gemma said from the aisle, her own cup of tea on her hands and a bowl of oatmeal in front of her.

"Hey," Harry answered, not that eager.

"Hangover?" Gemma asked, noticing Harry's mood.

"Not really, no," Harry said, sighing and taking a tea bag from the box on the shelf.

"I just made tea, so the water on the kettle must be still warm," Gemma said in advance, and Harry nodded to the sentiment.

Gemma sipped from her mug, slowly watching Harry's every move.

"You know," Gemma said, taking the spoon from her oatmeal, "Liam didn't know I was in London. You know, weeks ago."

"Really?" Harry asked, now remembering what Louis said when he was asked about Gemma being in London.

"Yeah," Gemma said, with a light smile, "He was pretty busy and he is doesn't get any of social media - he barely has a Facebook and a Twitter account, but he doesn't use them that much."

"Ohh," Harry said, understanding.

"He also confessed that he thought that I didn't like him, back in Holmes Chapel," Gemma said, her eyebrows furrowed now, "He said he didn't feel like I was into him."

"That's stupid," Harry said, defending her, "You obviously weren't going to throw yourself at him."

"I know," Gemma said, "But anyway. I guess he was bad influenced by Eleanor too so," Gemma said, siping from her cup, "That bitch."

"My oh my," Harry said, his day suddenly better, "Is it hostility I hear? You are actually talking bad about someone? Well, that's new."

"Yeah well," Gemma said, leaving her cup, "Life is hard - I had to learn."

"Indeed sister, indeed," Harry said, nodding.

"But luckily, Eleanor is going to do some fashion courses for a year to Los Angeles so," Gemma said, grinning, "I won't be seeing her that much."

"That's amazing!" Harry said, truly happy for her. He could see Gemma was moving on, luckily with someone like Liam, that would help her. And yet, Harry had to come back to Holmes Chapel and try to mend his heart because he loved Louis Tomlinson and he didn't have a chance.

"H, if I could only see you happy like me," Gemma said, looking at her brother think after a few seconds, "If only there was such a man for you."

Harry smiled and shook his head, dismissing her. He yet had to tell Gemma about Louis but there was no point now. Harry was leaving in two days and it was too late now. Louis didn't even look at him yesterday and Harry only found out about his feelings after a drunk night out. He was doomed.

Gemma finished her oatmeal and her cuppa before quickly grabbing her things and excusing herself - she was late to work. But Harry thought that maybe everyone at the office was going to be late now, since the Happy Hour party ended pretty late last night.


Harry continued with his day then - after a pretty simple breakfast, he decided to clean the flat a bit and then take a shower.

He was content by the time all of that was done and he was only on his black jeans, leaving his bare chest out, deciding to rest in the sofa.

A few minutes passed before there were some knocks on the door's flat.

Harry groaned, his back cracking and standing up from the sofa. He looked through the hole and he saw Anne Marie behind the door. Anne Marie? What was she doing there?

He quickly opened the door and it was only in the meantime he remembered he was only wearing his black jeans. Fuck him.

"Hello," Harry saluted, trying to be nice, "Uhmm."

Anne Marie scanned Harry from head to toe and rolled her eyes, "Hello," she said coldly.

Harry waited there expecting something else from Anne Marie but since she didn't, "Please, come in."

Anne Marie entered the flat without saying a thing. She stared at every corner of the flat - or the small bits that could be seen - and Harry was about to explode. She was there, standing in the middle of the living room like she hated every single particle and still, she hadn't explained what the hell she was doing there.

"I'm here to talk to you about something important," Anne Marie said, turning to see Harry, "And it must be quick."

"Oh, okay," Harry said, playing with his fingers, "Do you want to sit or -,"

"Are you having a love affair with Louis?" Anne Marie interrupted, coming quite rude.

"What?" Harry asked surprised.

"Just answer the question," Anne Marie said, harsh with her tone.

"You can't expect me to answer you a question about my private life," Harry said, trying to defend himself.

"Are you trying to evade the question?" Anne Marie asked.

"No," Harry answered, "But I don't understand why I have to answer you."

"Because I'm asking, and you shall obey," Anne Marie said.

"I'm not one of your puppets for you to make me obey you," Harry said.

"Puppets?" Anne Marie said angry now.

"You think because you have money and power you can do whatever you want? Well, you can't."

"Oh please boy," Anne Marie laughed cynically, "Don't tell me you live in a pink world."

"I don't," Harry said frustrated, "But I know I'm not related to you so you can't come and expect something from me."

"You don't understand," Anne Marie said, "This is far beyond you and your stupid pink world. This has to do with business and money and I need you to answer me right now."

"Is that so then? Tell, please enlighten me because I seriously don't see how my private life would have anything to do with your businesses."

"You are the reason why Louis has been disconnected. You are the reason he suddenly wants to make changes and take new paths. I don't know what you did to him back in your small pathetic city but this will end now!"

"How dare you come here and talk like that about me and my home?" Harry was angry now and he was having none of this shit.

"Are you seriously going to defend your city? You have barely been there all summer and now you want me to expect you actually love it?" Anne Marie said, rolling her eyes, "Please. It just like with your family. They are nothing but a disgrace to this country and I can't even imagine why Louis or Liam would want anything with you or your sister."


And that was for Harry.

"You know what? You can insult me and say whatever you want about me and my private life but don't ever, ever talk like that about my sister, ever again, you understand?"

Harry's fists were squeezing shut very hard and if it weren't because Anne Marie was a woman, he would have hit her by now.

Anne Marie had her cynical smirk and she nodded then, "Okay then, but you shall know that your purposes to steal Louis away won't ever work. You know, he's going to marry my daughter in the future, so the company and the business develop correctly. And you," Anne Marie pointed at him, "You are not going to be between that."

"How do you even know what Louis wants?" Harry said, trying to defend him.

"I surely know he doesn't want you," Anne Marie said, "Or at least he shouldn't want you. Do you know how bad would it be to the company if he were to be gay?"

She said it with such a harsh tone that Harry had to stop for a while. He was handling a homophobe.

"I don't have an affair with Louis and I won't ever have one, understood?" Harry said harshly.

"Good," Anne Marie said, "I don't want you to spread your gay feelings to Louis."

"That's it!" Harry said, taking Anne Marie from her arm and dragging her to the door, "Leave now."

"Don't touch me!" Anne shouted, "Don't you dare to touch me ever again! Or else, I'm ending you!"

Harry let her go and opened the door, "Leave."

"I have never in my life been treated like this," Anne Marie said, going outside, "Just know this Harry Styles," Anne Marie said, turning to see him one more time, "This is not only about you or me. It's about a complete empire and it's future. Thousands of people and their jobs. Your sister's included. So, do the best for all of us."

She left like that, leaving Harry in the door with a thousand of things to think about.

Well, Anne Marie had a point. Even if things have changed over time, they still live in a world pretty judgemental. And truth was, the music/media industry still had issues over stuff like that. Not like everybody was an homophobe but still, Harry could see what Anne Marie wanted to say.

So the truth was, even if Harry loved Louis, there were even more excuses for him to forget about Louis because 1) he wasn't sure Louis still had feelings for him because 2) Harry had treated Louis so badly and 3) now Harry didn't want to risk Louis' future.

Oh shit. Harry had to leave London tonight. He couldn't be here anymore and he needed to get back to Holmes Chapel. Gemma was fully installed now and she was making her own life. She didn't need Harry anymore.

Harry stood up then and went to the kitchen, looking for a bottle of wine. He was sure he had seen one earlier and it must be somewhere - there it was.

Harry opened it and didn't even care for a glass. He needed to drown his sorrows and wine was pretty good on doing the job. He turned on the TV and for his incredible luck, Sense and Sensibility was on. Fuck him.

He wished things were like movies, where at the end, the hopeless guy, in this case Colonel Brandon gets to marry the pretty girl, Marianne. Although to be honest, Harry hated Marianne. All the movie she kept making fun of the Colonel Brandon and despising his love for her. On the other hand, Hugh Grant made a perfect Edward Ferrars and so he enjoyed the movie.

Two bottles of red wine and one pint of ice-cream later, Harry was done.

He stood up from the sofa and reached to his belongings. He had two hours before Gemma would come from work and he intended to be gone by the time she arrived. He couldn't stay any longer and he seriously needed to go back and start fixing the mess in his head.

He got all his things in the suitcase he brought and closed it with a hard push. He didn't have any time, so all the clothes were wrinkled and definitely not folded.

Soon, he was all packed and ready to go. He took his suitcase out of the flat and with his spare key, he closed the door behind. He was actually doing it.

He was a bit drunk and hungry but he was doing it. He needed it. He had been living in a fairy tale for such a long time and it was time to go back to reality.

The suitcase was a bit heavy, that normally wouldn't be a problem for Harry. But apparently red wine was strong and you definitely shouldn't drink two bottles by yourself so, it took a lot of time to get to the lobby of the building. It was just a small hall with two pots and the spaces for mail, not really big. Harry rested there for a few seconds before taking the suitcase outside and closing the door to the building. That's it, he would need to take a cab.

He left the suitcase on the floor so he could reach the phone on his back pocket. He was even too drunk to unlock his phone and he was sure people passing by could smell the wine on the air.

"What are you doing?" a familiar voice said behind him.

A really familiar voice. A voice he was trying to run away from. A voice that haunted his dreams.

"What are you doing?" Harry snapped, turning around.

And there, in front of him, was Louis Tomlinson.

Harry tried not to stare too much but he didn't really trust himself with the wine on his system.

"I asked first," Louis said.

And if Harry's mind weren't so full of louislouislouis, he would answered back sassily.

"I'm leaving," Harry said, but instantly regretted when Louis' face changed.

It was like it suddenly make sense to him, with the suitcase and everything.

"I need to leave now," Harry tried to explain, "I can't be here anymore. I'm not good."

He probably sounded like a stubborn child right now, because damn it wine, but it was the best he could do.

"Harry," Louis said, coming closer, "Don't say that."

"It's true," Harry said, "She said it and it's true."

Louis' face was now a confused one and it took Harry a few seconds before remembering Louis couldn't read his mind.

"Anne Marie visited me earlier and she explained," Harry hiccuped - he actually did, "Sorry - she explained that I'm not good for you or the company. And you're engaged. Sort of. And you don't want me. You shouldn't want me."

"Harry," Louis said again, grabbing his arms with both of his small hands, "Did you drink?" Louis asked now, probably because of the smell.

"Sort of. A small amount," Harry said, trying to sound the most sober he could.

"A small amount? How much amount?" Louis said, bringing Harry closer.

"Two bottles?" Harry didn't intend to make it a question but having Louis so close.

"Harry," Louis said again. And it was becoming Harry's favourite part of this conversation. He loved how his name sounded every time it left Louis' lips.

"Need to go. Now," Harry said, but obviously didn't move. He couldn't. Louis had him grabbed. It was like Louis was holding him. Because having Louis that close, Harry's knees weren't even functioning.

"You can't go like this," Louis said, grabbing him firmer, "Please, explain everything to me."

"I just," Harry stopped, only to look into his eyes, "I just want the best for you."

"You are the best for me," Louis said.

"But," Harry said, trying to think straight, "But I have only caused you trouble. Anne Marie said you have been changing at work and that you want new things which are bad for company. Not to mention," Harry said remembering, "You have done so much for me, for my family - for Gemma."

"How can I stay here knowing I will be bad for you? How can I stay here knowing I can end your career and after you have done so much for me," Harry said, his hands trembling.

"You must know," Louis said, his eyes going to Harry's eyes to his lips, "Surely you must know it was all for you."

Harry looked at him and tried to free himself, but Louis got him closer to him. No, Louis wasn't going to lose another opportunity.

"If your feelings are still what they were three weeks ago, tell me so at once," Louis said, looking at Harry's lips, "My affections and wishes have not changed; but one word from you will silence me forever."

Harry kept looking at Louis' beautiful pink cheeks, and he never noticed the set of freckles beside the left corner of his mouth. They made a lovely triangle and Harry wanted to touch every dot.

"If, however, your feelings have changed," Louis said, looking more relief, because Harry was looking soft and beautiful and there was just a small bit of power inside of Louis holding him so he didn't kiss Harry, "I would have to tell you, you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love," Louis said, stopping, his words too sweet, "I love you. I don't want to leave your side ever again because these last days have been misery for me. I didn't know I could miss someone so much and have my heart ache."

Harry was done. Utterly done. And maybe it was the wine, because he was sure before the two bottles he would never have done it, decided that it was stupid and reckless but - but he did it. He leaned and kissed Louis. It was sweet, soft and almost invisible but it was a kiss. And they broke apart and Louis was smiling. And Harry was smiling. And the world was smiling.

Louis released him then, and looked down, to shy to keep looking at Harry now, with his cheeks all pink and his eyes crinkling, so adorable.

Harry took one of Louis' hands with both his hands; he caressed it and then slowly brought it to his mouth, only to kiss his knuckles. That made Louis look up and smile softly at Harry, getting closer to him. And it was funny, really because Louis was shorter but somehow, Harry felt tiny and even if Louis had to, he stood on the tip of his toes and kissed Harry's forehead sweetly.

"Well then," Harry said, smiling softly to Louis, caressing the knuckles, still near his face, "Your hands are cold."

Louis chuckled and shook his head. But then his face became calm and his hand opened, only to caress Harry's cheek. And suddenly, he was cupping his cheek, getting close to each other. And Harry spotted a tattoo, a little one - it was a rope on his wrist and Harry remembered it. And it was all it took for Harry to close the space between them and make their lips touch once and for all. For real this time.

It was delicate and soft at first, Louis put his hands in Harry's waist and Harry put his hands around Louis' neck. It was sweet and what they were waiting for. People were passing beside them on the street and Harry only noticed after a few seconds after, which made him giggle and separate.

"Hey," Harry said to Louis, his eyes still closed, "There's people watching."

Louis groaned and shook his head, "They can keep watching, I don't care."

"Come on," Harry pushed him friendly, "Help me get this stuff upstairs."

"So you're not leaving now?" Louis said, obviously teasing him.

"No, not yet," Harry said, taking his bag.

Louis took the big suitcase and waited behind Harry to open the door. They kept looking at each other and sending secret smiles until they arrived to Gemma's flat.

"So you pretended to go without telling Gemma?" Louis said once he noticed the flat was empty.

"Well," Harry said, sober now, leaving the keys on the small coffee table on the living room, "I wanted to leave without anyone noticing, it would have been easier."

"Easier for who? For us or for you?" Louis said, suddenly trying to fight. Again.

"Louis, listen," Harry said, approaching him, "I just thought it would be easier since Gemma had Liam now and well, you had your company and a lot of stuff to do in the future."

"Harry, I told you," Louis said, soft now, "I want you here with me."

"You want me here in London?" Harry asked, not getting it.

"I want you wherever you want to be," Louis said kissing his cheek, "London," he kissed again, "Holmes Chapel,"he kissed again, "Sheffield or Doncaster," and then he kissed Harry's lips.

"And if I want to go to New York?" Harry asked, trying him.

"We will go to New York," Louis said, kissing his neck now.

"And if I want to go to Seoul?" Harry asked him again.

"I can learn Korean right away," Louis said, his hands on Harry's waist, gripping tightly.

"And what about Mexico?" Harry teased once more, smiling.

"I love enchiladas," Louis answered, kissing Harry's jaw.

"Well then," Harry said, giggling.

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