《pride & property » |larry au|》10. the truth, London and the Happy Hour.


"Harry," Uncle Mike interrupted, "Harry I just received a call, it was your mother."

Harry rolled his eyes and turned around, "What does she want now?"

"It's Zayn," Uncle Mike said, apologetic, "They don't find Zayn. They think he might have escaped."

"What now?" Harry said, maybe his ears didn't listen right, "Zayn, escaped?"

"You should talk to her," Uncle Mike said, handing the phone to Harry.

Harry took it and turned to see Louis - he looked back at Harry with an apologetic smile.

Harry dialled his mom's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Mike? Oh Mike, thank God you called back, I'm -,"

"Mom, it's me," Harry spoke up, "What happened?" His mom did sound hysteric and Harry could only imagine what Gemma must be going through.

"Oh dear," Anne said to the phone, almost sobbing, "Zayn is gone. We wake up today and he was gone. We thought he would be out all day like always, you know? But then Gemma entered Zayn's room and notice his clothes were gone and all of the things too. What are we going to do? Trisha and Yaser are still on vacations and I was responsible for him," Anne is now crying, "They are going to kill me, they are!"

"Mom," Harry said, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Calm down. We will return to Holmes Chapel immediately just, please keep calm. How's dad?"

"He is hysteric," Anne said, "He has been out all day with Bobby Horan and others trying to look for him," Anne sighs, trying to control her sobs, "Harry, we believe he ran away with Nick."

"What? Nick Grimshaw?" Harry said, looking at Louis now,

"Yes," she said crying, "The last time they see him was with Nick and other guy," Anne said.

"Mom, we are on our way, just hang on."

"Thank you dear," Anne said, sobbing again and hanging up.

"What did she said?" Aunt Dee is now by their side, looking concerned.

"Apparently Zayn ran away with Nick Grimshaw," Harry said, first noticing Lottie is not around anymore. Well, thank God.

"This is all my fault," Louis said suddenly, "If only I had exposed Grimshaw when I should."

"No," Harry said, "No, this is my fault. I trusted him and - and all of his would have been prevented if I had been opened with Gemma and Zayn about what you said to me."

"Well, has anything been done to track him down?" Aunt Dee asks.

"Yeah, dad and Bobby Horan are looking for them but we have to go now," Harry said, looking at Louis.

"We should get going then," Uncle Mike said, "Thank you so much Louis for the lovely evening but we have to go."

"Yeah, of course," Louis said, his fists tense beside his body, "If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

"Thank you," Aunt Dee said, smiling.

Uncle Mike and Aunt Dee took their things and exited the room, leaving Harry and Louis alone.

"Harry," Louis whispered to him now, "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault," Harry said, shaking his head.

Harry made a move to go but Louis stopped him, taking his arm.

"Harry," Louis whispered again.

"I have to go now," Harry said, releasing his arm from Louis' grip.


Harry went then, leaving Louis alone to think. Louis had to do something.


"I can't believe Zayn would do this to us," Anne said, pacing around the living room, "God knows what your father is doing right now," Anne said, looking at both Gemma and Harry, "Imagine what others would say! Zayn as a groupie - the whore of the band!"

"Mom, don't say that!" Harry said, looking concerned.

"Mom, would you please sit down and calm down? Dad knows what he is doing," Gemma said, typing into her phone, "And we are doing everything we can too, you know? We've been posting on Facebook and Twitter."

"Yes because Zayn doesn't answer any messages or calls," Harry said, typing into his phone too.

"Did you hit your head with something? What if Trisha or Yaser see all of the posts? Delete them!" Anne shouted, losing control and bursting again.

"Okay," Gemma said, shrugging and standing up from the sofa, "Mom, you seriously need to chill. Zayn is big enough to know what he is doing."

"But we were supposed to take care of him while Trisha and Yaser were gone," Anne said, crying now, holding on to Gemma, "They are going to hate us."

"No mom, they won't," Harry said standing up as well and give their mother a small hug.

Just then, Des arrived.

"Father," Harry said, "What happened?"

"We haven't found anything," Des said, taking his coat off, "It's like the kid really ran away."

The phone rang then.

"Yes?" Gemma answered, "Sure," she said, "Dad, it's for you."

Des turned around and took the phone, "Hello?"

"Who was it?" Harry whispered to Gemma.

"Paul, from London," she said.

"From London?" Harry asked.

"That's what he said," Gemma said, shrugging.

"Okay well, thank you very much," Des said to the phone, hanging up.

"What happened?"

"They found Zayn," Des said, sighing, "He was in Brighton with that jerk Nicholas Grimshaw."

"They found him?" Gemma asked louder, "That's great!"

"Yeah well, sort of. We found him but he's staying there. Apparently Nicholas promised to take him touring, a great deal if you ask me."

"A deal?" Gemma asked, "So Zayn is now touring with Nick?"

"Yes so," Des said, "If you excuse me, I need a strong cup of tea now."

"Isn't it weird? Touring like a DJ without experience?" Gemma turned around to ask Harry.

"Paul must've made a great deal with Nick in order to let Zayn DJ and collaborate with him."


"Zayn touring? Like a DJ?" Anne said, smiling now, "Oh how wonderful!"

"What?" Harry asked.

"He's going to be a great star and Trisha will love it!" Anne said, standing from the sofa, "Wait till I tell Maura, she will get jealous."

"Don't you understand mom? This is not something to be proud of!" Harry said, angry now.

"Listen to me Harry," Anne said, turning around, "There will come a day when you will have to make yourself interesting before you get to the void of nobodies and then, you will understand the need I have to make myself the centre of attention."


The next day, Zayn came to visit, along with Nick Grimshaw. So imagine the awkwardness of the environment - because Gemma and Harry knew about Nick's interests.


They all had dinner and Anne was thrilled to see Zayn. At least she knew now that he was safe and happy. Or something like that.

"You wouldn't imagine the amazing people and crowd you see dancing to your mixes!" Zayn said, taking the glass in front of him, "It's like you can feel the music through your entire body and feel what others are feeling right that moment!"

Gemma hummed along, just playing nice but Harry couldn't stop glaring Nick and hate the way Zayn is talking like he hasn't done anything wrong.

"We were just walking around in Brighton when I found Paul, and he gave me the horrid speech," Zayn said giggling.

"And you don't know why? Not even think you deserve it?" Harry asked, but Zayn only brushed the questions off.

"But anyway, that night we were supposed to have a gig at a small club but we were having troubles," Zayn said, taking a bite to his meal, "Luckily, Aiden could solve everything because if not, we would have had to ask Louis to help us out."

"Louis? As, Louis Tomlinson?" Harry asked, surprised.

"Oh my, I forgot," Zayn said, giggling and hiding his mouth with the palm of his hand, "You still hate him?"

"Louis was there? In Brighton?" Harry asked again, not paying attention to Zayn's last question.

"Well, yeah," Zayn said, "He was the one that discovered us. I probably shouldn't say a thing but he was the one that got us the touring deal as well. And he is willing to pay for our expenses and stuff, so we are safe and everything."

Harry was baffled. He couldn't believe the fact that Louis would do such a thing... such a generous thing.

"But he told me not to tell, so you should just zip it!" Zayn said, serious now.

"So Louis...," Harry trailed off, thinking.

"I swear to God, he is not such a bad person Harry," Zayn said, taking another bite.

Harry kept thinking about it. A deal for Zayn and Nick, from Pemberly Digital? And to cover expenses, of all of them? Specially after the situation he and Nick had from the past.

Well, Harry was sure that if Louis wasn't mad, at least he was trying so hard to mend everything.


It was time for Zayn and Nick to go, and even if Nick made an attempt to talk to Harry, Harry would ignore him or run away from him. He didn't need anymore lies. He didn't need anymore thoughts on his head. He needed to calm down and process everything.

Zayn said goodbye and promised to talk to his parents once he was back at Brighton. Which, Anne agreed he should do, because for one, she would absolutely tell Trisha and Yaser about this, so Zayn better be honest.


The next few days were more calm. For once in about a month, Anne came home angry because she didn't have any news for Maura Horan, which was horrible because apparently Maura couldn't stop talking about Niall and Ed touring.

With the summer almost ending, Harry was about to go back to university and Gemma was looking for a job. She was in her last year of university, which meant she needed some experience. Harry was happy for her, truly. Harry knew how difficult the summer had been for Gemma and he only hoped the best for her. And Gemma, well she was coping with everything just right. Like, too right to be good. She didn't cry once - at least Harry didn't notice - and she was mainly happy. She got her times sure, where she would get lost in thoughts with a sad smile and Harry knew she would be thinking of Liam.

So, Harry did the only thing he was able to do - support for her and find her a new job. She looked through several offers but it's like she didn't like any of them.

"Why don't you open your search? You know, something outside Holmes Chapel and Chester?" Harry suggested then, trying to help his sister, which was on the verge of exploding.

"I don't think it would be good," Gemma said, shaking his head slowly, "It would mean to be far from you and our parents."

"It would mean you're free," Harry said smiling, "No but really, don't think about us. For once, try ti put your happiness above ours."

Gemma chuckled tiredly at that, "I'll try."

Harry left Gemma's room and went to the kitchen. His father was there, a book on his hands.

"Hey dad," Harry said.

"Hey kiddo," Des said, giving his a small soft smile, "You want a cuppa?"

Harry nodded and smiled, "Thanks."

Des took another cup off the shelf and poured some tea on it, "There you go."

Harry took it and went to the fridge, reaching the milk.

When he noticed what he was doing he stopped in his tracks.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" Harry said, leaving the cup and the milk on the table.

"Sure, sure," Des said, only sitting and leaving his cup and the book on the table.

"How did you know mom was the one? I mean, I'm sure you had girlfriends before her but like, what made her different?" Harry asked.

"Well, you know there's this theory right, from scientist and everything," Des said, looking at Harry, "Where the things you love about your partner are finally the ones that make you loose them. For example, their spontaneity is now reckless behaviour and their playful side is just immaturity. And you know, for those people, love was just a feeling - what they were feeling that moment that made them fall out of love. You see Harry," Des said now, soft and calm, like he never had been.

"Love is a choice, it's not a feeling. Love is accepting that you are going to change, accepting that you have bad habits, accepting that you won't always want to spend every second of every minute next to that person. And when I met your mother, I knew she was going to he tough to be with but she was fascinating. She didn't stop changing through our four years of relationship and when I proposed to her, she became even more herself. We started to knew each other deeply and our real selves were now out of the bag and I still wanted to marry her. I decided that was the woman I wanted for the rest of my life. And even now, after almost 26 years later, I still love her - despite her being incredibly whiny, melodramatic and hysterical. I love her."

Harry nodded, processing everything. He knew love should start with a feeling, sure but afterwards, well his father was right. It was a choice and it would take dedication.

"Thanks dad," Harry said standing up.

"Aren't you going to add milk to your tea?" Des asked.

Harry turned and nodded, with a light smile on his face, "Yes, yes I am."


The next day, Harry was watching tv when Gemma came to his side.

"Hey," Harry said, mindlessly.

"I got a job," Gemma said lightly.

"What?" Harry sat up, smiling, "So fast?"

"Yeah," Gemma said smiling, "It was weird because they contacted me. I guess they took my name from the great data base of people looking for job but I don't know. Whatever," Gemma said, excited now, "They are offering me a job!"

"That's so great," Harry said smiling - it was still weird.

"Yeah," Gemma said nodding, "I start next Monday."

"Wow, that is fast," Harry said, still happy for her.

"It's in London," Gemma said finally.


"Wow, that's," Harry tried to make a word, "Amazing."

"I haven't told our parents but I wanted to know if you want to go there with me tomorrow and check out some flats," Gemma said, looking at Harry expectantly.

Everything was going so fast, Harry had to stop for a second to remember what day was. Right, Friday.

"Sure, sure," Harry said nodding, "But like, how did it happen? Where are you working?"

"Well, the moment you told me to open my options, I did," Gemma said explaining, "I uploaded my résumé into a big data base that matches you with possible offerings. I didn't match any of them so I was like, anyway I should wait, but then I got a few hours later I got a mail."

"I thought we were the ones that were supposed to contact them but whatever. They said they liked my CV and that they wanted to Skype with me. So I did. Their name is The Book Agency, they work along with The Digi Fairy and they are part of a big corporation. They said they were looking for an assistant with a possible in helping front end web designs and some social media management."

"The Book Agency?" Harry asked, "I think I have heard of it."

"Really? They are small," Gemma said, "Like I told you, they are like a sub-part from this big company. Anyway," Gemma said, "The pay is really good and there's possibilities to higher positions so yeah."

"That's amazing Gemma," Harry said smiling, "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks for all the support brother," Gemma said, "I don't know what I would do without you."

Harry hugged her and they stayed like that for a while.

Yes, Harry would miss Gemma so much.


After what seemed like the World War Three in the Styles home with Gemma's news, Anne accepted the fact that Gemma was going to leave and that she wouldn't be able to do a thing. Also, Des was there to help Gemma since he was truly delighted and proud of his daughter.

And if that wasn't enough, Des decided to give Harry and Gemma his truck in order so they could take all of Gemma's belonging without any problem. It was only a three hour drive anyway, not so long, so they would be able to make it. Besides, Google Maps exists now so.

Gemma had searched for some offers in London from Holmes Chapel but of course, they needed to check by themselves and see if Gemma would like it. Obviously, since Gemma was just going to start working, Des and Anne would help her with the first two pay rents - and then she would have to take care. With that in mind, they went to London

And so, they arrived, first to a cheap hotel where hopefully, they would stay only a night if everything went right with the first viewings Gemma had planned to see the flats she found online. She mainly focused on Brixton, because it's not that expensive and it's decent enough. Harry went along with her, viewing each flat and supporting Gemma with each decision - because that's what siblings are there for.

And by the time of the day, Gemma finally had a small studio flat with one bedroom with full bathroom, a nice cozy living room and small kitchen. Which it was fine, because it was going to be only her and it was not that expensive and the WiFi and the signal was great. It was perfect.

But they decided since they had already paid for the hotel room for the night, to go back and rest so they could move in all of Gemma's stuff tomorrow morning.


"Ugh, it's so heavy," Harry said, leaving on the floor the last box. They were in Gemma's new studio flat, just brought all the stuff upstairs and Harry's back is hurting like a bitch.

"Thank you," Gemma said, already unpacking things, giving some life to the new place.

"You know," Harry said, sitting on the floor, no furnish yet, "You will have to sleep on the floor tonight."

"As you will too," Gemma said, backfiring.

"Nuh-uh," he said, shaking his head, "I'm going back to the hotel."

"You wouldn't," Gemma said, faking surprise.

"I will," Harry said, closing his eyes. He was tired and it wasn't even noon.

"Krystal is coming later with Mitch," Gemma said, now putting some stuff in the kitchen, "They will bring some stuff they don't need anymore - such as an individual bed and some sofas."

"What? Why?" Harry said, opening his eyes.

"Well, Krystal moved with Mitch - since you know, they are getting married - and they sleep together now, in Mitch's king size bed so Krystal doesn't need hers anymore and there's some other stuff they decided to give me since Mitch's flat is not that big."

"Well, that's amazing," Harry said smiling, "Very nice of them."

"Yeah, I know," Gemma said smiling.

She got lost in her thoughts and then the sad smile disappeared.

Harry was staring at her and he sighed. He knew Gemma still think of Liam. And now, being in London, it was even more obvious, since the chances of meeting with him - even if they were tinny - were greater than being in Holmes Chapel.

"So tell me more about your job," Harry said, trying to distract Gemma, "Is it too far from here?"

"Not really, no," Gemma said, turning to him, her daily brightness back on her face, "The offices are inside a big building," she said, back to accommodating things, "You know how I told you they were part of like, a bigger company? Well, they are inside the same building, Pemberly Digital."

"What?" Harry said, his jaw dropping.

"Pemberly Digital," Gemma repeated, not looking at his brother, "It's like this massive company that manages music, entertainment and media."

"I know," Harry breathed.

He couldn't believe Gemma would be working at Louis' company. Like, what are the odds of Gemma finding - no, someone offering Gemma a job in the same company - or, sort of. Seriously, what are the odds?

"Are you going to help me or what?" Gemma said, teasing him.

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