《Love Me Again》Chapter 3


If someone had told me it could have gotten worse, I would have laughed right in their face.

What could be worse than divorcing the man you love and carrying his child. I'll tell you there is a lot of worse things. Even though bad things happened to me, I was still innocent and thought that the world wouldn't punish me anymore.

But I was wrong, so wrong and the world was probably laughing at me thinking the jokes on her.


It slowly got worse and worse. After the divorce, more people started to hate me. All because of the interview Blake did. Of course, it was about the divorce, and he told them that I stole from him.

He wasn't satisfied that his family hated me, but he had to make everyone hate me. He told the interviewer that his family knew that I stole money from him and his company.

He even said he had evidence against me and was going to bring me to do court for it. I had no idea what he was talking about. I didn't steal any money from him, but he didn't care about what I said no one did.

He brought me to court the following week. I didn't even bother to get a lawyer, because I knew that Blake didn't have any solid evidence against me. He didn't, but he just brought up bank statements that suggested that someone stole money from him.

They couldn't pin it on me. They also tried to suggest I had a partner and lover who helped me plan it. That didn't help convict me either, they showed a picture of me with two different guys on many occasions.

The money couldn't be tied to me, so they decided that I was innocent. Blake wasn't happy and said to me that he will make sure I go to jail, even if it's not today.


I left the building wondering how we ended up like this. How could we go as far as to want the other in jail?

I was thinking of everything that happened and trying to piece together what happened today. That was when I noticed a car rushing towards me as I was crossing the street. Before I even had time to react and move out of the way, I felt the car collide with my body.

It hit me and I hit the ground a couple of yards away. All I could think about while I was laying down on the ground was my baby and if she was okay.

After that, all I could remember was being rushed in an ambulance. Pleading to the paramedics to saved my daughter, before everything went black.



As I sat next to her grave, I thought of everything that I could have done differently.

If I had just walked across a different street. If I had got a taxi instead of walking back to my hotel. If I had maybe, just maybe, she would be here as my beautiful two-year-old daughter instead of in a coffin six feet under the ground.

I wish I could have done a lot differently, but I realize that sometimes you can't change the things that happen.

All you can do is live will the consequences of your choices and do just that: live. I get to choose if I want to live, and my baby never got that choice.

I realize that a long time ago, I thought as I stare down at my wrists that are covered in scars.

I stare at my baby's, Emma Daniels, grave one last time before I got up. This is why I can't waste my life on alcohol and a half living my life. I think of all the people I love and the few people who love me. I know that for them, I will live my life.

Even if I will only live half of it. My other half is laying underneath the ground, only identified by a stone with her name and date on it.

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