《Crashing into Another World》Chapter 21


The tribe was quite the sight to behold. Tawn had explained that this tribe was known as the Hopping Tribe and were best known for being rabbit beastmen. Which was probably why the entire village seemed to be made from a network of underground tunnels. Everything from their market to living areas were underground.

It had been quite confusing to arrive at the seemingly deserted section of forest that only had a few beastmen idling about and have Tawn saying that they'd arrived. There had been a hole in the ground nearby that Tawn had explained to be the entrance.

When they had first entered Iris was afraid that they'd have to navigate the tunnels in the pitch black once they were deeper. However, the moment all light from the outside had faded away, they'd been able to make out a faint glow that seemed to be emitted by small stones pressed into the passage walls. As they'd progressed further into the burrow, the illumination increased in brightness until Iris had no difficulty seeing their surroundings.

Iris walked carefully, making sure not to step on any sharp rocks, as she followed after Tawn. He and Ink had insisted that she take her battered shoes off. Apparently, inhabitants of their world did not have 'foot coverings' as they'd put it, males usually carried their females unless if demanded otherwise. The wolf and snake didn't want her standing out given that she already had to hide her level mark.

Within minutes, the walls opened up into a large space. The duo arrived at what seemed to be the market. They could hear indistinguishable chatter fill the large cavern as numerous voices bartered. Each exchange adding another layer to the sonar chaos. Truly a cacophony as everything reverberated off of cavern walls, contained to the enclosed, underground space.

Looking around the market, Iris noticed how the area seemed to be teeming with naked men of all shapes, sizes and colorings. The sheer abundance of men was intimidating, or more like the shortage of women was unsettling.


The few women that she did see were being carried about, surrounded by many males who seemed to have a propensity for serving her. The females were pale, as if they rarely ventured outside under the sun. Their legs and arms were either slim, seemingly from lack of muscle and their stomachs protruded – either from pregnancy, overeating or both. However, they were treated as princesses and seemed happy. Albeit bratty in some cases as Iris noted a female screeching at a male for seemingly no reason.

Steering away from the scene that was not of their business, the pair ventured on.

Those who were looking for trade had set up 'stalls' in rows. Some had their goods organized on low tables, while others had had placed their items on top of furs laid on the earth.

Tawn explained that some beastmen used the market in order to attract a female if they were not strong. Their craft, such as making clothes or foods, could be used to gain the favor of a female who would otherwise not notice a weaker male. Other males used the market as a way to obtain items for their female (if they had one) that they themselves were unable to make, this was usually the case for stronger males who excelled in hunting.

The wolf man led to over to an area that smelled particularly divine. "Wanna try some food?" He asked as he looked back at her with hopeful eyes.

She imagined that he looked a bit like a puppy begging for a treat. "Sure!" Though soon she was hit with a thought, "but what will we trade for it?" She asked.

Grinning mischievously, "Don't worry about that." The burly male said before grabbing her hand in his much larger one and leading her closer to the booths.


Together they looked over what was being sold. There were all sorts, ranging from fruits and veggies to cooked meats. Their mouths watered at the aromas wafting through the air.

As vendors noticed Iris, they would call out and offer up their food to her to try. Even though she would turn them down, saying that they had nothing to trade, they still insisted that she take a 'free' sample in hopes that she would fancy the flavor. Feeling guilty that Tawn received no such attention, Iris would split each taster with the overgrown man-puppy.

By the time that had passed through the entirety of the area selling food, both her and Tawn had eaten their fill from 'samples' alone.

Pleased with their 'free' meal and with having explored the tribe, the two decided that it was time to make their way back to Ink.

As they left the trade area, Iris released a breath. She was relieved that no male had approached asking her to be their mate. From her first interactions with her two travel companions, she'd been afraid of being approached by males looking for a mate.

What she did not know was that Tawn had shot deadly glares at any male who had rested their eyes on her for too long. He'd even gone as far as turning in a way so that they would see his level markings, which had been a strong deterrent. Most strong males were already claimed by a female or simply did not live in a prey tribe.

When the two neared the exit, a voice called out to them, "Carful of the feral on the loose as of late!" The male voice said in warning.

The two stopped to look at the male who was leaning up against the cavern wall. The glow in this particular section of the cave was dim. So, the male's features were hard to distinguish.

"What do you mean?" Iris spoke up.

Pleased with her interest, the mystery male continued, "A lot of beastmen have been going missing this season. We suspect that it's a feral." He vaguely led on, clearly wanting Iris to continue talking to him.

Curious by the oddity of the disappearances, Iris pressed, "Has anyone gone to check?"

"Yes!" The male exclaimed before continuing in a hushed, dramatic voice, "But they've never returned."

"How strange..." Iris commented, unsure of how to respond to the information.

Tawn on the other hand had a hunch that he knew what had happened to the males who had disappeared. He looked over at Iris with wide eyes. He needed to end this conversation – and fast.

"But how do you know that it's a feral that's involved if no one has returned?" Iris questioned before Tawn could stop her.

Fearing for the male's answer, Tawn began trying to drag Iris away. "Thank you for your time!" He said a bit too loud as he grabbed Iris's hand once more, already dragging her away as he finished, "But we need to get going."

The conversation cut short; they left the male as they proceeded to exit the rabbit warren. Tawn, adamant on keeping Iris in the dark about what she had unknowingly consumed. Iris, bursting with curiosity as to why beastmen had been going missing and with a 'feral' to blame.


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