《Being Human》16. Monster Buddies
An overview of an ice mountain is seen, when a section of the mountain collapses. The Crystal Gems and Y/n are inside an ice cavern battling a monster while icicles fall all around. The monster is knocked backwards and crashes into a wall.
"Alright everyone!" Garnet calls out to the group.
"One more attack should do it." Pearl says.
An icicle impales the monster's arm, causing it to fall off.
"Yikes! Your arm." Steven says worried for it as he hold his own arm.
Garnet leaps forward and punches the monster one last time causing it to crumble and poof into a icy cloud. A gem falls from the cloud and Pearl rushes towards it, catching and then bubbling it away.
"Now there's nothing standing between us and the Shooting Star." Pearl says but the cavern continues to rumble and crumble.
"Whoaa, Jeeezzz. Whu-Whoa, mama!" Amethyst cries as she gets buried under a pile of small ice boulders.
"Amethyst!" Steven cries out as he rushes over to the boulders. "Uh, don't worry, I'll dig you out!"
Amethyst however mumbles to Steven but it's muffled by the boulders.
"This job is really getting dangerous!" Y/n says as he looks up the icicles shaking above.
"We've got to get Steven and Y/n out of here!" Pearl decides now.
Garnet turns to Steven and Y/n now and they look up at her. "I'm sending you two back to the temple."
"But, Garnet, how are you gonna..." Pearl begins to asks but Garnet summons a bubble around Y/n and Steven.
"You can bubble us?" Y/n asks as he puts his hand on the bubble.
"Garnet, no!" Pearl shouts but it is too late as Garnet sends Steven and Y/n's bubble back to the temple.
"Garnet!" Pearl shouts.
"Watch your head." Garnet says calmly as the ice cavern then caves in, burying the Gems.
Y/n and Steven screams as they are warped through a bubble stream. The bubble then appears in the basement of the temple, surrounded with several bubbled gems.
"I'm all for adventure, but let's not do that again." Y/n groans. "My head is killing..." He then adds as he holds a hand to his head.
"Really? I'm okay though." Steven says confused.
"Well, at least one of us is..." Y/n sighs rubbing his temples.
"Whoa! We're back inside the temple." Steven says now before he sees the gem from before. "Hehehe, look at you now. Stuck in a bubble."
"And how do we get out of this one?" Y/n asks Steven now.
"Hmmm. Let me see if I can... Graaa-yeah!" Steven forcefully pulls the bubble open, popping it, and the two begin to fall. As they fall Steven falls on top of the bubble of another gem, causing it to pop. As the two hit the ground the gem then begins to reform.
"Steven, what's happening?" Y/n asks in shock.
The regenerating form glows in green, at first seemingly humanoid, before expanding to glowing into a giant familiar monster.
"Aah! The Centipeetle!" Steven screams and tries to run away but he only has Y/n to hide behind.
"Stay behind me!" Y/n says shielding Steven.
Centipeetle glances at Y/n and Steven for a moment, before shrinking down and reforming into a smaller version of itself.
"Eh... Huh?" Steven says as he sees Centipeetle, trembling in fear.
"It looks... so scared." Y/n says feeling sorry for it. Y/n crouches down now and slowly crawls towards it a little but it backs away slightly. "Steven try giving me hand in calming it down." Y/n says and Steven nods doing the same as Y/n.
"Uhh, hi. Ah, it's okay. Look." Steven lies belly flat on the floor. "Please don't be scared of us. See, We're not gonna hurt you."
Centipeetle begins to calm down a little as it's hair becomes less tensed up.
"Yeah, that's it. Doesn't relaxing feel nice? You wanna come over here and relax with us?" Steven asks the Centipeetle and it looks at Y/n and Steven for a moment. "Yeah, we can totally just hang out and relax, right here on the floor."
Centipeetle starts crawling towards Steven. "Yeah, don't be shy. We can be friends. My name's Ste..."
"STEVEN! Y/N!" Pearls voice could be heard shouting and both Y/n and Steven turn around to see the gems. "Get away from that thing!
"Whoa, dudes!" Amethyst says in shock.
"Wait! It's not..." Y/n tries to tell the gems but Garnet leaps over and attempts to punch the frightened Centipeetle, which it quickly dodges away.
Pearl then jumps to Y/n and Steven's side. "This was a terrible idea! And they've even managed to pop a bubble, and let out that awful thing!"
Garnet's gauntlets sparkle, ready to attack the cornered Centipeetle again.
"If that thing hurt you." Pearl begins. "So help me I'll..."
"Stop! It didn't do anything to us at all!" Y/n cries as Steven runs in between Garnet and the Centipeetle now.
"Garnet, don't hurt it!" Steven begs her as he spreads his arms out. "I accidentally let it out of its bubble, but it didn't even try to hurt us." Steven tells her.
"It's not like the other monsters you guys fight, it's just scared and confused like a lost animal in the wild." Y/n says as he looks at the Centipeetle wanting to help it.
The other gems pause as they look at Steven, making a desperate face, and both he Garnet stare at each other.
"I can't say no to that face." Garnet finally says.
"Excuse me?!" Pearl cries out in shock. "You can't be serious!"
"I think you should try and tame it, Steven." Garnet says now.
"Garnet!" Steven cries in relief as he hugs Garnet's leg. "Thank you so much."
"Hmmm..." Pearl murmurs.
Amethyst however laughs at Pearl. "Shut down by the G-squad! Ahahahaha!"
"Well, let's at least take some precaution." Pearl says still unsure.
The group were now on beach joined by lion.
"Alright you two, let's see if you can get it to calm down." Garnet says to Steven and Y/n.
The Centipeetle however was growling as it was chained to a rock on the beach.
"Um, it still seems a little scared." Steven comments.
A chain breaks apart from Centipeetle thanks to it's acid like spit. The Gems and Lion all brace themselves for battle.
"Okay, this isn't going to work if they keep doing that." Y/n tells Steven.
Steven turns to the gems and Lion now. "Maybe you guys could put your weapons away and watch from the house...?"
"Absolutely not!" Pearl says dismissing the idea.
Garnet however dispels her gauntlets. "Steven and Y/n can handle it."
"Garnet!" Pearl cries out.
"Pearl." Garnet says as she turns and walks away with lion following her.
"Oh! Hmm, hmm! You just go Garneted! Aha!" Amethyst says to Pearl.
The Gems and Lion all walk back to the temple now leaving just Y/n, Steven and the Centipeetle.
"Okay, friend. It's just us now." Steven says and Centipeetle breaks free of the chains.
"Lets calm down, Just like before." Y/n says gently to Centipeetle as he sits down and crosses his legs. "Just try to relax and let your hair down if you can." Y/n soothes and Centipeetle's hair begins to calm down again. "There you go." Y/n smiles.
"You wanna come over here?" Steven asks but Centipeetle jitters on the spot. "C'mon, it won't be like before." Steven promises. "How about we try something else? Hmmmm. Oh, what's this?" Steven asks as he pulls out a bag of Chaaaaps from his jacket.
"Chiiips! You like chiiiiips? You wanna chiipps? Yeah? Yeah?" He asks Centipeetle and takes a chip out of the bag. "Awwww, look at this chip! Yum, yum, yum! He eats the chip. "Mmm, tasty, tasty. Try it!"
Centipeetle slowly starts approaching towards Steven and Y/n again.
"Well that's one way to do it." Y/n chuckles. "At least they seem more relaxed." He then says thankfully.
"Yeah!" Steven says in agreement as takes out another chip. "Smells good, right?" He asks Centipeetle who had now made their way over to the two and grabs the chip out of Steven's hand and eats it before they begin to sit on Y/n's legs in his lap.
"Aww they like you." Steven says excitedly to Y/n who carefully brings his hand up to the Centipeetle and slowly strokes it's hair relaxing it more. Steven takes out another chip as he offers it to the Centipeetle who eats it.
"I don't know how you eat with an eyeball in your mouth, but I'm glad you like it." Steven says.
He takes out another chip but the wind blows the chip out of Steven's hand, which Centipeetle catches and eats.
"Hahahahaha, woohoo!" Steven cheers as he throws a handful of chips in air and laughs. "You love chips, and I love chips! Hahahaha! Yeah!" A seagull sees the chips in Steven's hand and bites his hand, causing Steven to drop the bag in pain. "Aaah! Shoo, get! Those aren't for you!"
The seagull growls at Steven, when a sudden spray of acid splashes in between Steven and the seagull. Steven turns and sees an agitated Centipeetle in Y/n's lap.
"Woah!" Y/n says in shock and surprise.
"W-What are you doing?" Steven asks it but Centipeetle shoots another spray of acid at the seagull again, scaring it away. "You... saved me. We gotta tell the gems!"
The Gems are gathered and discussing at the kitchen counter.
"But we have to go back for the Shooting Star!" Pearl says when Steven quickly enters.
"Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst!" He calls out getting their attentions and they see the Centipeetle stood between Y/n and Steven.
"Woah, why isn't that thing on its rock?" Pearl asks.
"We trained her up! Look!" Steven says then squawks
At the sounds the squawks Centipeetle shoots acid at a beam of the house.
Steven squawks again.
Centipeetle shoots acid towards Garnet, barely missing her.
Steven squawks once again.
"Steven, you can't just." Pearl begins as Centipeetle shoots acid, causing Pearl to duck, as it hit a picture of Pearl on the fridge, contorting it into a grumpy expression. "Ohh!" She grumbles.
"I want to clarify I had nothing to do with this part of the training. Y/n comments.
Amethyst just laughs however. "Hahahaha! That was awesome..."
Steven Squawks one last time and Centipeetle shoots acid and it knocks Amethyst's sandwich off her hand destroying it.
"Nooooo! Mi tortaaa!" Amethyst grieves over her sandwich.
"Steven, this is unacceptable!" Pearl says now.
"Aw, come on, Pearl." Steven says as he feeds and pets Centipeetle. "She can help us on like missions and stuff."
"Oh, no! Out of the question!" Pearl is quick to say crossing her arms.
"Awww..." Steven sighs.
Pearl sighs and turns to Garnet and Amethyst. "Well, we can't return to the Ice Cavern now. We have to stay and deal with this situation.
"Well, I don't know how we're gonna get through all those ice boulders without causing a cave-in anyway." Amethyst comments.
"Why don't we use the Centipeetle." Y/n suggests now and the gems all look at him surprised.
Y/n now crouches down to Centipeetle, whose saliva is dripping of her mouth and burning another hole into the wooden floor. He brings his hand to it's hair and gently strokes it as she nuzzles into his hand. "All the cave-ins were being caused because of everyone's rash fighting. The cave can't handle it, So why don't we use Centipeetle's acid to help forge a path instead." He suggests.
The group and Centipeetle were now back in the Ice Cavern.
"I just don't know if this will work." Pearl begins to says but Steven Squawks and Centipeetle creates a hole through the wall with her acid spray.
"Alright, Centipeetle!" Steven cheers and feeds Centipeetle chips as a reward.
"Shooting Star, here we come I guess." Y/n says.
The group proceed to venture through the Ice Cavern, as Centipeetle helps with her acid spray to overcome any obstacles in their way. The Crystal Gems eventually arrive in a room containing the Shooting Star.
"There it is! The Shooting Star!" Pearl cries as they proceed to the pool in the center of the room. "An ancient elemental, so hot, and so volatile, it can only be contained in ice." She explains. "Bare skin cannot endure its intensity!" She then says with some intensity.
"What do you do with the Shooting Star?" Y/n asks curiously.
"Uhh, you shoot it." Amethyst shrugs.
"Garnet, you'll have to use your gauntlets as not to hurt your hands." Pearl suggests and Garnet summons her gauntlets and prepares to dip her hands into the pool, when Centipeetle suddenly starts freaking out at the sight of her gauntlets.
"No, no, no! Not now!" Steven says worried as he rushes to Centipeetle.
"Something's wrong." Garnet says.
Centipeetle continues to freak out in fear and starts shooting acid all over the ceiling, causing stalactites to fall from the ceiling.
"Whoa!" Steven cries
Y/n and the Gems duck to avoid the falling stalactites, when an eruption occurs from the pool, frightening Centipeetle even more.
"Steven!" Pearl cries and she summons her spear "I knew this would happen!"
"Pearl! No!" Y/n cries out but Pearl charges towards Centipeetle and smacks her against a wall. The impact causes a crack to occur in a giant stalactite.
"Aaah! Pearl, stop! It was an accident!" Steven tries to tell her as he hurries over to Centipeetle but as he tries to help her up he accidentally pulls Centipeetle's hair "Sorry for pulling."
The Centipeetle growls in discomfort and agitation.
"Steven!" Garnet cries and kicks the agitated Centipeetle away from.
"Noooo!" Steven begins to tear up.
Centipeetle gets up and charges toward Garnet and Steven. Pearl and Amethyst blocks her path and continues to attack her. The crack in the giant stalactite continues to worsen. Amethyst reels Centipeetle in with her whip and accidentally sends herself and the Gems flying into the wall. Centipeetle then prepares to retaliate.
"Stop attacking the Centipeetle!" Y/n angrily shouts getting the gems attentions.
Steven uses the chance to run in between Centipeetle and the Gems. "You don't need to fight! This isn't you!" Steven says to her as he starts crying. "You're not a monster anymore! You're more than that. We have so many memories now! Remember the chip times? And how you saved me from that vicious seagull?" He asks as he walks towards Nephrite, but she backs away. And remember sitting in Y/n's lap?" Steven asks now and Centipeetle stops backing up.
"And how we became best friends?" Steven pulls her in for a hug. "You have to remember! This all happened today!"
Y/n rushes past the gems now as he crouches down beside Steven and the Centipeetle to try and help. He places his hand on her hair and she looks up at him. Acid drips out Centipeetle's mouth, damaging Steven's jacket, as she begins to calm down. The crack in the giant stalactite finally gives way, causing it to fall towards the three. As it nears, Centipeetle shoves Steven and Y/n out of the way.
"Centi!" Y/n shouts.
"Nooo!" Steven cries.
Garnet catches Y/n and Steven as they fly towards her. The giant stalactite then crushes Nephrite in Y/n and Steven's place.
"Centi...No..."Y/n says sadly.
Centipeetle groans in pain and poofs into a green cloud. Her gem then rolls over to feet of Steven.
"You saved us..." Steven says in grief.
"Steven, you and Y/n did a good job trying to tame the Centipeetle. Your mother would be so proud of you." Garnet says.
"She would?" Steven asks surprised.
"The truth is, Rose Quartz had tried to use her powers to save these monsters too, but she was never able to heal them." Garnet says now.
"Never? But if she couldn't do it..." Steven starts.
"Who knows? Maybe when you have better control of your powers, you might help them in ways even your mother couldn't." Pearl reassures him.
"Even this one." Garnet points at Centipeetle's gem now.
"I'll keep it safe." Steven says as he holds his hands over Nephrite's gem, and bubbles it now.
"Whoa!" Amethyst says as everyone watches in shock.
"Steven, you can bubble Gems!" Pearl exclaims.
"Wow! Wait for me, Centipeetle. I promise I'll heal you up someday." Steven says and he sends the bubbled gem away to the temple.
"She's going to need these too." Y/n says holding up an item Steven had dropped in the fight.
"Yeah..." Steven says with a smile.
Back in the Burning Room, the bubbled Centipeetle's gem reappears, followed by a bag of Chaaaaps in a bubble next to her.
And that's the chapter! I really love the Centipeetle and always feel sorry for her so wanted a small bonding moment with her and Y/n. If you liked this chapter or just the story in general then don't forget to leave a vote and a comment below and I shall see you all next week in...
An Indirect Kiss!
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