《Being Human》13. Lion 2: The Movie


It was another day at the Beach house and Connie was showing Y/n and Steven a trailer for a movie called Dogcopter 3 on her phone.

Scenes of a city on fire. "Some people say... " People in helicopters fly in. "You can't teach..." An evil giant robot attack the city, as the helicopters approach it. "An old dog..." A robotic dog looks up. "New tricks..." The robot destroys the helicopters. "Unless you're..." A girl and the dog look and nod at each other, and the dog sprouts propellers from its back. "Dogcopter 3, in 3D!" The dog flies towards the robot and shoots a missile from its butt at the robot. "This February, the fur hits the fan!"

Steven looks at the trailer in awe. "Whooaaa... I can see why this is your favorite film franchise." He says to her.

Connie adjusts her glasses. "That's right! In a world where humanity is pushed to the brink, it turns out that the one who is most human, is a dog! -Copter."

"And did you see where that missile came out of?" Steven says.

Connie blushes and chuckles. "Yeah. I just hope it stays faithful to the book." Connie says now.

"This series has a book?" Y/n asks with a confused raised brow.

The warp pad suddenly activates before Connie can answer and she looks at it in awe. "Whooaaa..."

"The Gems are back." Steven says.

Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst appear on the warp pad in different poses. Y/n just smiles and shakes his head feeling like the Gems just wanted to show off for Connie.

"Greetings." Garnet says.

Pearl notices Connie now. "Oh! Well, hello, Connie! What a surprise to see you!"

"We're gonna watch a movie about a wacky, flying dog!" Steven tells the Gems now. "Show 'em Connie!"

"I mean, it's about, much more than that." Connie says and she holds up her phone to the Gems who look at it. On the phone screen, Dogcopter barks with a caption reading "COMING SOON".

"Oh-ho-ho, that's easy!" Amethyst says and she shapeshifts into Dogcopter and flies into the air.

"Whoooaaa?!" Connie cries in shock.

"Who needs to go see movies when you've got... magic!" Amethyst shapeshifts her head into a boombox and start playing up-beat tempo music. Garnet bobs her head to the beat, while Pearl groans in annoyance.

"Aw, stop showin' off, Amethyst. Connie promises that this movie's even better than any magic." Steven says.

"I did not say that." Connie says seriously.

"And check this out." Steven walks over to the kitchen counter and points to the snacks on top* Y/n got us our own snacks!" Steven cheers.

"My parents say I'm not allowed to buy snacks at the theater. So, we're not 'buying' anything at the theater." Connie jokes to Garnet and Pearl.

Amethyst shapeshifts her head back to normal and flies towards the snacks "Nom Noms! Feeeed me!"

Steven shields the snacks with his arms. "Hands off, Amethyst! These are for me, Connie and Y/n to share at the movie!"

"Oh, but Y/n. Weren't we going to train today?" Pearl asks tentatively.

"Well we've been making good progress recently Pearl, but we still haven't found a weapon that suits me and I need to let me body rest too." Y/n says as he rolls a shoulder that was feeling stiff. "Besides, Steven and Connie asked me to join them today." Y/n says and the two kids smile.


"Well, alright." Pearl says sounding a little disappointed.

"How are we getting to the theater? It's kinda far." Connie asks now.

Steven stuffs all of the snacks into his Cheeseburger Backpack. "Don't worry, I've got it covered. Today, we're gonna travel in style!"

Steven had brought Y/n and Connie to the beach now as he prepared to reveal their means of transport. "Introducing the finest in luxury transportation... Lion!" Steven revealing Lion who yawns and lies down on the sand..

"I see he's gotten cozy around here already. Hey buddy." Y/n says as he stroke's Lion's fur.

Lion lazily opens one of his eyes to look at Y/n but then closes it when he sees who it is.

"Aw, you little goofball." Steve says and presses his face into Lion's mane.

Connie looks slightly frightened. "You have a pet lion?!"

Steven lifts his face out of Lion's mane. "Lion is sorta like a pet."

"Lion sort of does his own thing most of the time. But he's so cute we let him away with it." Y/n clarifies to Connie.

Lion is then seen chomping on something as sparkling feathers falls out of his mouth. Steven and Connie look over and see a half-eaten small reptile by Lion's paws.

"See? Who knows where he got that?" Steven says.

"Wow, Everything in your guy's lives is so awesome and magical." Connie says and she picks up a stick nearby. "The most exciting thing in my life is tennis practice." She starts swinging it around. "Forehand! Backhand! Overhead death strike!"

"Whoa! Tennis is rad!" Steven comments.

"Well, I made up that last one." Connie admits.

Lion starts snarling at Steven, Y/n and Connie.

"I think Lion says we should hurry up and go, or maybe he was just yawning." Steven says.

Steven and Connie blink and stare at each other for a few seconds.

"Anyway, let's go to the movie!" Steven cries raising his arms up in joy.

Y/n helps Steven and Connie climb onto Lion's back before he gets on himself, Steven was in front and Connie in the middle with Y/n sat behind them for safety.

"And we're off!" Steven cheers but Lion just stands there however and stares blankly into space. "Uhh... Lion, I want you to take us to the movie." Steven waits a few seconds, but Lion is still not moving. "Okay, you're not listening to me." Steven comments before he turns to Connie and Y/n chuckling nervously. "Lion isn't trained very well, but I'm not trained very well either. So we're..."

Lion's eyes suddenly widen and he roars. He rears up on his hind legs and begins charging forward.

The three are caught off guard but begin to laugh as Lion runs across the beach. Lion soon runs along the boardwalk, before changing direction, and starts to run towards the ocean.

"Wait, Lion! Don't go in the ocean!" Steven cries but the three soon scream as Lion leaps forward to the ocean and lands on the water surface, standing upright, as if he is on land.

Steven look down at the water surprised. "You can walk on water?! Why don't you tell me you can do these things you dooooo?!" He asks Lion.

"Well he can't exactly talk Steven." Y/n comments and laughs before he looks at Lion. "Or... can you?" He asks it.

Lion however just growls a little in reply.

"Nope guess not." Steven says and the three begin to laugh as Lion starts running on the water with Steven, Y/n and Connie riding happily on its back.


Some seagulls join in to fly alongside with the group. A fishing boat with people on it comes into view as Lion runs past it.

Steven waves at the shocked sailors on the boat. "Hey-o!"

The shadows of two whales can be seen underwater as Lion keeps running out to sea. Connie soon notices they are getting further and further away from Beach City. "Uh... Are you sure he knows where he's going?" Connie asks a little worried.

"Maybe it's a shortcut." Steven says unsure.

Lion's eyes begin to glow white as he emits a magical roar. The roar shoots across the water and then transforms in a white portal with a pink edge. Lion runs right towards it.

Steven & Connie scream and Y/n's eyes widen at the sight of the portal.

Lion dives into the portal and it closes up behind him. The group is then warping through a dimension with a starry blue and white background. Steven and Connie continue to scream, as Steven clings onto Lion's mane while Connie has her arms wrapped around Steven's waist. Y/n grabs a hold of both Steven and Connie unsure of what Lion was doing.

"Has he ever done this?!" Connie calls out

"No! This is new!" Steven is quick to say.

The portal opens up in a cave location with a huge platform in the center of a shallow lake. The group emerges through the portal and Lion skids across the water, while Steven, Y/n and Connie groan in awe from the excitement. Lion then sits down, causing Steven, Y/n and Connie to fall off of him and into the shallow water.

"Whoa!" The three cry at the sudden drop and their now wet clothes.

Steven shakes water off his head like a dog. "Are you okay?" He asks Y/n and Connie.

Connie pushes her wet hair off her face. "That was really cool." She comments.

"So much for a day off." Y/n jokes a little as he lifts himself up then helps both Connie and Steven up.

Lion, now atop the platform, growls at the three to draw their attention and begins walking to the center of the platform.

"Lion! Steven calls out as he quickly climbs up to the platform. "Wait! Where are you going?!" but he gasps when he's stood on it.

Y/n and Connie climb onto the platform themselves now and Connie, was looking around distractedly in wonder before she bumps into Steven. "Whoa! Is this one of those magic Gem places that you've told me about?" She asks.

Y/n, Steven and Connie start walking toward the center of the platform, when the ground suddenly lights up in light pink beneath their feet. The light zooms in towards the center of the platform and becomes a short beam, with Lion standing next to it.

"Yeah. Definitely a Magic gem place." Y/n says look at it.

The beam fades away, as a hand-shaped pedestal with Rose Quartz's symbol raises out from the platform. Steven and Connie run over to inspect the pedestal with Y/n quickly following.

"Lion, normally I'm all about this stuff, but this is not the movies." Steven says to Lion now but Lion growls in response..

Steven throws his hands up in exasperation. "What does that mean, Lion? What does that even mean?"

"Steven he can't talk." Y/n reminds the boy.

Connie begins examining the pedestal. "What if he brought you here... for a reason?" She suggests.

"Well, maybe, but if we don't hurry, we're gonna miss the commercials, and then we might miss the previews, and we still have to find the perfect seats, near the front but not too close." Steven begins to ramble, As Steven is talking, Connie ponders for a moment. She then grabs Steven's hand and places it on the pedestal. The pedestal and the whole platform begins to glow, and Steven gasp in surprise.

Y/n looks around the cave. "Well that did something." He comments.

Steven tries to take his hand off the pedestal but finds that he can't. "Ah! Aah! My hand's stuck! It won't... come off!"

"Hang on!" Connie tries to help Steven yank his hand off the pedestal, with no luck. "Man, that's really stuck on good. I guess we'll have to chop it off."

"What?!" Steven panics but a white case emerges out of the platform near where Y/n was stood and opens up, revealing several swords in a line-up. One of the swords was seemingly loose in it's holding as it felt out and landed near the feet of Y/n.

He looks down at the sword and picks it up. "Swords?" Y/n asks.

"No!" Steven cries out panicked as he remembers the recent event with the Holo-Pearl and swords. The swords retract back into the white case and back into the platform.

"Whoa! How'd you do that?" Connie asks.

"I don't know." Steven admits.

Connie starts lightly shaking Steven in excitement. "Do it again! Do it again!"

"Um... okay." Steven says and he begins straining and grunting, trying to make something happen. "Anything?"

"No. Here." Connie pinches Steven's arm.

Steven flinches. "Ow! What are you.." Connie then lightly pulls Steven's ear. "Hey! What are you doing?"

"Maybe if I do... this!" Connie pokes Steven sharply in his side.

Steven jerks and hunches over the pedestal, giggling. "Wait, I'm ticklish." Connie continues poking Steven in his side, causing him to laugh uncontrollably. "Wait, stop! Stop, I'm gonna pee!" He laughs.

A series of armor suits rise out of the platform all around the group.

"Whoa, look at all this armor!

"Press my nose! Press my nose!" Steven cries.

Connie pushes a finger against Steven's nose. "Boop!"

The suits of armor retract back into the platform. Three laser light cannons attached together then emerge out of the platform.

"Wait, are those... light cannons?" Y/n asks recognising them.

Connie grabs the corners of Steven's mouth and pulls them. "Next!"

A bunch of axes rise out of the platform. "Axes!"

A statue of a woman with her arms outstretched and three spikey chain balls hanging on each arm then rises out of the platform. "Spikey chain balls!"

A giant coin follows out of the platform. "A giant..."

"Penny?" Steven finishes confused.

"Does that means it's worth more than a regular penny?" Connie ponders.

"Well, that would make "cents". Steven says and grins widely before her and Connie laughs.

Lion proceeds to lie down on his side besides Y/n, looking rather bored. Y/n however was looking at the sword he had picked up in his hands. It was a thin long sword, double edged and with narrow pointed blade. Sadly out of all pristine equipment that had been on show this sword was not the same. Rust had overtaken the blade making it useless now but something about it intrigued Y/n.

"What do you think Lion? Does it suit me?" Y/n asks Lion who just looks up at him and growls a little reply.

Connie looks over to Y/n holding the sword in his hand nearby and she lets out a sigh. "This is so great, but... I get the feeling though, I'm not really supposed to be here."

"I want you here!" Steven quickly says. "I mean, I don't want you here. I guess Lion wants us here, but I want us all to be at the movies, and I want to see lots of explosions."

The pedestal and platform suddenly stop glowing. Steven's hand now becomes freed and he stumbles back into Connie as the pedestal sinks back into the platform. Y/n stops looking at the sword in his hand as he notices what is going on and he drops the sword now before he rushes over to Steven and Connie. A whirring noise is heard as a robot rises out of a wide circle in the platform. The robot turns around to face the three. Steven and Connie gasps as triangular walls begin to rise all over the platform.

"Should we be worried about this?" Connie asks.

"Uh..." Steven stammers and turns to look at Lion, yawning and napping. "Lion doesn't seem to be worried."

The triangular walls begin to glow white and the robot glows in yellow. A crackling sound can be heard as the robot generates a ball of electricity from its cannon.

"Run!" Y/n shouts to the two kids.

Steven, Y/n and Connie scatter as the electricity ball is fired in their direction, exploding at where they were just standing. The robot starts glowing blue and floats after Steven.

"Steven, look out!" Connie shouts to him.

Steven spots the robot in front of him, halting on his tracks. The robot shoots a beam of ice at Steven, which he quickly takes cover behind a triangular wall, and freezes where he was previously standing.

"Y/n! Steven! What do we do?!" Connie cries out.

The robot, now turning and glowing orange this time, turns its attention to Connie.

"Ah!" Connie cries frightened but Y/n arrives now and quickly grabs Connie's arm as he begins to pull her into a run with him.

"Y/n! Connie!" Steven shouts and tries to runs towards them but slips on the ice. "Ah!"

The robot starts shooting fireballs at Y/n and Connie, and Y/n helps Connie as the two dodge and jump out of the way the best they can before having to leap forward to avoid being caught in blast entirely. The two land hard on the floor and Steven gets back to his feet rushing over to help Connie up on her feet. Just as he was then then helping Y/n, The robot began to float overhead and prepares to shoot another fireball at the trio. Steven and Connie hold hands and close their eyes in fear as Y/n quickly surrounds them to use his body as a shield. Steven's protective bubble shield however suddenly encases around them. The robot shoots the fireball and the force pops the bubble. Y/n, Steven and Connie are then surrounded in a ring of fire and visibly hurt.

"Ugh... My bubble." Steven groans as he notices Lion approaching him. "Lion! Get us out of here, Lion, please!"

Lion glares at Steven for a brief moment, before lying down on his stomach. Steven and Connie quickly gets on top of Lion's back followed by Y/n. Whirring and crackling noises can be heard as the robot, glowing yellow, aims another electric ball at the group. Lion jumps off of the platform and into the water, dodging the robot's attacks, before roaring another portal open and diving through it.

Lion leaps out of the portal. A ticket booth lady looks on in surprise as he skids across the road outside of the movie theater.

"What!?" Steven cries as he throws his arms out in anger. "Now you take us to the movies!?"

Lion closes his eyes and sits down, causing Y/n, Steven and Connie to fall off of his back.

As Connie sits up she touches a burn on the side of her face "Ah."

"Connie, here. I have something for that." Steven says as he pulls out a soda can out of his backpack and hands it to Connie. "Sorry. They're not that cool."

Connie accepts the soda can and presses it against her cheek. "Thanks." She says gratefully.

Steven hands out a soda can to Y/n now too but Y/n presses it against Steven's own burned cheek. "You worry about yourself okay." Y/n says putting Steven and Connie first.

Steven smiles and he looks at the theatre. "Well, we're here. Shall we go in? He asks.

"That's okay... L-Let's just forget about it." Connie says looking down.

"Huh?" Steven asks and he gets upset. "I-I'm sorry!" He looks down in shame. "Ugh! I ruined everything, didn't I? I don't know why you hang out with me. I mess stuff up all the time."

Connie looks at Steven surprised. "I don't know why you two hang out with me! I'm so much more... less interesting than you both! And obviously you have some sort of magical destiny and Y/n is clearly someone special. She says feeling saddened. "Why would you guys even care about something like Dogcopter?"

"Why?! Because it's Dogcopter! He's a dog, and a helicopter, and a cop! He shoots missiles out of his butt, and he's gonna save the world!" Steven declares throwing up his hands up in excitement. "Dogcopter is very cool and important... to me." He looks down shyly.

Connie looks down ashamed. "Well, I'm no Dogcopter." She says sadly.

"Connie." Y/n says getting her attention. "It doesn't matter to us who you are. At the end of the day you are our friend and that's all that matters."

"Yeah that's right!" Steven says in agreement,

The car behind Connie explodes as a fireball hits it.

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