《Being Human》9. Giant Woman
Update: Got 75% of the movie chapter done at 18,000 words. Still more to go though.
Y/n was sat on the beach as he watched a mostly drenched Amethyst, and Pearl playing a game of checkers. Steven was perched on a lifeguard chair with a large stash of water balloons.
Amethyst looks at the board and mover one of her pieces to captures one of Pearl's pieces. "Ha, take that!"
"Wow, Amethyst, I'm impressed." Pearl says before she gets hit with a water balloon.
"Now it's your move, Pearl." Steven says.
"Steven, are the water balloons really necessary?" Pearl asks now covered in water.
"Yeah, this way the moves really matter." Steven says.
"But it's checkers! Every single move matters." Pearl points out.
"I always preferred Chess." Y/n says idly "It requires more thinking about they pieces you use."
Amethyst twirls a strand of her wet hair around her finger. "I just think it sounds like someone's being a sore loser." She jokes to Y/n.
Pearl starts pouting. "I'm not a sore loser..." As she picks up her piece captures all of Amethyst's pieces in one fell swoop. "Because I just won the game." She finishes smugly.
"Whaa...?!" Amethyst says in shock before she braces herself happily. "Here it comes!" She holds her arms out, as Steven pelts her with all his water balloons, and Amethyst falls backwards on her back. "Aaah! Ha, feels good to lose."
Pearl stands up now. "Ahem, I certainly hope that's not the attitude you have during battle."
"Ugh, you're no fun anymore. This is why we never form Opal." Amethyst says.
"Opal?" Y/n repeats.
"We don't form Opal because you're difficult and a mess." Pearl chides Amethyst.
"We don't form Opal because you're uptight and..."
Steven jumps in now and shoves Amethyst and Pearl apart. "Guys! Guys! What is Opal?" He asks.
"Oh it's the two of us, mashed together." Amethyst explains and clasps her hands together.
Pearl scoffs. "Is water just hydrogen and oxygen "mashed" together?" She asks but Amethyst and Steven seem clueless "...Analogy wasted."
"Well in theory it's just 1 part Hydrogen and 2 parts Oxygen that fuse together right?" Y/n says unsure.
"Very good Y/n." Pearl praises Y/n's knowledge before she kneels down. "Look here, Steven." Pearl says getting the boys attention and she starts manipulating the sand in animated figurines that dance. "When we synchronize our forms we can combine into a powerful fusion gem named Opal."
Amethyst however stomps on the sand figurines destroying them. "Except I don't dance like that."
"Amethyst!" Pearl cries.
"Wow, that's so cool!" Steven says and he turns to Amethyst. "But tell me more about Opal!"
"Well, she's an ultra powerful, stone cold Betty, That part's me. And she's like, kinda tall... That part's Pearl." Amethyst says.
"What Amethyst is attempting to say is, Opal is an amalgam of our combined magical and physical attributes, fused into a single entity."
"So you become one Gem together?" Y/n asks still not really understanding.
"Wow, can you do it right now?" Steven says excitedly and he grabs Pearl's hand. "Come on, form Opal!"
Amethyst just scoffs.
"We only form Opal when it's absolutely necessary." Pearl says to Steven but at that moment light emits from inside the Beach House.
"Garnet's back!" Steven cries.
Y/n, Steven, Pearl and Amethyst returns back in the house to greet Garnet.
"Ooh! Ooh! Did you bring me anything?" Steven asks as he runs through the door and Garnet presents a rock. "Whoa, a rock!" Steven says taking it. "Thanks, Garnet."
"So, was your mission a success?" Pearl asks.
"I have located the Geode Beetles of Heaven and Earth. We should split up to retrieve them." Garnet suggests.
"Well I'm going with not Pearl." Amethyst is quick to say.
"Well that's perfect because I don't want to go with grammatically incorrect people anyway." Pearl is quick to reply.
Steven who was biting the rock stop and turns. "Is her talking about me?" He asks Y/n who shakes his head.
"You four go together, I go alone." Garnet says.
Pearl and Amethyst look surprised.
"The Earth Beetle's at the bottom of the boiling lava lake, and only I can swim in lava." She explains before she summons a pair of goggles over her eyes. "You'll find the Heaven Beetle at the top of the Sky Spire. It's safer."
"You mean boring-er." Amethyst says.
"You mean more boring." Pearl corrects.
"So, you agree with me." Amethyst retorts.
Pearl just looks annoyed. "Ugh! Come on, you three, lets go." She says wanting to get the mission over with.
Steven puts his rock down on the floor as he and Y/n begin to move to join Pearl and Amethyst.
"Y/n, Steven." Garnet calls out to the two and they turn to her as they step on the warp pad. "Be sure to keep the harmony." She says.
"No problem." Steven says but Y/n looks at the both Amethyst and Pearl who were looking away from each other. "Today's going to be all about HAR-MON..." But Steven is interrupted by the warp Pad activating.
The warp pad had brought Pearl, Amethyst, Y/n and Steven to the Sky spire as three of them landing
"NY...!" Steven finishes his earlier sentence as he falls on his back. "Oomph!" Y/n offers him a hand helping Steven up. "Whooaaa... Is this where the Heaven Beetle lives?"
"Apparently." Pearl answers.
"All the way at the top..." Amethyst adds.
"Oh this is going to be difficult..." Y/n says as the four look to see a large climb ahead of them.
"So, when you fuse, do you turn into a giant giant woman, or just a regular-sized giant woman?" Steven asks and Amethyst groans before she starts walking ahead. "Does one of you control the right arm and the other control the left arm?"
"Come on, Steven. Pearl says as Y/n and her start walking away with Amethyst.
"Wait, these are extremely important questions." Steven says ash her hurries to catch up.
The four arrived at the base of a long stairway.
"Phew, there sure are a lot of stairs, how about you form Opal and give me a piggyback ride?" Steven suggests.
"No!" Pearl and Amethyst say annoyed in unison.
"Steven, I think you should probably give it a break." Y/n kindly suggests to him but Steven was too excited.
"What about if you eat a hotdog? Whose stomach does it go into? Or do you share the same stomach? " Steven asks but then laughs. "That would be gross."
A nearby bush begins to rustle, causing Pearl and Amethyst to summon their weapons and step in front of Y/n and Steven. A goat however jumps out of the bush, eating a thicket.
Steven gasps. "Look out! It's a magical goat guardian! Quick, you have to form Opal! It's the only way to defeat it! Hurry before it kills us all!" He says moving behind Y/n and pretends to cower in fear, while peeking past him.
"Ugh, Steven, we only fuse for deadly situations." Pearl says as she walks up to the goat. "Does this look like a deadly situation?" She asks pointing at the goat and it bites her hand. "Ow!" Pearl cries. "Hey, bad mountain goat!"
The goat. bleats in response, and Amethyst starts laughing so hard she falls over.
"Darn it! Aw, I'm never going to get to see Opal." Steven sighs and starts to sing.
All I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman, A giant woman!
All I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman
As he sings, the group, joined by the goat, make their way up the spire.
All I wanna do is help you turn into a giant woman, A giant woman!
All I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman
As the group continue Pearl and Amethyst continue to antagonize each other as they progress.
Oh, I know it'll be great and I just can't wait to see the person you are together
If you give it a chance you can do a huge dance because you are a giant woman
You might even like being together
And if you don't, it won't be forever
But if it were me, I'd really wanna be a giant woman,
a giant woman!
All I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman...
The group, Steven riding on the goat, eventually reaches a broken pass leading to a spiraling passage. The goat leaps off, dropping Steven off its back, and hops across several pieces of floating platforms onto the other side.
"Wait up Steven Jr.!" Steven calls as he tries to follow the goat.
Pearl halts Steven. "Wait, Steven! I'm not sure you or Y/n can make those jumps." She says hesitantly.
"So how are we going to get across?" Y/n asks.
"Oh, you two should fuse into Opal, and then lay across the rocks like a bridge!" Steven suggests.
"We don't need Opal to get across." Pearl says.
"Can you do it anyway?" Steve says begging on his knees. "Pleeease? It would be easier, wouldn't it?"
Amethyst appears behind him now. "Not as easy as THIS!" She picks Steven up, throws him on a floating platform and then jumps towards him.
"Oh wow, Amethyst, that was a really good idea." Steven says.
"Hah, I know, I'm full of 'em." Amethyst says.
Pearl reacts in intense worry as she grabs onto Y/n while looking at the two.
"Ah, come on Pearl, it's safe. Just look." Steven says as he starts wobbling the floating platform. Amethyst joins in the wobbling and it causes Steven to fall off the platform. Pearl quickly dives after the screaming Steven, with Amethyst's whip wrapped around her, and catches him. Amethyst then fishes both of them back up onto the platform. "That was so great how you worked together. Why don't you do that all the time?" Steven asks. Pearl and Amethyst look at each other briefly, and look away stubbornly.
Their attentions are caught however by Y/n who leaps across a different set of floating platforms without any of their helps.
"Go Dude!" Amethyst cheers
"Oh be careful Y/n!" Pearl calls out worried.
Y/n says nothing back to them as he reaches the other side safely but his face was sporting a fed up look.
The group continue climb the spiraling passage and soon arrive atop the spire.
"I can't feel my legs anymore..." Steven groans but he notices something interesting and immediately gets up. "Hey, look at that!" He cries and runs over to a small temple, Steven Jr. was standing next to it. "It's a tiny temple!"
"It's just where Garnet said it would be. The Heaven Beetle should be inside." Pearl comments as she approaches the temple as well now.
Steven peers inside and giggles. "Check it out, it's even got a little beetle bedroom, and little beetle bongos, and a little beetle baby book."
Pearl peeks in too. "But where's the beetle? It's supposed to be here. The Heaven Beetle wouldn't leave, would it? Oh! It could be anywhere!" She panics.
Amethyst chuckles. "Maybe you should freak out some more, that's really gonna help us find it." Amethyst says.
"I can't believe your attitude, Amethyst! And now you're just slouching over here doing nothing!" Pearl says angrily to Amethyst.
"Hey, it's not my fault the beetle isn't there! Why do you have to make things worse by squawking at me?!" Amethyst says becoming defensive.
Steven Jr. starts bleating in distress and Y/n's brow begins furrowing.
"I don't squawk!" Pearl shouts.
"Yeah, you're squawking at me and commenting on my posture!" Amethyst says.
"This is squawking! SQUAWK, SQUAWK!" Pearl cries.
"WOULD YOU TWO STOP!?" A voice loudly calls out and both Pearl and Amethyst immediately stop and look at the side to Y/n who looked incredibly annoyed and slightly angry himself now.
Steven runs over to stop the argument as well now. "Yeah, cut it out! You're scaring Steven Jr.!"
Just then a giant bird monster emerges from the lake surrounding the tiny temple. It then swallows Steven Jr. whole.
Steven gasps. "My son."
Pearl summons her spear and hurls it at the giant bird monster, which it swallows.
"In here, guys!" Amethyst calls and the group is forced to retreat back into the spiraling passage.
"It swallowed my spear!" Pearl cries.
"Guys this is great!" Steven calls out and the three look at him. "Now's the perfect time for you two to form Opal!"
Pearl and Amethyst look at each other for a moment before they begin to cross over to different sides of the room.
Steven eagerly sits down to watch, while Y/n stands beside him with his arms crossed unsure what to expect.
Pearl and Amethyst begin to bow slightly as their gems begin to glow. Pearl gracefully twirls and opens her eyes to see Amethyst engaging in a more modern form of dancing. Pearl gives off a hesitant look and groans as she begins to move forward. But Amethyst rushes and grabs Pearl's arm catching Pearl off balance and causing her to hit her head on the floor. "Ow." Pearl cries as she and Amethyst begin to disappear into light with Y/n and Steven watching with a deep intrigue as the light grows. It quickly becomes unstable and Amethyst and Pearl are thrown apart.
"So, you wanna try that again? With less hitting me in the face this time?" Amethyst asks annoyed.
"Well, it would have worked if your movements weren't so erratic and formless." Pearl accuses.
"So, it's all my fault?" Amethyst is quick to say. "Ho-ho, you totally weren't even trying to sync with my dancing. You should know how I dance by now!"
Pearl and Amethyst begin to fight as Steven becomes distressed.
"Stop!" Steven shouts getting their attention. "Come on, guys, please stop fighting. If you can't get along with each other, I might never get to see your awesome fusion powers."
The giant bird monster squawks loudly.
"And we might get eaten by a giant bird!" Steven adds.
Just then, the giant bird monster breaks through the roof and swallows Steven whole.
"Steven!" Y/n, Amethyst and Pearl cry as they look up.
"This only happened because you two are more concerned with fighting with each other than actually fighting together!" Y/n chastises both Pearl and Amethyst before the bird swoops low and it's mouth snaps Y/n up now.
"Y/N!" Pearl and Amethyst shout before they quickly turn to one another.
Y/n gets swallowed into the innards of the giant bird monster. Inside is littered with various junk and skeletons. Y/n finds Steven nearby and he hurries to the boy. "Thank goodness you are alright." He says before he looks around.
"I refuse to die in a place like this because those two can't get along. Come on buddy, let's find something sharp and cut our way out of this place." Y/n says but the two hear a familiar bleating.
"Steven Jr.!" Steven cries as he notices the goat upon a pile of junk nearby trying to bite into something. "How can you eat at a time like this?" Steven asks.
Y/n notices however that it is a beetle in the goat mouth. "Isn't that the Heaven Beetle we came for?" He asks Steven.
Steven rushes over to the goat now. "Let me see it." He grabs the beetle, but Steven Jr. refuses to let go. "Hey, be a good goat and give me the magic bug!"
A rumbling occur, causing the junk pile to collapse, and Steven and Steven Jr. to fall off it. In the small fall Steven now had possession of the Heaven Beetle.
"I got it!" He calls out to Y/n.
"Good job." Y/n says to him.
Steven Jr. approaches and attempts to eat it again.
"No! B-bad goat! You're no son of mine!" Steven says holding it away from him.
Several giant arms start penetrating from the ground, frightening and startling Y/n, Steven and Steven Jr., as they try to flee.
"What's going on?!" Steven asks worried. An arm grabs Steven Jr pulling him away.
"It's going to be okay Steven!" Y/n says before he is suddenly grabbed and pulled away like the goat before.
"Y/n! Steven Jr!" Steven cries before he gets grabbed and pulled away.
Outside, a mysterious giant woman pulls Steven and Y/n out of the giant bird monster and leaps off. The giant bird monster and it starts dissolving, revealing several Gem Shards. The giant woman lands into the lake, carrying Steven and Y/n in her arms.
"Are you...Opal?" Y/n asks unsure.
Opal looks on, as the Gems shards transform into the smaller bird monsters and start attacking her and Steven. Opal slides down the spiraling passage and jumps across the broken pass to safe ground. She then gently puts Y/n and Steven down.
"Stay low." She calmly tells the two before walking in front of them and summons what appeared to be both Amethyst's whip and Pearl's spear, and combines them into a large bow. She draws back the bow, generating an energy arrow and fires it at the flock of bird monsters. It destroys the bird monsters, turning them back into Gem shards, and bubbles every single of them. Y/n slowly gets up as he looks up at Opal but doesn't know what to say as he tries to process that this is most likely the result of the fusion Steven had been so desperate to see all day.
"It can take some getting used too." Opal says seemingly understanding Y/n who was still taking it all in and he just nods not saying a word.
Opal then turns back to Steven who was staring in awe and silence. Opal offers her hand and Steven takes her hand and stands up.
"Uh... do you... know who we are?" Steven asks nervously.
Opal chuckles a little amused and starts to sing. All you wanna do, is see me turn into...
Steven happily gasps. "A giant woman!"
Opal, Y/n and Steven warp back to the Beach House. Garnet has already returned and is drying her hair.
"We're back!" Steven cries.
"The Heaven Beetle." Garnet says and Opal gasps.
"I don't have it." Opal says and she begins to deform and split back into Amethyst and Pearl.
"Amethyst! You got distracted!" Pearl cries.
"Hey! You were the one getting carried away with all those fancy backflips!" Amethyst says back.
"Wait a sec!" Steven cries as he takes out the Heaven Beetle from his pocket. "I've got the beetle!"
"Good job, Steven." Garnet says and she takes the Heaven Beetle, places it in a small terrarium with the Earth Beetle, and bubbles it. "I also see you and Y/n helped your teammates fuse.
Amethyst and Pearl stare in surprise at each other.
"And all we had to do was get eaten by a bird."
"Nice work, you'll be great at fusing one day." She tells Steven before she walks off.
"Yeah..." Steven says as Y/n's brow raises and Steven realises what Garnet had just said. "Wait! I can do that too?!" Steven cries in surprise as he hurries after Garnet to ask her.
"I need a shower." Y/n shudders despite being clean as he steps off the warp pad now.
Pearl however clears her throat now getting Y/n's attention as he turns to her and Amethyst.
"Y/n, Amethyst and I had a discussion while we were fused as Opal." Pearl begins.
"You had a conversation as...Opal?" Y/n asks not understanding.
- End806 Chapters
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Empires rise and fall on the Yulan Continent. Saints, immortal beings of unimaginable power, battle using spells and swords, leaving swathes of destruction in their wake. Magical beasts rule the mountains, where the brave – or the foolish – go to test their strength. Even the mighty can fall, feasted on by those stronger. The strong live like royalty; the weak strive to survive another day. This is the world which Linley is born into. Raised in the small town of Wushan, Linley is a scion of the Baruch clan, the clan of the once-legendary Dragonblood Warriors. Their fame once shook the world, but the clan is now so decrepit that even the heirlooms of the clan have been sold off. Tasked with reclaiming the lost glory of his clan, Linley will go through countless trials and tribulations, making powerful friends but also deadly enemies. Come witness a new legend in the making.
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"𝘼𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙖 𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙢𝙏𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙪𝙥 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙙 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧,𝙗𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙞𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤"• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • In which a human girl had her heart torn in two, not wanting to face her ex boyfriend and his new 'girlfriend' Estelle Campbell leaves the small town of Forks only to find herself in Italy. Volterra where she becomes a student at the school of arts.Little did she know three mysterious men were about to change her life forever....
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