《*Gay Panic*/Billie Eilish x Reader》A New Beginning! Almost Chapter 13


Recap on how my life is slowly killing me:

*Shit is hitting the fan real quick. So much is happening. Only a few weeks ago I was at home, living with my messed up parents, an amazing sister that can be an ass, had a fake friend, and didn't even know who Billie was!

Once I found out about her, I started researching and knew a lot about her and listen to music by her. Sarah asked if I could sing wish you were gay, secretly recorded it and uploaded it on Instagram where Billie found it and liked and shit. I messaged her, she happened to find me interesting, and we swapped numbers. Talked for quite a few and no knew. Until she asked me to go to the fucking party that changed a lot of stuff for me. I think my parents still don't know, but my sister does. I had to tell her, surprisingly she kept her big mouth shut.

But things have obviously changed. I'm no longer friends with Grayson because of how nasty of a person he is. I learned that Rich and him were dating, but Grayson broke his heart. Billie and Q have a messed

up thing going. Kissed her right in front of me, and she only stayed because he might have hurt her if she didn't.

I've been called a dyke and other names. And most likely when I go back home I'll be questioned on

where I was. Maybe even be outed to my parents, who knows. My luck loves to play around with my life it's hard to focus on one problem, because they keep coming at me before I could process anything. And oh yeah,

And I thought life couldn't get any worse but here we are. Soakin' it up.*


Now back to your original broadcasting:

I woke up to Rich slightly nudging me,

"What?" I said, "Wake up morning breath we have to go." He replied.

"Shit. Give me five, okay?" I asked. "Okie dokie" He said leaving me.

I looked next to me and saw no one there. Billie must have left, with out saying goodbye?

I took my phone and saw that it was 6:30 am. Since I only have five minutes I quickly change in the bathroom and do what normal people do to get ready, brush teeth, brush hair, put on deodorant, the normal stuff.

When I go out out of the bathroom Rich was already there with my bags. I thanked him and grabbed my shit.

Only a suitcase and backpack, nothing special really. I checked one more time for my phone, keys, and headphones. And yes, they were still in my pocket.

When I was walking out the door

I seen Eli holding his head, with a water bottle in one hand. I put my hand on his shoulder,

"You're gonna be fine killer, just keep drinking water." I say trying not to laugh, "Yeah yeah. The only thing they couldn't stop me from doing is flirting with those fiiine ladies last night." He joked, "Okay can we

stop talking about what you did last night" Rich cut in, "Because we all know you can't get any even if you tried!" He joked too. I laughed at him, and high five Rich. "Oh shut up!" Eli said walking away. "Come on!

I was only joking E!" Rich laughed at Eli, then he looked to me. "Oh right! Here, it's from Billie."

I took the paper he was holding, he nodded and walked away to get Eli. I opened the paper and it said.


Dear y/n,

I know things have been going south lately. Rich told me everything, well what he knew. And I just

want to say that, I am sorry for putting you through all of this. Me and Q barely speak, but when we do, we just...never mind. But I know that Q kissed me.

I wanted to kiss you, and we did. I told I loved you and you said it back.

I mean everything I say, and I do love you. And I do want to kiss you....but

I really don't know what to feel, I am straight. But I feelings for you.

And I definitely know that, if we did become something that I wouldn't be able to talk about it publicly. Also a lot of people I know would never

look at me the same way and push me out of there lives. So I'm only doing this to make both of our lives better.

I have to say goodbye to this. We have to say goodbye to "us". Trust me I hate to do this, but

your family would kill me, and my management would not let me say anything. So I have to let you go. It was fun, exiting, and new. I felt like I could be real with you. But I have to go,

Goodbye y/n, I'm so sorry.



I didn't know that I could be so hurt. Through all the terrible things, this is what makes me fall apart completely. Make me feel like I lost so much, so soon. Yeah, I was right. Its stupid falling for a fucking straight girl, who had to say goodbye to me because of the shit show we would be in. Didn't give it any other chance, just left it. Fuck. Fuck! My life was so bad here, and I thought it really reeaallyy couldn't get any worse. I thought I would have died after this.

I feel like it, but I'm not. What did I do so wrong to make me have to go through ALL of this. I just, wow ok this actually

happened. Im actually dead inside this time. She sucked all happiness out of me.

"Hey Y/n! Are you coming?" Rich yelled, I stood there for a moment.

"Yeah I'll be there, hold on!" I faked smiled. He looked at me funny, then nodded.

I shoved the note of death in my jacket pocket and started walking towards my boys, and the Uber Rich got.

To the airport, and start of something new. No fake friends, no straight celebrity girl. Just me, my ukulele, my boys, and sister. That's all I got, and I'm not a sad at all about it. Fuck you life, I'm winning this battle.

Bring on the tornadoes, I'm ready this time.


I just want to thank you guys for the

support. And this is NOT the end for you and Billie.

Or this story. So stick around and I hope you enjoy. Love you the most!


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