《Different》Chapter 21


"Why the fuck aren't you answering my texts?" He growls, then looks at my hand, where my phone is. "Oh so you're ignoring me?" he adds, clenching his fists. I quickly shake my head, knowing what this looks like.

"I-I was sleeping. I just woke up and wanted to answer your texts but you came in," I stutter, scared a bit. I never know what he'll do. Is he going to forgive me? Ignore me? You never know.

"Sure you were," he hisses back at me, clearly not believing me. I should hold him. It may help? I awkwardly stand up and walk up to him.

"What do I have to do, for you to believe me?" I whisper, holding his hand. I don't know what I've ever done, for him to not believe me. It kind of hurts, even though we haven't known eachother for long.

"Don't lie to me, Em," he snaps, jerking away my hand. His eyes are reflecting anger. He steps back and crosses his arms on his chest.

Okay so he's mad at me for practically, sleeping.

"And what do you think I was doing?" I ask, slightly annoyed by his behaviour. "You think I was with a guy? In your apartment? You know, I'm stupid, but not that stupid," I add. When I mentioned the guy thing his jaw clenched and so did his fists.

"I don't know! Maybe hoe-ing around with that Dean of yours on the phone!" He yells at me. I feel as if he punched me in the stomach.


When I walk up to my locker, there's a lot written on it. When I step closer to look at the writings, a girl behind me says, "what a slut," I turn around and she gives me a dirty look.

I look at the writings on the locker.








I try to keep on reading but I run away, crying. I lock myself in the toilets.

Were they right? Does everyone think that way of me? If Luke thinks that way of me, I shouldn't be here. He's probably thinking that because I slept with him. We didn't do anything but still. I bet the entire school knows about it already. They're talking about me already. I know they are. It was a mistake staying here. I should leave.

"Actually, I was writing you an apology," I turn on my phone, showing him my half-complete text, "but yeah, sure I was being a hoe with Dean. I was like that the entire time. You know what, just because you are like that and so are all the girls you were fucking with, like that, it doesn't mean everyone is a whore." And with that a tear falls down my cheek. I run to Luke's guest room, where I'm staying, to get all of my things. I don't really know where I'm going, but anywhere is better than here.

When I push Luke's shoulder with mine, going past him, he grabs my arm. I'm so angry that I jerk it away and go to the room.

To hell with guys. I swear, I'm becoming a lesbian after this.

I quickly pack everything in my suitcase and grab it, leaving. As I walk to the hallway, Luke's still standing there, looking at me. I wait for a few seconds.





He's not asking you, nor doing anything for you to stay. Just leave.

And with that, I sigh, leaving through the door. I should've known it was going to be like this. I don't even know why I care so much. I've known him for a couple of weeks. I'm so pathetic, it's getting sad.

As I walk around, with a suitcase, I think about where I could stay. There's a motel here somewhere. I just have to find it.

After 20 minutes of walking (I'm pretty sure someone stole something from me), I finally find it. Sighing out of relief, I walk to reception. I get a room with one bed for two days.

When I unlock it, there are two beds in it. I'm pretty sure, the receptionist gave me a wrong room key. I don't honestly care enough to bother going back, so I just lay on one of the beds.

After 10 minutes, I'm already bored out of my mind, so I decide on calling Jack.

"Hi-" "Jack, come over I'll text you the address," I interrupt him.

"Wow, eager to see me huh?" I can hear the smirk in his voice. I roll my eyes, smiling.

"Sure Jack. I'll text you. Thanks, love you," I hang up, before he can resist my offer. Well it was more like an order, but okay. We don't have to talk about that. The important thing here is, that he's coming.

Jack really is the best. I know I say that a lot but it's true! I can not thank fate more for meeting him, or whatever made that happen. He's always here for me, no matter what. He truly is the best friend I could ever wish for.

And I know, I don't hang out with V that much. But that's only because, she's with Dylan all the time. Jack is single and free most of the time, which I don't understand. How can a guy like him be single? Honestly, he's the type of guy I, personally, would date. He's nice, goofy, loving, good loking, caring and reliable. In one word: awesome.

Sometimes I wish, Luke would be more like Jack. Of course I'd never say it out loud, but I think about it. I think about how it would be, if Luke was not such an asshole at times. I don't mind his dirtiness and playfulness. Hell, I love it. He's just a bit too angry all the time. I can't judge him though. I don't know what his childhood was like. What his background's like.

As I think about everything, I hear a knock on my door. I quickly jump on my feet and run to the enterance, opening the door.

Jack's standing there. I jump on him, hugging him. "I love it, how you like to hump me," he winks and I slap him, laughing. I let him in, out of the cold

"What's wrong?" He immediately says when he sees my expression on my face. I was never good at making a poker face so I don't even try to hide my sadness. Literally, when you see me, you'll know in what kind of mood I am.

I tell him everything. The conversation ends with him, being angry, clenching his fists and jaw with a scowl.

"He called you a hoe?" He says the last part with disgust in his voice. I grab his shoulders to calm him down, "not really, but something like that," I shrug, "calm down Jack, it's no big deal," I smile but he doesn't look convinced at all. Damn it. I need to start working on my poker face.


"Hell no," he growls, "no one will talk to my best friend like that," he gets up, walking towards the door. Please don't tell me he'll try to find Luke and get into a fight. I can't take it anymore.

"Where are you going?" I quickly follow him.

"I'm going to teach your little boyfriend a lession," he turns around to look at me and I whine.

"Come onn Jack, let's just stay here and hang out, I'm okay, really," I suggest and he calms down a bit, so I continue, " and we can tell eachother funny stories and laugh, we could have a pillow fight. That would make me feel a lot better," I smile and a faint smirk paints on his face.

"Did you just say... PILLOW FIGHT?" He yells and throws me on the bed, attacking me with a pillow. I scream, laughing, trying to get him off of me.

There's my old Jack!

As we laugh and scream there's a knock at the door. We both go silent. The knock is heard again. I slowly get up, opening the door.

"Miss is there anything wrong? I heard some screams and I thought I should check out, what's happening," an older man's standing in front of the door. I feel relief but also disappointment. I'm happy it's not Luke, but I kind of wanted him to come. I thought he'd come her and apologize or something. Of course he wouldn't do that. I'm so stupid.

I eye at a matte black car, that wasn't there before. It belongs to a person who's staying here! Stop imagining things. That car may be looking very expensive but that doesn't mean it's him. He isn't the only person with money in this town.

"Everything is great," I quickly smile at him, "thanks for checking in," he nods and looks at my hair, "well I won't keep you lovebirds from having fun," he winks and leaves.

I close the door and run to the bathroom and look at my hair. It's practically sex hair! I look at Jack's hair and his is no better than mine.

Okay, this must have looked wrong. Now I understand the wink and blush creeps up on my cheeks.

"Why are you blushing? What did he say to you? Is he your secret sugar daddy?" Jack lifts an eyebrow at me, smirking.

"No! Ew! Well because our hair is so messed up he thought we were doing something," I laugh and so does Jack.

He murmurs something underneath his breath, I couldn't hear it but he smiles. "Let's watch some movies!" He quickly says when he notices I'm trying to find out what he said.

"I don't have any and I doubt the TV has Netflix on it," I shrug and sit on the bed. Although a movie doesn't sound bad.

"I have a laptop with movies in my car," he jumps and runs outside before I could ask him why does he have his laptop with him.

Before I know it, he's already back with a laptop in his arms. Of course he didn't close the door, so I get up and close it. I eye the car once more before closing it.

"What should we watch?" Jack sits on the bed, his legs crossed. He tilts his head, waiting for my answer. I put a finger on my chin, pretending to think hard.

"The Lord of the Rings!" I exclaim, jumping on the bed next to him. He downloads the movie and presses play but I quickly stop the movie.

"Popcorn," I look at him with puppy eyes and he sighs, "you're lucky I'm happy to be spending time with you," he rolls his eyes and we go to his car, to drive to the grocery store.

I notice that the car is gone. This is strange.

As we get popcorn and coke and some more junk food we get back. We instantly get on with watching the movie.

Approximately three hours later, the movie ends. "I don't know about you, but I'm tired. Jack says and I look at the clock. 12am.

"I guess I'll be going home now," he smiles, taking the laptop into his arms and gets up.

I frown at him and he stops. "What's wrong Emmy?" He puts the laptop down and steps closer to me, smiling innocently. That's new. He's usually the pervy one.

"Well I thought, you'd stay here, since I'm all alone. But it's fine, really. Go back to your dorm," I smile at him and I see a spark in his eyes but it quickly disappears. He smiles widely, "of course I'll stay here," I hug him, thanking him.

See? I told you he's the best!

"Ahhh Jackie I love you so much," I squeeze him and he coughs, laughing. I let him go, smiling and he replies, "I love you too Emmy," and he hugs me even tighter, making me choke.

This could be our thing. The suffocating while hugging. It's stupid but so are we!

"Here, since you enjoy so much at choking me," he says, smirking when he lets me out of the hug.

Anddd the pervy Jack is back.

"So you'll let me sleep, cuddled next to you right," he winks and I slap him, pointing at the other bed, "you'll be sleeping there," I laugh and he sighs.

"Can't blame a guy for trying," he jokes, plopping himself on the bed and starts fake snoring.

I throw a pillow in his head and he quickly looks up at me, "you really want me to choke you with a pillow?" He smirks and I quickly shake my head.

"I could choke you with something else though," he winks and snorts, making me gasp. I blush and he laughs at me, "I'm joking Emmy, don't get ahead of yourself," he smirks and I throw another pillow at him.

Shit. I dont have any pillows left for me.

"Thank you for all the pillows," he says, hugging them.

"Oh, you little bitch," I narrow my eyes at him, jumping on him but he hugs me, turning us around so he's on top of me now.

"What 'cha gon' do now?" He smirks, while hovering over me.


Ahh hope you liked this chapter! Its more of an emma-jack chapter. I absolutely love him! Isnt he just the sweetest?

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