《Different》Chapter 20



You were temptingly beautiful

But stung when I got close.



I walk into the living room and sit on the couch, starting to think.

There must be something more to the story. I've never seen him this angry. Even when he was punching all those guys. Never.

Then a thought enters my head:

Is his dad like my Aarya? Is he-

Oh god.

But then the more reasonable part of me spoke:

He probably just had a fight with his dad. That's it. You're overreacting.

He's talked about his dad before. So he couldn't possibly be..

Luke enters the room, interrupting my thoughts. He passes by me, without saying a word. It looks as if he's looking for something, which he found a few seconds later - car keys.

"Where are you going?" I quickly stand up, following him to the door. He doesn't answer so I repeat my question. He's quiet so I put my hand on his shoulder, making him flinch a bit. I step in front of him, trying to meet his eyes, but he's just looking at his feet. I grab his chin, lifting his head up. His eyes are full of pain and sadness. It hurts me to see him this way.

"Where are you going, Luke?" I repeat, softly but he jerks my hand away, "none of your business," he walks past me, through the door, leaving me there, wondering what I did.

I sigh and go back to the soft, comfy couch and plop my butt on it. When I turn on the plasma TV I get a call. It's V. She must be wondering where I went.

I turn down the volume on the TV and pick up the phone, "hi-" "girl where the fuck are you?" She cuts me off and I hold back a laugh. She's so protective and worrying.

"I'm at Luke's," I mentally prepare myself for the outburst of squeaking and questions. Here it goes Emma, you got it.

"WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE? ARE YOU TWO FUCKING? ARE YOU THING? OH MY GOD MY SHIP HAS SAILED! HOW? Tell me everything!" She screams into the phone, making me move my phone away from my ear. She's way to hyped.

"Nothing happened. I was suspended and I can't be at our dorm, so he offered me to sleep in his apartment. And NO we aren't sleeping in the same bed," I sigh and lay down on the gigantic couch. I need this couch in my life.

"You were suspended because of Nicki?" She's angry. I have to calm her down before she jumps Nicki.

"It's fine really," I try to calm her down and in my surprise she isn't that mad, "I'd be much angrier if you weren't staying with Luke because of that," oh. That's why.

"Well I need some rest. I'll text you later," I promise and hang up.

I turn the volume up on the TV and start watching a random horror movie. It wasn't scary at all. The effects were funny and so was the alleged 'ghost'. When the movie ends, it's almost time for my shift, so I get up and go to my room, to get dressed. Im standing in front of it, when I remember, that I'm not working today. I mentally slap myself and go back to the couch.


I sigh, turning on the TV, putting on some music. I decide to clean the place up a bit. While walking up to the kitchen, I look at the mess he's made. I don't know when it was the last time he cleaned the place up. With the amount of money he has, a person would think he has a maid.

"I guess I'm starting here," I sigh to myself and put the dishes into the dishwasher. Then I mostly wipe everything clean, put everything into its place and vacuum the place.

After cleaning his bug kitchen and living room, I decide to take a break. I go to my room and look for a book, for me to read. There isn't any.

Should I look in his room?

Emma this isn't a good idea-

I push all of my reasoning aside, stepping into his room. No snooping around, just find a book and leave. I look on his desk. Nothing. Then I see a book on his nightstand, but it's locked. I grab it and look at it. It looks like a journal/diary. I shouldn't be looking into this. It's his privacy. Besides, the key isn't here, so there's no point.

I put the journal where I found it and look at the shelves. I finally see a book. The cover is ripped. I shrug and take it. Before leaving the room, I open the book.

Dedicated to my only son, Luke Jones. Don't ever let the happiness leave your side.

Signed: Adam Jones

Is this his father? I shouldn't read this. I quickly put it back and leave the room. Sighing, I lay myself on the couch and before I know it, I'm drifting off to sleep.

I hear sounds of footsteps, making me wake up. It's completely black and a dark figure is standing next to the couch, making me scream. The person puts their hand over my mouth.


That's it.

I'm dead.

It was fun while it lasted.

Goodbye cruel world.

"Shhhh. Are you crazy?" He yells, whispering.

Oh it's Luke, "Don't scare me like that ever again!" I freak out at him. "What's the time?" I look around and he just hushes me and tells me to go back to sleep.

He kisses my forehead and leaves, to take a shower. Meanwhile, I turn on my phone, to check the time.

12:34 AM

What the freak was he doing until now? I'll interrogate him tomorrow. I'm too tired right now, to have a fight. I lay myself down again, waiting for Luke to come out of the shower. It takes him a while, but he finally shows up.

He goes to the kitchen, turning a small light on, when he sees me. "You're still awake?" He lifts his eyebrow and I nod. He sits on the couch, next to me and I realize he's in his shorts only, making me blush. Water droplets, dripping down on his chest aren't making the situation any better for me. I get up, seating myself next to him. He looks kind of sad.. Not kind of sad.. He looks depressing.

"Are you okay?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Wanna talk about it?" He shakes his head again and I hug him tightly and he does the same. I know that the fact that he's wet should bother me but it really doesn't.


"It's okay," I whisper, hugging him. I don't really know if it's okay. But it's something people say to people while comforting them, so why not? I was never good at this stuff.

He sobs once into my neck and moves his head away. "Thank you," he whispers and I nod, tracing the scar on his cheek with my thumb.

He cups my head with both of his hands, kissing me slowly. The fire already burning inside of me, feels as if someone poured gasoline on it. We move in a slow, passionate tempo. I can feel the salt on my lips. Is he crying? I don't stop kissing him, knowing it calms him down. Kind of. At least it distracts him. It was a sad, sad kiss.

As he moves away, his eyes are red. I hug him, pulling his head to my chest and he sobs into my shirt. I don't really mind. I run my fingers through his still wet hair, kissing him on his head.

"Come here," I say, moving away so he can lay beside me. At first, he looks at me weirdly, but still lays down. He grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. We stay like that for a while. Then he climbs on top of me, laying his head on my chest, hugging me. I unconsciously smile and run my fingers through his hair, playing with it, until sleep takes over.

"Yo dude I'm sick of waiting for you all the time-" "oh" I wake up and look at the guy standing next to the couch. When I see Luke on top of me, I push him off quickly, so he falls on the floor. Realizing what I did, I quickly get up, apologizing. He scowls, "damn I wouldn't have slept next to you if I knew you were gonna be like that," he rubs his head and stand up.

"Well damn Jones, I see you got what you wanted," a guy our age looks at me and Luke, and winks, making Luke scowl.

I just realized he's wearing a necklace with a key on it. Is it the one that belongs to the journal?

"Why the fuck are you here Dylan?" Luke rolls his eyes.


So this must be Vanessa's boyfriend. He is quite good looking, I must say. His brown hair is a bit curly. Just imagine Harry Styles's haircut. On the second thought, he reminds me of him. Dylan has dimples too!

"Well maybe because we agreed to meet at school but our mister was nowhere to be found. Now I see why," he sighs, leaning his hand on the wall.

"Wait what day is it?" Luke suddenly freaks out. He jumps on his feet and almost sprints to the bathroom when Dylan said that it's Thursday. What's so special about Thursday?

"Why the fuck didn't you come sooner?" He murmurs with a toothbrush in his mouth. He's pacing around the place.

"Okay I guess I'm the only one that doesn't know what's happening so care to explain?" I put my hands on my hips. Luke just leaves the room and Dylan is standing next to the wall, awkwardly whistling.

"So?" I raise an eyebrow at Dylan but he just gets his phone out of his pocket and starts scrolling through Instagram. I'm so close to freaking out. I hate being left in the dark. After a few seconds Dylan looks up at me, "you know sweetheart, sometimes you're better off not knowing some things," he returns his gaze to his phone.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? And that is so not true! It's much better knowing everything. Knowing I won't get anything out of him, I sit on the couch and turn on the TV.

"Awh sweetheart, don't be like that," Dylan says, referring to my pouting. He seats himself next to me and looks at me with a goofy lopsided smile, "cheer up! At least you'll have the apartment for yourself for the most of the day," he winks and gets up, as Luke walks into the living room.

"Ready?" Luke looks at Dylan, who nods and then looks back at me, "I won't be back until 4, so go and do something," he smiles. "Just, not with Dean," he adds, his expression hardening. I nod and he kisses me on my forehead.

"Text me later, to let me know where and with who you'll be," he says and leaves with Dylan.

As they leave, I go to the kitchen, to make myself some coffee. There's a calendar hanging on the wall, so I check what day it is.

"The ski trip is next week?" I say to myself. Wow the time has passed quickly. I need to pack, when I'll be able to go to my dorm again. I put some water to boil and start thinking about things, I could do today.

As I drink my coffee, I finally think of what I should do today. I end up going back to sleep.

Yeah I know, I'm lazy.

I get woken up by my phone buzzing. I blink a few times and get up, to check what's it buzzing for.

139 texts from Luke and it's only 12pm.

Shit I forgot to text him. I open the chat and see multiple question marks and 'where are you' texts. As I start writing a reply, the door slams open, making me jump. A few seconds later, Luke is standing in the living room. And oh boy, is he angry.


I really like how Luke is comfortable enough with Emma to cry next to her. This makes it one of my favourite chapters :)

Vote and comment if you liked it!

And yeah my back still hurts :(

Love ya!

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