《A Little Intelligence Never Hurt anybody》Chapter 5
"And then, the man almost disintegrated Tsu-chan!"
"Really now?"
"But it's okay! Because I saved her from the villain!"
"Is that so?"
"And then- Satoshi-Kun are you even listening!?"
"Of course I am, you were attacked at the USJ and saved a girl from a villain." Said Izuku, reciting the things Bakugo had told him about the incident.
"Hey, Kacchan."
"Heard your class got attacked by some villains at the USJ, you good?"
"Of course, who do you think I am!?"
"Just making sure...... it would suck if you died, you know that..?"
"Yeah, yeah..."
"Now then," He opened the door for his all-but-in-name sister. "We should get going, you don't wanna be late now."
"A-ah, yeah!"
Izuku stood, staring at a bunch of students blocking the entrance to class 1-A's door. Something about how they shouldn't be cocky they got attacked by villains or something stupid like that.
He saw Shinso about to walk through the crowd and grabbed him by the shoulder, the boy looked to see Izuku shaking his head and placing a finger to his lips then point with his thumb to the cafeteria, getting the message, Shinso nodded and walked away with Izuku.
"Hatsume, where is your food..?"
"Right here!" She said confidently, pulling out an energy bar. "This little thing is all I need for nutrition!"
"No, absolutely not." Said Izuku, taking the bar out of Hatsume's hands and sliding over his tray of katsudon. "Eat."
"You sure hotshot? Isn't katsudon your fav-"
"I will not allow you to have just energy bars for the entire year, it isn't healthy, now... eat."
The other two at the table looked to each other, then to Izuku, then to each other again. "This is definitely the 'dere' part of 'tsundere'." Said Hatsume. "Definitely." Agreed Shinso with a hand under his chin.
"Shut up!"
There Izuku stood after Bakugo's 'speech' if that's what you wanna call it. Hatsume was decked out in support gear, and he looked towards Shinso, said boy locked eyes with him and gave Izuku a thumbs up, they were ready.
The first round was an obstacle course and the loud voice of the pro hero Present Mic sounded off. START
Many students rushed forward while Izuku stood still and concentrated. "Deep breath..... just focus annnnd.... release!"
And he lunged forward, passing the rest in one fell swoop!
"What the hell was that!?"
"No idea, but my body feels weird!"
"H-hey, it's that guy!"
The students looked forward and saw multiple robots twitching, sparks of electricity jumping off them.
Izuku is seen ripping into a robot's weak spot and pulling out things like wires and the metal workings of the inside. "Incredible work Power Loader-Sensei," the boy muttered to himself. "With this, I'll be able to work a little better with my own robot.." and with that he crushed the inner workings like a heart, this action caused Power Loader to wince back in the teacher stands.
Izuku smirked and looked to the huge robots coming towards him, he had heard one of the students call it the 0 pointer that hero students had to fight, laughing when one of them tried to slam it's hand down on him, he touched it's finger and used the main ability of his quirk....
Bakugo was having a relatively easy time with the obstacle course so far, passing the extras with ease, then she heard it.
And suddenly, a large flash of blinding light passed her in a second. She felt as if something just sparkled against her nervous system, causing her to shiver.
Looking up she saw Izuku, the top of his U.A track uniform was tied around his waist, showing his well built athlete-like body.
He wore a skin-tight black tanktop with a collar, reminiscent of a blonde villain from a show the two watched as kids, he also had.... skin-tight opera gloves??
She then saw him look up at one of the 0 pointers she had seen in the entrance exam, she was about to call out to him, then stopped as he touched the huge robot's finger and disappeared, Bakugo suddenly remembered the workings of Izuku's quirk....
"Oh shit...."
The loud hero call out.
One of the 0 pointers lurched backwards and started moving independently, heading for the next obstacle.
A dark haired gruff man sitting next to the shouting hero watched the 0 pointer with narrowed eyes, he's never seen such a quirk before, electric quirks were rare and in high enough demand as is, he was lucky to even have two in his class, and now there's another one?
'This is amazing!' Thought Izuku, being inside the thing that caused the hero students such distress was so much fun it felt like cheating!
Hearing the popping of explosions and the zipping of wire informed him that both Hatsume and Bakugo were fast approaching. Sure enough, the clanking of boot against metal told him all he needed to know.
And that. Chuckling to himself, lzuku sent a small spark to Hatsume, the electricity going up her spine caused the pink mechanic to giggle. She looked down at the screen on her forearm.
"Shall we take this baby for a spin?"
This caused Hatsume to start cackling dangerously before turning into full-blown laughter.
Izuku happily placed himself in 5th place to erase any chance of Present Mic announcing his name and ruining the surprise.
Now they're doing a cavalry battle and since he was placed high, many students pestered him to join ranks. That was, of course, before he felt someone grab him by the jacket tied to his waist and drag him away. "My, my, Kacchan. If you keep pulling me away from people to spend time with you, I'll get wrong idea you know?"
"Shut up, Dekiru.." Said girl grumbled with a flush face.
"Alright, alright," Izuku analyzed anyone close. "So what's the plan?"
"That's where you come in," Bakugo started. "You're a nerd, so you should have a way better plan than me."
"Alrighty then. Firstly, we'll need Hatsume."
"That crazy pink girl?" Bakugo asked. "The very same." Izuku nodded, and like the devil, Hatsume appeared. "Heeeyyy, hotshot!" The girl called out, rocketing towards Izuku and latching onto him, Bakugo growled.
"Hatsume! You're here, perfect." Izuku started, holding onto her so she didn't fall. "We'll need your babies to win this."
"Heheh, leave it to me!"
"Now what?"
"Now, we'll enlist in the help of a certain little insomniac.."
"Good job everybody, we did good!" Izuku called out, all but one of his teammates standing. "But we didn't get the 10 million..." Grumbles Bakugo quietly, the girl was crouching low to the ground with her face covered in shadows. Sighing Izuku walked up to the bitter girl and lifted her up like a cat. "Alright, let's get you something to eat."
"O-oi! P-put me down, you idiot!"
"Not before we get you some food."
The other half of the team watched as they walked away. "Two tsunderes?" Asked the pink mechanic. "Two tsunderes." Nodded the lavender insomniac.
Noonday break being over, the last remaining students head out to hear the information on the final event revealing that 1-A's girls are all wearing cheerleader uniforms.
"Goddammit you two!" Shouted a curvaceous raven haired girl with a large bang over the right side of her face. "You tricked us!"
"How'd I let myself get fooled by Mineta's stupid prank..." The girl muttered, kneeling on the ground in shame while a brunette placed a comforting hand on her back.
"Those idiots.." cursed a patite purple haired girl, slamming her pom-pom on the ground. "Still time before the main event, no sense in sitting around!" An invisible girl said, waving her hands around with a pom-pom in each.
"I can't believe you extras got me to wear this stupid thing." Bakugo growled crossing her arms.
"Oooh, but I think it looks quite good on you, Kacchan~."
Bakugo's head snapped to the voice's direction and the other girls followed her gaze to see.... someone unfamiliar to all but one.
A young black haired man with brilliant electric blue eyes which glint in mischief. A hand lifted up just enough to cover his lower face, causing them to notice he was wearing what appeared to be black opera gloves, the middle and index fingers being a glowing yellow and there were glowing paw pads on the rest of his fingers. "What I wouldn't give to have you around, cheering me on while I-"
He never got to finish that sentence, as a pom-pom was thrown into his face by a blushing blonde. "Shut up, will you!?"
The boy let out an alluring chuckle, which caused the girls to blush. "Alright, alright... I wasn't lying though, it does look excellent on you." He said, taking Bakugo's hands into his.
"But if it bothers you so much, here."
The girls watched as he untied the track top from his waist and put it around Bakugo's shoulders. "Is this better?" His eyes had all but lost that mischief it had before, seeing as Bakugo wouldn't meet his gaze, he placed his forehead against her own, the blush on her face only grew hotter. The two seemed to be talking to each other but it was so quiet only the purple haired girl could hear.
"T-thank you, Izuku."
"You're welcome, Katsuki."
And with that little exchange, he left. The rest of the 1-A girls could only look to Bakugo for questions, though it seemed she was off in her own little world at the moment, clutching the jacket around her a little tighter.
"Bakugo, what was that??" Said girl was knocked out of her thoughts, looking to the side revealed a girl with pink skin and a knowing smirk. "N-nothing! It was nothing!"
"It didn't sound like nothing." Said the purple haired girl, twirling one of the headphone jacks attached to her ear around a finger. "Yeah, well no one asked you!"
A golden blonde watched her friends badger Bakugo with questions about who the black haired boy was, her emerald green eyes stared at the back of said boy, talking with that pink haired girl and a tired looking boy with lavender hair, a new person, she supposed.
'I've never seen Satoshi-Kun act like that before,' she thought, watching as the colour duo each hooked an arm around the sapphire eyed raven and leaned closer together inwardly, a group huddle. 'I didn't know him and Kat were so close, he said she looked good, amazing even...'
'He didn't say anything to me, he acted like I didn't even exist...' She watched as the raven lifted both his arms behind his friends and brought his fist down, bonking the top of their heads and causing them to let go, hold their heads and hiss in pain.
The gem eyed raven walked a few spaces away from the other two with a flush face, though the two grinned at each other. 'What did they say? Why was Satoshi-Kun so embarrassed? Why do they look so happy even though they're hurt?'
She saw them say something unintelligible that she couldn't hear but the raven spun around with his fist raised up, the other two shot their hands up in mock surrender. The raven's irritated face dropped and his features softened, he started chuckling which caused the other two to laugh as well.
Izuku sat in the waiting room thinking of recent events. The last round of the sports festival was a one v one tournament, Izuna beat a vine haired girl by literally grabbing the vines when thrown at her and sending the poor woman flying out the ring, the famed son of the No.2 hero completely froze a student with a tape quirk.
Shinso made him laugh by striking a pose and asking a blonde boy a question. Suffice to say, it was obvious who was coming out on top. He also laughed when he watched Hatsume make a complete fool out of Ingenium's brother then disqualified herself, and now.. it was his turn.
He was to face a student named Ashido Mina. The name didn't ring any bells but her picture sure did, pink skin, horns, and golden eyes with black sclera. She was the most recognizable person Izuku had ever seen.
Though they didn't fight directly in the cavalry battle, Izuku did see what her quirk was, her body produced acid. Simple though it may seem, it's dangerous to him especially considering his support gear. Coming up with multiple plans to beat her Izuku finally believed he was ready.
'Well that was easier than expected..' Izuku thought blankly, the girl was so caught up in the crowd that he barely had to do anything to catch her unawares and finish the fight.
'And the surprise is ruined too..' The sapphire eyed raven thought, looking to the stands and seeing the wide emerald eyes of the blonde hummingbird, Yagi Izuna. 'Just peachy..'
Izuku sat in silence, those idiots have been trying to approach him even with his disdain clearly viable. So, he stayed in his class stand and watched the matches unfold.
"Hey hotshot.."
Izuku looked to the side and saw Hatsume. "You okay? I know you don't like those guys following you around so I decided to check in." Izuku nodded in gratitude, reassuring the girl that he was fine.
Izuku sighed, now he has to face against Bakugo, winner becomes Izuna's next opponent.
The matches after the first round weren't very interesting to Izuku, though he's sure the civilians would disagree.
A large power struggle between Izuna and the son of Endeavor, another simple win for Shinso against Ingenium's brother, Izuku found his opponent was weak to light and it was easy picking ftom there, Bakugo had blasted a red haired boy away with her explosions.
And now Izuku has to face those very same explosions, shouldn't be too hard..
'Okay, this is hard as all hell!'
He ducked as Bakugo threw an overhand strike, just barely missing his head. Next she went for his side, in response, he used a new support item.
The support item in question are maroon coloured orbs just big enough to hold between two fingers, their ability is to transform into the most suitable thing in the situation for the user. This one was a shield.
Blocking the attack, Izuku reached out to grab Bakugo but she jumped away with an explosion.
"You're coming at me a little strong, Don't tell me you've fallen for me now, did you?" Izuku teased, hopeful to knock the girl off her game, and it worked! A little anyway..
She grit her teeth and blasted forward at remarkable speeds. "Your ass is mine!"
"A little forward, wouldn't you sa-" The explosion to his face cut off the sentence, that first blow lead to another, one more, and another into one big string of explosions.
A large dust cloud covered the arena all around Bakugo. Many thought she had won until a hand shot out of the smokescreen and grabbed her by the collar.
Nice, very nice Kacchan.
The dust cleared to show Izuku in maroon coloured samurai armor, his face was covered by an expressionless mask with a single glowing yellow diamond shaped cut in the middle.
Had I been anyone else you would have won. Though you forget...He explained, tightening his grip and sending a shock to her nervous system. This caused her body to shut down, unconscious. ...I have always been watching you from the sidelines, praising every success in your life, cursing every failure, taking every note, making anything I could.... just to beat- no...
Just to be someone as strong as you..
The audience was silent, no one knew what to do. The boy looked to left at a scantily dressed hero standing on a podium.
"A-ah, right. Bakugo is unable to continue, Yagi Izuku moves to the next round!"
The boy pulled the unconscious Bakugo into a princess carry and walked out the arena, he sighed. How can I be so stupidThe raven asked himself.
He looked down at the peaceful face of the ash blonde.
The loud voice of Present Mic echoed out.
The crowd cheered as the emerald eyed girl walked forward, a nervous look on her face. The audience politely clapped their hands as the black haired inventor walked ahead, his face as cold as the blue in his eyes. START
Izuna charged up her quirk and shot forward with extreme force, Izuku recognized this move immediately. "Such a cheap imitation..." The boy whispered as he moved to the side and used all his strength to clothesline the spoiled girl into the ground.
"If you're going to steal someone's move, don't use it against them." Izuku informed, grabbing the collar of the girl's jacket and throwing her back to her side of the arena, Izuna scrambled back to her feet and lifted both hands up in a defensive boxing position.
Izuku narrowed his eyes and outstretched his hand. Suddenly, Izuna came flying towards him.
"Did you know that electromagnets are just wires with electricity passing through them?" He preformed an axe kick, slamming Izuna back into the ground. He outstretched his hand again, she floated momentarily before he kneed her in the stomach, Izuna could only kneel in pain.
"So just by using my quirk I can make the strongest electromagnets in the world move the ions of objects, giving me the ability to attract and repel whatever I want." Izuku kicked the girl in the face, making her fall back. But before she could do so, he kept her still and jabbed her in the throat, causing the girl to choke and sputter. "In short, I took a note out of your mother's book and achieved telekinesis."
The audience could only watch in silence as he completely outmatched the girl while giving her a lecture.
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I was Bored So I Became The Antagonist In a VR Game
its the year 2042 and Virtual reality has reached new hights. The human race is addictaed to the new game " Expanding stars online" (ESO). Xiler is a 17year old hardcore gammer, who after 3 years of farming and gaming has finally secretly become the strongest force in the game. What will he do next? NOTE FROM ARTHUR Hey I wanted to give writing another try. the last time i wrote one this site I was in school so I had to drop the story, but im hoping I can get through this story. Not very long chapters, maybe give something people can read between while waiting for other books. lol my native language is english but my spelling sucks. so I am very sorry for spelling mistakes, grammer, or a missing word. the last book I did was " lord fear" here on the site. lol I can show you better then i can tell you.
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Don't Come Inside, Okay?
Lars Cromwell just got dumped by his girlfriend of 3 months, apparently because she found someone better. Although the normal man would have been bummed out by this, Lars didn't particularly mind. Because Lars just won the lottery, which meant he was about a billion dollars richer now. And he had one less person to share it with! Even if he was single, at least he was filthy stinking rich! In any case, this is Lars' story. A story that begins just like how many others do. With his death. Join Lars as he reincarnates into another world as his Avatar together with his favorite game's Dungeon and it's NPCs! = This Work is on an indefinite Hiatus. I do not know when I'll get back to this, but I plan to rewrite a bunch of stuff when I do. If you liked this, keep following it so that I can inform you of when I improve this! = Hello, I'm Lire, and this is my 2nd fiction. I recently got into the whole dungeon thing, and thought that I wanted to write one of my own! Chapter Length: 2000+ Words. It can only be more, never less. Chapter Release Schedule: Whenever I can write. I am juggling this with my main Fiction, so yeah... Disclaimer: - Don't expect much statistical growth from the MC. Although I plan for him to refine his techniques and increase his repertoire. - You can guess from the name, but there will not be too much action in the dungeon itself. Plus, the dungeon has been fully built, so not too many things will be added either. The whole idea is to kill potential intruders before they enter the Dungeon. - This will be more like a Kingdom building story, than a Dungeon Building one. MC will try to dominate his surroundings so that he can keep his Dungeon safe. - There will be Slice of life elements, since realistically speaking, events aren't supposed to happen all the time. - This work is inspired, to a certain extent, by Murayama-sama's Overlord Light novel. Minus the 'emotionless' undead MC, and the premise of misunderstandings. The NPCs will also be aware that they were characters in a game, that came to life for some reason, so no need for MC to role-play to pull the wool over the eyes of his own allies. Also, unlike Overlord, there is a chance for the cast of characters to increase through a built-in gacha system(This is not a spoiler, this will literally be explained in the first few chapters.), except that the rates are absolutely abysmal, so it won't happen frequently. Maybe I'll use a poll to decide the next ally? We'll see.
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