《Into You》Chapter Five


Play the song

-2 weeks later : March 20th, 2014-

I was at starbucks waiting for Ashley. She told she had to tell me something important.

Good thing she called. I was really bored to be honest.

I sipped my coffee as I waited for her to come. I saw her sit down infront of me with her cup. She looked worried.

"Hey", she said.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah but you might not be after I tell this"

"What's up"

"Terrance was with another woman last night"

"What? You're lying"

"No I'm not, he was with another woman. Me and Alexis saw him"

"He was at work last night because I dropped him off"


"No, you are trying to ruin my relationship. You are suppose to be one of my bestfriends"

"I'm trying the truth, when have I ever lied to you?"

"I have to go"


"No I really got to go. I have to make lunch because Terrance's parents are coming over"

With that I left and ran to my car. I started it up and drove away.

I can't believe her. Trying to ruin my relationship like that. She knows Terrance would never. She probably saw someone who looked like him.

I pulled in my driveway and saw an unfamiliar grey car. I raised my eyebrow and got out.

I walked into the house and heard some noises coming from upstairs.

My eyes widen and I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the biggest knife I could found.

I walked upstairs and I heard the noises come from our bedroom. I walked to door and tried to open it but it was locked.

I heard the noises stop and it got quiet. The door unlocked and Terrance was shirtless and had on his boxers.

"Hey babe", he looked at me.


I pushed him really hard and saw clothes on the floor but I saw no woman. I walked around the room and I heard breathing in the closet.

I opened and I instantly got red.

It was that bitch Sarah.

I tried to stab her but Terrance grabbed the knife. I shrugged and grabbed her hair.

When I tell you I was whooping her, I was whooping her ass.

"You dumb bitch!", I screamed.

I felt myself being thrown to the other side of the room. I crashed into the mirror and laid there.

I groaned and sat up. I saw Terrance with a shocked look on his face.

I felt blood coming out the back out my head.

"Leah, I didn't mean..", Terrance said.

I got up and looked at him with tears flowing down my face.

"I loved you and you been cheating me this whole time. I hate you and I'm leaving"

I limped downstairs and grabbed my keys. I got back in my car and just drove off.


I was chilling with John. We were playing poker and taking shots.

I heard a knock and then something bang against it. We quickly ran to the door and opened.

I saw Leah laying on the ground and a small puddle of blood behind her head.


"Leah Carter?"

I stood up and walked over to the doctor.

"She is fine, she has a bad headache and we gave her 5 stitches"

I nodded and sighed.

"What is her room?"


I walked to the room and walked in. She was watching tv and she was quiet.

"You okay?", I asked.

She just laid there and didn't saw nothing. I saw tears rolling down her face.


She covered her face. I took off my shoes and climbed in the bed beside her. I held her and she just started breaking down.

"It's okay"

"I let him treat me shit and he throws me into a mirror and he cheated on me"

I sighed and looked down. I knew that nigga was no good man.

"You're going to be okay"

"You promise?"

"I promise"



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